Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

Give us slime cat in lfr blizz. Its not going to hurt the game. The people trying to say its good its not on lfr are either trolls, elitists or just plain arseholes


Its definitely used to boost token sales otherwise they’d lock it behind Aotc.

Normal is the sweet spot for most people that actually raid on difficulties higher than LFR.

My CE guild will be aiming for full normal clear this season and then selling normal runs until DF.

There is no point to progress any further as the gear will be irrelevent in a few months and its honestly a waste of time to continue raiding recycled contentafter we’ve gotten the mount from normal.

IF they were to lock it behind aotc a bunch of guilds will simply not resub as the effort and time vs reward is just not worth the trouble at all.

This entire thing was meticulously planned by Blizzard from the beginning,

  1. Dangle fake reward to boost resub
  2. Change reward structure last minute after people already resubbed to boost token sales.
  3. Make a ton of money off a failed expansion from FOMO and recycled content.

Would be easier if they just put the mount in the cash shop tbh

They would make WAY less money, if its readily available for EVERYONE then not as many people will want it.

If you lock it behind a certain achievement all of the people on GD that like crapping on casuals will get the ego boost that they’re after.

The only people that care about who has what rewards are the players that are barely capable of getting AoTC and have that weird superiority complex.

A normal CE guild doesn’t care about what is going on in the LFR/Normal raid tiers or what rewards are tied to them.

The only reason we are even raiding this tier is because the mount is no longer available for LFR, we will get the achievement done in 1 month and unsub until DF as we’re not interested in recycled raid content when new xpac is a few month down the track.

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Heroic raiding is actually quite popular.

Actually, back when we had reliable API mining (which was as recently as last expansion), we knew that about 40% of the playerbase was regularly getting AOTC for clearing Heroic, every tier.

Meanwhile, the total %% of people clearing the raid on ANY difficulty was about 60%. Meaning that the combined number of people who only do LFR, or only do Normal, was only 20% - about half the number of people who regularly clear Heroic.

There’s no data to support this. Quite the contrary.

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I’ll take conspiracy theories for 500 Alex.

I hate the fact that the Slime Cat was pulled from LFR, but even I’m not desperate enough to piss on Blizzard that I’d make up some BS about boosting token sales.

Its only illegal if Blizzard isn’t the one profiting from it!

I would rather have a sled pulled by 4 Rhosgobel rabbits like Radagast in LOTR, than the hacked up, lying in the hot sun, parking lot loogy cat.

I dont think its desperation, i think its total justified anger and hatred to a company who’s extremely scummy.

1: Bill cosby suite
2: 5 different law suits over the span of 2 years, guilty on all counts.
3: Women dev’s reporting that their bottled up breast milk is being stolen from fridges at the work place.
4:Blizzard developers calling community members derogatory terms on twitter.
5:Their leader threatening some airline lady her life for some stupid inconvenience and paying her shush money.
6: Cubical crawling with drunken male staff workers who would often harass women.
7: Women not getting promoted or better job opportunities within the company because “women lol”
8: Blizzard losing legal papers in a shredder because random women attendant tripped when she came across a male staff… “relieving himself” at the work place.
9: Women committing suicide because her… private pictures were being spread throughout the work place and her supervisor took her to a hotel on a business trip and had “adult toys” in his luggage for her.
10: fired employee’s and forced them to sign a paper that wouldn’t allow them to go through the appointed state attorney about their problems instead had to go through their supervisors first and failure to do so would cause them to be fired. That way the bad crap they were being sued for wouldn’t leak.

The whole company is one big awful joke and you think Blizzard wouldn’t resort to practices to increase microtransaction sales. DIABLO IMMORTAL SAYS HELLO!


you can care about LFR and not care for raiding … HENCE THE WHOLE reason i do LFR like oml DUH come on now use common sense

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None of what you just posted has anything to do with the slime cat being removed from LFR, or the reason why players are angry about it.

Nah, its good its not on LFR because it inspires more people to try normal raiding. I ain’t a troll, elisitst, or plain-what you said, your just mad you can’t do it in the mode that lets you auto attack the boss and let everyone else do the work and get something for no effort at all. Is it really that difficult for you to start adding in some effort for a reward?

You said that “Blizzard isn’t desperate enough to do that to increase the sales of the token”. As in they dont need money that bad or are that scummy to try something like that. Those are examples that say they are.

It’s not gonna do that. They tried that in WoD, by trying to push people into greater difficulties. People just didn’t raid.


They did raid, out of sheer boredom because nothing else to do. First time i actually did heroic raiding.

Overall no. That experiment failed so they stopped. Anecdotal, there were likely people that got into other difficulties. It just wasn’t nearly enough to keep trying.

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Oh it will, if you truly want the mount without paying $$ you’ll do normal raid at least once. If you got the gold, you’ll buy a carry run. Only the strong willed will get the mount in the end, those who want to cry they can’t get something for 0 effort won’t.

Again, none of those have literally anything to do with this move. You’re trying to connect completely unrelated events. I’m not going to argue this with you.

I can’t imagine a mount will do what all other efforts haven’t done. It’s not like it’s the first exclusive mount. People that don’t want to do Normal+ probably won’t regardless. I’m sure there will be a few that decide to do it, but not nearly enough to make an impact. And they likely will not stick around.

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