Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

Slyvanas getting redeemed is the equivalent of adolf hitler being told genocide was fine if it was for a higher purpose. I am not mincing around words here.


I dunno, Saurfang participated in far more genocide than her over his life but he still got positioned on the moral high ground.

Is genocide fine if you feel sad about it later?


I have a problem with saurfang getting a redemption as well actually believe it or not i might have sided with him but his crimes should not have been forgotten


No, but also, what would you rather have? People not being sad about it later?

I’d take a killer regretting being a killer over a killer with no regrets. Even if both of them face punishment, it’s still better to have the former.


Is just an assumption at this point.

Also, in before the NEFPA.



Dont we kill countless of family and entire tribe of species and race including cub just for 20gold since vanilla?


Sylvanas, not Slyvanas. Syl, like Sylvan.

I don’t care to argue historical comparisons, but are you arguing that this story development would be bad and “sends a wrong message” about IRL genocide? Or are you just saying it’s a stupid, bad story, but it isn’t implying Blizzard is apologizing for IRL atrocities?

IMO, it would be ridiculous to accuse Blizzard of justifying IRL genocide just because they’ve been complete morons about handling a stupid genocide story they tossed into WoW’s plot.

Would I argue Blizzard presents WoW’s story very thoughtlessly most of the time, and much of their framing reflects their political/moral views on the real world? To some degree, yes. But the examples I can think of are a different discussion.


Well if she gets a redemption then all of slyvanas previous genocide will be redeemed out of nowhere which i sorely do not want to happen justice needs to be done in one form or another.


Yes, that’s usually what happens when a character is redeemed. This is Blizzard we’re talking about, they’re terrible at writing moral complexity ESPECIALLY within BfA’s story. I feel like you’re just complaining into the void here without a strong thesis statement, though.



Night Elf Female … Posting Avatar?

Night Elf Female Posse of Angst?


Night Elf Female Power Armor?




We talking FO4 Power Armor or WH40K Power Armor? Either way, that’d be a sight to behold.


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Warden armor somehow looks like Powerarmor to me…

I want one.


Here is a thought, if people do reach a point where they are no longer redeemable then what is the point of even trying to redeem oneself?

I’d like to think even the worse people can attempt redemption, if not neccesarily succeed in doing so. In Sylvanas case, if she was to get a chance at redemption one would hope it would be after we get at least get the cathasis of beating her senseless first.

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Well I would chain her up and have her spend a millenium or so reforesting the woods and clean the toilets of the new capital.

That would be some path to redemption for her.
She destroyed thousands of lives, so she will work to make up for these lives an equal amount of time.

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I think it depends on what you mean by redemption.

I sometimes think of a situation where she is defeated and depowered after the Shadowlands are ordered, and we move on to the next expac. Lets say the Alliance starts the Faction War. Maybe Tyrande wishes to purge Kalimdor of the Horde, or the High Elves and Void Elves want Quelthalas, or Turalyon invites Yrel to Azeroth and they start wrecking shop… maybe all 3 at once.

With the Horde on the back foot, I could see a continued hunt for Sylvanas. The Horde seeks her to save them, since they are out of options. The Alliance wants her dead, as always, but even more so. Even depowered, she would still be a formidable boost. She makes the calculation that the Horde is worth saving, because after it is gone, the Alliance would always hunt her down. And with nothing else to slow them down, they would end her.

It would be fun to see her defend Quelthalas again. Maybe she turns the tide, and saves people, and grinds the war that was an Alliance stampede across the globe, to a stalemate.

The Alliance can still hate her. Sylvanas is humbled. Knowing that the Jailor or the powers of the Shadowlands can no longer save her from the Alliance, she figures she better help the Horde survive if she wants to escape punishment. The Horde welcomes her back because she brought just enough fire power to save the Horde from the brink of annihilation. It would be a soft, Horde-Only redemption.


It is indeed.

But the writers do what they want and Sylvanas redemption is inevitable at this point

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Oh, give her some credit. For all indications, what she attempted was more akin to Omnicide than Genocide. The Horde and even the Forsaken was every bit meant to die in mass quantities for her little game with BfA; we were just supposed to take as many Alliance as we could with us.

She nearly successfully committed a genocide, she attempted a omnicide.


Night Elf Female Posting Army?

I think it was less Gender specific, and more about the flood of low level Alts posting recently:

Night Elf Forum Posting Alt.