I dont think you guys who call for all these nerfs really care about balance

prove me wrong.

lets nerf the classes who are way too op and call for them to get balanced.

ranged hunter.

theyve already nerfed ele shaman to having no heal sustain at all.

lets see if you guys actually care about balance and actually call for these other 3 classes to get their share of the “fun”.

but alot of you wont.

i get it.

you dont actually care about balance then and shouldnt lie about it anymore then.

i was actually fine with ele/moonkin/pally/hunter all being strong.

if they want to go and gut ele shaman sustain, well i guess i actually care now and want it all to be “balanced”.


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It doesn’t make sense that hybrid classes are top damage output atm. Not at all.
Druid - insta-gib quad damage dots
Paladin - bubble murder spam
Hunter - freezing trap spam

I agree buff ret paladin damage by 30% and extend bubble duration to 20 sec on a 3 min CD tbh


“I don’t think” exclaimed the squidgoat Shaman.

Indeed, it just sort of emotes all over the place.

sure thing.

they nerf 1 class and not nerf the other classes that are op?

nerf moonkin /hunter (ranged) / pallies.

If you yourself were to nerf these classes where would you begin?

hmm thats a good question.

first i would have to actually have full knowledge of the class to actually know but i can make some educated guesses if you like.

edit to add:

well lets start with hunters.

i would say that trap launcher is the cause of alot of imbalance and had a friend say it to me the moment they put it in that it was probably the most op thing they couldve put in game for the hunter.

he was right.

i dont know about outright removing it cause it feels bad to have something and then get it stripped completely from you .

but i would say traps that are launched or even just traps placed in general should have a few second “arming” time where someone watching their screen and seeing the trap being launched could step away from it and not get hit would be a good thing.

their damage from chim /lnl/chim or aimed is too much to be dealt as quickly as they can do it at the largest range of all the classes.

i dont know what i would do about that other than maybe a 5-10% nerf to their “instant” shots. (chim and instant aimed with the sniper training ?? i think it is rune).

on moonkin i would:

revert the dot buff. and lower their ability to effectively tank you while spamming instants (that dont rely on a proc to be instant btw all 3 of them) and take little to no damage at all and also be able to effectively heal anything that does get through.

maybe put improved frenzied regen on the same slot as survival instincts or if improved barksin is a rune maybe put it on the same slot as that (i dont know the druid runes fluently so sue me) .

their ability to stack barkskin with improved frenzied regen as well as survival instincts (which actually buffs the amount healed by a ton) is a problem and if you want to nerf (which they already have ele and enh and ret) heals then this needs to be addressed.

pallies i would probably say:

their ability to go fully immune to every cc/purge/damage source (other than balefire bolt) WHILE ALSO being able to fully truck people in 2 globals is insane (and they get to play an entirely different game than the rest of us for 12 seconds every 5 mins) so i would remove that ability.

while immune the only thing you can do is heal or move. thats it.

either that or a hefty nerf to damage while immune (something along the lines of 70% less damage) .

their tier set seems to be the issue here with the truckload of damage in 2 globals.

some sort of addressing that and coming up with another bonus or something would be in order though as i dont really play paladin i dont know what it could be.

honestly i dont know the solutions to these things.

i do know the problems though and they should be addressed to not be problems anymore.

if they are gonna do it to one they need to be fair and do it to all the outliers.

Everyone is calling for these to get nerfed tho? Your just salty the stealth nerfed your broken class first😂. I play paladin and think they should get some nerfed also.

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Boomy actually needs a couple buffs. They’re uber squishy when regen is down and a free kill unless you’re terrible in pvp.

I can’t count how many times i watch people beating on a boomy with starfall and regen up…

Its like sod pvp’rs are all legit trash cans. Forgetting how to cc and when to cc not even watching cds. SOD is 1000% pve with bad pve kids trying to pvp then crying when they have zero pvp awareness.

tell me, what happens when you dont have a cc /stun/ other affect going against a moonkin?

btw the “but its every 3 mins or 5 mins” argument is bogus. its up 1 time every fight and is up the very next fight cause people have to res /group up/ go back to the base to assault it again.

i know from the wolves cooldown for ele that this is true way more than people think it is as i pretty much have wolves (3 min cooldown) up every single time.

moonkin are all that they said ele was with more range and even better survivability every time they stack the cooldowns (which i think they are no more than 3 mins so refer to my previous statement about them being up every time you assault a base).

honestly i dont know why youre denying this .

Every class in wow has cc/stuns

Enhance is trash at pvp im not sure why you’re still trying to make up some random scenario with a spec you should not be playing.

Feral is dog water in pvp but it beats Enhance… Are you getting the point yet?

You do have wolves which has a stun… Stun the starfall and lol. What you’re doing is probably flame shocking then stunning and breaking your own stun because you pvp awareness is bad.

Guess what bud, boomkins ONLY defense is Frenzy regen and its a 3 min cooldown. See man you’re already learning new things.

this dude doesn’t know the difference between an incap and a stun :rofl::rofl::rofl: classic

rogue player btw


Dude, breathe. Shamans may have gotten a nerf. Pala, Hunter and Druid will most likely get one as well

My honest thoughts as someone playing boomy and pvping the past 3 weeks or so for rank:

Boomy is indeed a little overpowered. I do not think its as egregious as people are saying. We do a lot of damage, and we can do it at range. Starfall is very very strong but it can be interrupted by a large amount of CCs. People tend to let us free cast in the back line in AB but that has significantly reduced in the past week or so and now I am consistently focused by warriors and rogues and getting melted fairly quick once that focus is on me.

Despite that, boomkin is still very strong. I do not think the damage needs to be nerfed, as while the damage is fairly strong, its still not as much as what ret pallies or hunters are currently doing while those two classes have much better survivability or CC abilities. Nerfing boomkin damage would ruin them in PVE and honestly in PVP too. Even as good as the damage is, its still consistently beaten out by other specs, particularly hunters and the Warlock felguard MD/destro spec or whatever it is in PVE as far as parsing goes.

My honest response to the cries for boomy nerfs I have been seeing would be a couple simple rune swaps. Swap improved frenzied regeneration rune from wrist to legs with the savage roar rune. This way boomies would have to either pick starsurge or the regen, the damage or the survivability. Then also swap improved barkskin off helm with skull bash on hands. That way boomies have to either pick between barkskin or having sunfire. Also it just makes sense for Skull Bash to be on the head rune slot thematically. This way boomies cant have all their best runes on at the same time, they have to customize and pick and choose if they want better survivability or more damage.

This would also slightly buff ferals which is needed since lacerate and savage roar are on the same rune slot being able to have both would be nice for kitties, thought they would have to give up savage roar if they want the regen aswell. Seems like a nice balance. This also allows ferals to have skullbash and mangle at the same time for pvp (but giving up barkskin if they want to keep mangle). Just my honest 2c opinion for balancing.

All this aside. Many classes have some overpowered stuff that needs balancing besides just boomies. Rets for obvious reasons, warlocks drain life and fear not breaking while going 100 to 0. Shamans are actually not that OP contrary to alot of the stuff I’ve seen on the forums. If my starfall is up I’ve not had too much trouble killing them 1v1. Warriors are currently sneaking under the radar and are actually pretty strong right now when operated by a skilled player with all their abilities and huge HP pool while doing pretty strong damage and are actually some of the toughest to kill 1v1 in my opinion. Especially with a bonereavers. Death grip is highly irritating. I think rogues and shadowpriests are probably the most balanced of all, which is why they may seem weak compared to OP builds. Mages need something buffed not sure what but they are overall very easy to kill generally for most builds, though they do still provide some good CC. But sheeping/CC seems fairly non-existent compared to normal classic PVP due to all the crazy high DMG AOEs people are popping on every fight and it becomes just an all out DPS race and who has better heals and removed some of the coordinated CC effort we would see in AB and WSG in normal classic. It seems to have basically turned into retail PVP of just mash buttons harder than the enemy and hope your healers are better than theirs.

And science* dude

this man actually dead ahh thought he was BREAKING STUNS with a dot lmfaooo of course some braindead boomie wouldnt even understand how the core mechanics of the game works. He is used to keyboard turning with starfall up.

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peak delusion. The Damage is actually unreal. The damage boomies do should be something reserved for the absolute trashbag that is mage. Atleast it would justify playing SoDs punching bag.

ret pallies truly do a devastating amount of damage, you arent wrong. But they have to be in melee , and cant instant cast dots that CAN CRIT! lmfao who made this decision? The only thing they need to bring to RET ASAP is the immediate aura nerf to damage while bubbled. Honestly maybe even make wings undispellable so atleast that button isnt an absolute complete trap to press since it already causes forebearance. And give divine light the riptide healing coefficient treatment.

hunters , well ranged hunters are also broken what do you want me to say.


Welcome to the world… of warcraft : /

Ya when ret gets its PvE set bonuses it gets pretty nuts, without pve tier gear its hilariously awful. But like you said we gotta be in melee. I think they just need to apply a 50-70% damage reduction while in bubble. Bubbles current design is for classic when all of rets damage came from autos, now we have like 5 ability that can all be pressed and do full damage while bubbled lol.

I made a boomkin recently just to see how it is on the OP side and just pressing moonfire repeatedly frequently nets me 500-600 crits, all instant cast and at a long range. If I can get off a starfire, which is way more frequent than a boomkin will lead you to believe, it can crit for up to 3k, easily the hardest hitting ability in pvp currently. And all of this is done on my boomkin with near 0 gear like 1 run of ZG and MC.

((This is my boomkin))