I’ m just spitballin’ I’m not Danuser.
Because she lost her powerup but the fear in Sylvanas’s eyes when Tyrande was going to break her spine with her bare hands was real.
Tyrande is pre cata sylvanas level of vengence.
the “muh teldrassil” is to put the scale of her crimes into perspective, that a simple apology as Renautus suggested won’t suffice.
We keep talking about vengeance, justice or not being forgiven but realistically what exactly can or will we see in the game?
Renautus joked with the apology solution but functionally if Sylvanas just goes back to lordaeron and its business as usual then… what exactly is the difference?
I never said Tyrande would accept her apology. Tyrande can literally hold a ten thousand year old grudge, she’s got all the time in the world to make Sylvanas pay in every way.
I think the Night Elves are going to skip justice all together and just get magically restored to their pre-burning state because Teldrassil was a bad choice and they are going to magically deux ex machina it away like it never happened.
The entire Shadowlands story has been about forgiveness. Sylvanas is going to be forgiven, and there will be much rending and gnashing of teeth, but that is what is going to happen. You will hate it, I will love it.
Thank goodness these forums got rid of downvoting.
Ok she doesn’t accept and tyrande holds the grudge. Is that Sylvanas’ punishement? That scary Night Elf wont like her but wont ever do anything about it?
I spent my last iota of rage on the Sylvanas v Tyrande fight. I got nothing left to give. I am just trying to make sense of all the buzz words people here are throwing around.
And yeah Sylvanas will be functionally forgiven, will come back to the Horde and its business as usual just as it was in MoP and Cata.
I am not sure how you would effectively punish someone who by their own admission is guilty of unforgivable crimes up to an including aiding and abetting in an attempt at destroying the multiverse.
“It was originally a painting of a woman, but somehow…”
I wish they had sylvanas show horror and realization that in burning teldrassil. She has created a woman who is dedicated to vengeance and will stop at nothing to see the thing that harmed her and her people destroyed. Realizing oh $@%% I just created another me and this me is coming straight for me. oooh man ooh man this is bad. game over man game over.
That may still happen. I think in this cinematic it was important to show that it was RG Sylvanas in the place of Delaryn. But going forward they will play up the fact that the Banshee Queen just created a new her in Tyrande.
I dont think that is the case, quite. But I do think they might double down on cleaning up Hyjal.
That could have been delaryn. That could have been her story.
Yup…honestly it’s where she should go. Pelagos said he doubted whether any soul truly deserves the Maw and Revendreth is where you go when you’ve been really really bad but you still deserve a shot at redemption. She can share therapy sessions with Kael.
it would be nice if the Night Elves reclaim the Firelands now that Ragnaros is gone. I think there could be some really nice ways that they could make the old Firelands the new portal to the Emerald Dream and they really could have the night elves reclaim ancestral land like Winterspring and Felwood. Shake those old zones up and make them new.
I’d be down for that. I’ve wanted to see Felwood cleaned up for yeeears now. Those druids have been at it for how long now?
The way I see it, the Sylvanas we’ve encountered with for most of Warcraft’s lifetime always had her soul, her choices were her choices. It’s just Zovaal intentionally ensured that Sylvanas reuniting with her lost soul fragment would force her to be stuck in a loop of reliving everything she’s done because the fragments couldn’t properly be connected, like Uther’s fragments could.
He had the foresight to see that Sylvanas wouldn’t always remain by his side and devised a method of punishment for her in the event of a betrayal. Thus when he forces the soul fragment into her and the fragment couldn’t rejoin the soul, it was forced to witness all the horrors committed by the rest of her soul and reeled in horror.
it doesn’t make sense that the furblogs and the satyrs are still an issue there. I would like to see these zones thriving.
They really showed that?
I’ve read about it but I’ve never seen it in game.
Also to add on to the notion of Sylvie eventually going to Revendreth…the slots of Harvester of Dread and Envy are both vacant. Renathal himself said he might consider Kael’thas for one of them if he were further along. The Harvester of Envy " Oversees the assignation of sinstones for new arrivals at Pridefall Hamlet and tithes anima from venthyr and souls alike." That would be a good job for Kael’thas.
As for potential Venthyr Sylvanas, the Harvester of Dread “Rules the Forest Ward, Manages the animal population and helps control the Endmire, and hunts souls down to make anima extraction in other wards easier” Sounds fitting to me.