Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

Maybe I missed something important but Illidan’s story in Legion was incredibly weird and I found him unsympathetic in every way. Part of that was due to Xe’ra’s retelling of stuff, another part was remembering what he was like in TBC, but to me, it felt like Illidan never actually -grew- from those experiences. It’s like he just kept running forward, forget the consequences, he’s right no matter what and things just fall into place for him without him ever seeming to stop and wonder if he screwed up.

As much as I hated the dumb prime naaru, the hypocrisy of Illidan willing to sacrifice everyone but himself ticked me off because the game didn’t seem to call it out…and then inexplicably at the end, he’s just running right into Sargeras’s new prison because why? What is the player expecting Illidan to be able to do at that point? The titans are already binding Sargeras down.