Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

So, Sylvanas’s story has already gone gross a while back. I recognize that a narrative has to have a diverse set of actions and consequences to make sure everything doesn’t just become bland oatmeal gruel. HOWEVER. Her story has plunged straight into “You cannot grow beyond trauma, and you will become your abuser.” It’s kinda icky.


You know what, I don’t give a fork.

I am fully behind Sylvanas becoming the new Jailor once we kill the current one, and she can oversee the Maw.

Or better yet, become the new Jailor and finish what he started. Undead world for all, with an undead Titan Soul. Strip the universe bare of life and rule as the Grande Empress of Eternity.

Screw it, burn all the trees and send all the Alliance races into the Maw to be tortured forever! Oh and Baine, and all Horde racial leaders who turned on her, and all their sympathizers too.


There’s a problem when you mix redemption with retribution, redemption comes in a voluntary way when you realize whatever you have done and act in a kinda selfless way to atone. now retribution is a different thing, when you kill, torture or humiliate a criminal you may think you’re doing justice but that’s just a legitimate term for vengeance.


Just a random thought.

Is there ANY reference taht Sylvanas has been a “good” person before? I mean even before becoming undead?
Elves are not necessarily free from having a bad charcter or are just jerks in general.

It is allways assumed Sylvanas has become what she is due to Arthas, but considering how she was portraited in that three sisters comic thing, I have my doubts.
She might have been allways a bad apple and undeath just enhanced it.

That is possible lorthemar says nathanos was bully even in life and undeath enhanced his worst aspects

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An equally random yet related thought:

Sylvanas did break down the High Elf Only Ranger mentality. But that was self serving, as she was really digging the Human dude.

Now - how much of Sylvanas’s will was self serving? If she thought Nathanos was better than the rest and capable of the duties… that is pretty egalitarian. But, if she values loyalty and obsequiousness above skill… that is different.

This thread sure is a wild ride.

As someone who doesn’t like Sylvanas at all and thinks she’s probably among the worst characters in this game, I don’t think her redemption would show anything other than Blizzard’s complete lack of ability to deliver a decent story anymore and complete tone-deafness.

As for some people in the thread condemning others comparing fictional events to real ones… I don’t see any problems with it. We are human and our most familiar points of reference are in the real world. It’s only normal to compare fictional stories to real events that happened.

Blizzard literally used the word ‘‘genocide’’ themselves to describe Teldrassil so of course people will bring up WW2. That’s a given.


And when they do they diminish those events. Some stories are at a level where that comparison is able to convey the weight and importance of those events.

WoW is more or less a children’s video game and it’s story telling is certainly not up to the task. People who make the comparison of what happened in BfA to what happened in WW2 are kinda gross.


Or maybe people who made things in a game for kids that are relateable that closely to WW2 are gross?

Don’t shoot the messenger who just points these things out.
People didn’t put concentration camps in the game. Blizzard did.
People didn’t show genocide and burning children alive while you despreatly try to save them. Blizzard did.
Blizzard gave you the ability to murder civillians in Astranaar.

So don’t pretend it is just imagination. The stuff happening in WoW is actually extremely gross and extremely violent and disgusting… it is just masked by a cute comic graphic.
Change the graphics to skyrim, keep the story and quests and you paint a very dark and grim picture that would catapult this game directly into the M rating.

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You’re not a messenger your frankly insulting people who have a real life connection to those events because you don’t like what happened in a video game. It’s gross. It trivializes real world pain, and frankly you should be ashamed.

Player characters have committed genocide multiple times an expansion without the need to draw these comparisons in the past. You’re only doing it now to drive your misplaced outrage over a pg video game.


Stop with that rediculous nonsense and your ad hominem.

I assume you can’t put down my arguments I provided you.
No you should be ashemed to defend these actions in A KIDS game. Disgusting!

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Whatever, you don’t have any ability to be introspective about how you’re trivializing real world pain to score points in your silly and completely unimportant video game outrage. It’s immature and insulting that you rely on it.


Strawman nothing more.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck. No matter what you want it to be.

And what has happened in BFA were atrocities we have seen during WW2.
That doesn’t make the real live events less severe or disgusting but the game.
And you are defending this in a game for kids.
Try some reflection of yourself and your moral compass.

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I’m not defending it because it doesn’t matter. I’m pointing out the holocaust is worth more respect than you give it. The way you are tossing it around is extremely offensive, and frankly insulting.


Yes you do. You are defending atrocities and disgusting and rxtremely graphic ingame crimes inside a kids game with cartoon graphics.

It is like if I show concentration camps and joyfull cheering death squads within a disney movie and write the narrative that this is a cool thing to do. That is what Blizzard did in BFA.

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You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You think this is about that tree. It has nothing to do with the tree. It has to do with you trying to demonize what you don’t like by drawing comparisons to one of the most horrific events in the history of the world as if a foot note in the story of a poorly written game has anything like the same weight.


You are worse than of those horde posters who joke about it because they separate the game from reality and you don’t. You cause real world pain with your disregard of the seriousness of what your referencing when you compare it to the game.


Bruh we have been butchering Quillboar, Furbolgs, other sentient races and various wildlife for trivial reasons since vanilla. Violence in BfA is not really new.


And you are worst to defend these things and pretend they didn’t happen so that kids are even more so inflicted by these things.
Now continue being a hypocrit by accusing someone of insultings while insulting the person.

You just try to derail … you still didn’t find a valid counter argument for what I said.

It is a difference how you portrait and frame it and how human these creatures are.
But building death camps and genociding is a whole new level.

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Ah. I see.