Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

Ever heard of people being inspired by things. Yes this might not influence you but it could just as influence another person.

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Oh look the circus is talking now.

There is no need to report him hes allowed to state his opnion just as i am allowed to state mine?

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He is , but not allowed to insult people. That is not an opinion.
This is trolling.

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I think lunatics are lunatics and will find a justification for their madness in just about anything. How absolutely insane does it look that Catcher In The Rye was blamed for murders and assassinations in an age where we see much more vulgar things all the time?


Discussing reports in the forum is against the rules. And all I did was state the truth. Using moralistic arguments to try and get your way in a video game story is beyond silly, and if my comments made you feel less intelligent then you probably know I’m right to begin with.


You misunderstand me. I’m not saying that violent media creates monsters but monsters feed off of them.
People with a predisposition towards violence will gravitate towards this kind of media, which in turn only encourages their psychopathy because, in their mind, it condones it.

Or at the very least, Long term exposure to violence in media does some serious mental damage that isnt widely understood and doesn’t become apparent until later in life. God knows, I’m effected by it.


How media influences the real world can easyly be observed currently just outside.
Split country, toxic discussions, violent protests.

And all inflamed with media and social media.
Heck it is even used as a tool for propaganda and manipulation by foreighn countries.

One has to be naive and a fool to think that media has no influence.
The whole point of psychology in buisness and marketing is to influence people with media.


Oh, now you’re insulting me?


Why? did her comment make you feel less intelligent? Do you now feel she is right to begin with?


I guess but I don’t think the Burning of Teldrassil was particularly worse than that tree getting blasted in Avatar. And in those ensuing 11 years nobody’s cited that for a spree killing despite there being, truly, no shortage of them.

There’s people who can’t figure out the actual literal N@ZIs were the bad guys for Christ’s sake. I don’t see a bunch of greasy white dudes marching around with torches quoting Garrosh, but Richard DarrĂ©.

The idea that the potentially justified, in an extraordinarily roundabout way, cartoon firebombing is going to posion the minds of people is just absurd.

Stop trying to pretend Teldrassil has or will cause any actual damage. It was a bad story beat. If Slyvanas gets redeemed it’ll be another bad story beat. I doubt with the totality of my being it’d inspire any real world consequences.


Clearly I was pointing out her hypocrisy rather than conveying actual offense.


Yeah the backpedaling isn’t working this time man.

There was Elliot Rodger but that dude had severe problems amplified by other aspects of the internet.

backpedaling? Lmao. No, there’s just something to be said of someone who takes the time to comment that they’re reporting me for being “insulting” and then does the exact same thing using different words less than an hour later. I sure hope the forum mod looks at the whole thread when they review that report.


Oh no i agree on the whole reporting thing i found that pretty stupid despite us disagreeing i just want to hear everyone input.

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Of course you don’t.
This is an analogy, however you see a bunch of greasy white dudes running around quoting stuff and demanding stuff that was also done and demanded by for example garrosh.

As I have said, media influences. For example by lowering bar for mutual respect or tolerance. Making it more acceptable to act toxic rougher and more spitful.
Political rethoric as an example, has become pretty bad and with less and less standard.
Years ago it would have caused outraged and people having to step down. Now it is not even more a headline.

People becme more and more raugh in their behaviour, talking and way of interacting with other people due to media.
It influences by lowering the bar gradually.

Just one example.

It is about making stuff accepted within society that never should have to begin with.

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Shredow i been meaning to ask should i roll undead hunter or troll hunter

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Undead hunter. You get undead pets before anyone else in the prepatch.