Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

Political discourse becoming more uncouth? Gee I wonder what caused that.

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Yep. Look it up on wowhead.

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Itā€™s not really a question of the story making someone do something that they wouldnā€™t normally do but it would push someone on the edge over. The guy who dressed up a Joker and shot up the Theater comes to mind.

See, There are people who have mental problems already and a simple word or idea is all it would take to cause them to act.

Of course, we canā€™t hold media or itā€™s creators for what they do and I donā€™t believe anyone who is saying that we should.

But most cases is much smaller, with far more subtle effects over time. People ARE effected by media. Everyone is. Most of us are mentally stable enough, with sound parenting and a more balanced form of absorbing content, so any lasting damage is mitigated.

Hmmm ā€¦ excessive malicious and disgusting tweets by certain individuals shoving the bar of political respect and discourse down the drain?

Just a random thoughtā€¦


Thank God nobody doing that was elected to a serious political position. Could you imagine?

Point being; if anything is degrading human behavior and spiraling us all toward some bloodsoaked dystopia I very much doubt Meanie McGhostboobs having retroactively good reason to barbeque wood elves is going to contribute.


Well, my concern is more about how it would set back civil discourse 15 years on these very forumsā€¦

Political discourse in this country has been uncouth since the founding of the United States. Itā€™s definitely not a recent thing. Jefferson and Adams went at each other with the former commissioning attack ads against then President John Adams. It has always been nasty.

People want to blame something for when something bad happens (mass shooting, etc). Video games are an easy target. Many donā€™t want to look deeper into the issues as to why it happened. That is why mental health treatment is still lagging in this country.


Sweet just made an undead hunter i will level this throughout PTR thank you my man

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No problem.

Well if something like that would in a hypothetical , completely unrealistic world ever happen, that individual would be symptom since fortunately that hypothetical world is a democracy where people like that need to be approved by an awfull lot of people before ā€¦

Or we are of course back at: ā€œit was all sylvanas alone, noone else is responsibleā€

Well I didnā€™t vote for her.

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Appearently over 50% did ā€¦ well not really I mean condiering Garrosh Menderingā€¦ but yeah ā€¦

Still a lot did.


I guess youā€™re not allowed to insult peopleā€¦ unless youā€™re on a NEFPA insulting half the playerbase.



Not insulting, pointing out bahviour.
Also not targeting an individual.

Keep tryint though.

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Than why were some of your posts removed?


  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

I believe youā€™re somewhere between 1 and 2.

Back on topic: @OP, I donā€™t think there are many people who want a Sylvanas redemption, but many think Blizzard is going that route.



Did you also complain when Darth Vader got redeemed? He blew up a whole planet!

Actually Grand Moff Tarkin did, though Vader didnā€™t object so much as told him not to bother in the first place as he didnā€™t think it would work.


Vaderā€™s redemption is still very undeserved and everyone admits that. Leia didnā€™t forgive him, btw, saying how five minutes of good donā€™t make up for years of evil.

But people donā€™t object because itā€™s such a very feel-good scene. Likeā€¦ most people realize he doesnā€™t deserve to go to Star Wars heaven, but aww man, itā€™s such a nice ending.

I believe a redemption (through death) can be pulled off. But i donā€™t think Blizzard is going to do it.


Ever since the third war he did try to atone for his sins. Remember when he tells Garrosh he still had nightmares from all the draenei children he killed? Hearing a pig squeal was like hearing a child cry for mercy.

His actions speak louder than his words though.