Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

I was in a raiding guild on my pally. We got aotc nathria and were on track for sod aotc but the whole guild basically quit because they were bored. Since then i pretty much log in once or twice a week. Doing lfr is easier as im not forced to log in at certain times x amount of days a week. I can spend time with my daughter when im not at work which is night shifts so even then i cant raid anymore due to all guilds on my realm raiding at night time.

Life gets in the way for people so when they have time they queue for lfr while catching up on dailies and things like that.

And i dont afk in lfr. I like to actually contribute and even help explain things for newer people. You people are why people hate on wow so much these days. Toxic for the sake of being toxic

greed is good.

Well good news for you, the mount only requires you kill each normal boss once and in some cases, a normal run is WAY faster then an LFR run.

This crap is why no matter what shiny new class dragon expac has at it’s core Blizz devs will always make decisions that I feel are against the player base. I was tricked into buying Shadowlands by a friend who promptly quit 30 days later not this time. I will watch through streamers and same myself the annoyances.—As I play other games of course.

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the overwhelming majority of the playerbase is either:

  1. unable/unwilling to do “actual” raiding

  2. will never get invited to a successful run

and now tokens enter the scene in a huge way

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It’s normal, not Heroic or Mythic, in a tier where difficulty should be decreased. It’s effectively LFR.

Except no? Special rewards in raiding have almost always been excluded from LFR. The Legion trinket for example.


and nearly ALL the groups for NORMAL ask for;

275 ilvl
something else 90% of the playerbase doesnt have

conversely, the queue button for lfr doesnt decline you

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This is a little out of touch with reality.

Put your money where your mouth is, and why don’t you and all the other raiders in the supposedly amazing community take the time to show us non-raiders how great the raid community is. You keep talking about how great raiding and the community around it is, but when put on the spot to step up and prove it, you tell us to form our own groups or use the group finder which some of you by your own admission is supposedly not indicative of the community.


boosting for normal difficulty? Are there even suppliers for that? What about the buyers?

Think about it this way: for those who buy boosts, are they going to buy normal boosts instead of heroic/mythic boosts? For those who refuse to buy boosts, what is the point for blizzard to make it hard for them if they are not buying boosts anyways?

Blizzard stands to earn nothing from it.

The unfortunate thing about these is people use you in a bit of a “one and done”. If I offer to help people get Rival then 95% of them tag along, get their free thing, then either try to come on another alt or just do the same later on.

It doesn’t grow anything. It doesn’t help or improve anything. It’s just doing carries for free.

Oh, there will be. If you want some free gold just join a pug, then spam for a buyer or two and say you’re inviting a friend, then take the full cut of whatever you’re charging and nobody is the wiser.

Think 500k just for inviting somebody along and keeping them from being kicked.

I don’t understand the issue. The mount is available for anyone to get.

Run the content yourself, for free.


Buy it via a carry for a token’s worth.

Why are so many people angry?

We were arguing with boosters rhis whole time.


Join a guild that will clear weekly fated raids at a time that favors you and then leave, simple as that. You’ll get slime cat, agreed deal with everyone gets mount and leaves.

They’re trying to incentivize players to engage in more challenging organized group content.

They’re still trying to figure out how to make the content itself fun without having to hang a carrot in front of our noses.

Thanks for proving that the raid community isn’t as great as you claim. I knew you wouldn’t step up to the plate and try to prove otherwise.

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see guys its just that super duper simple

just join a guild that full clears weekly

why didnt i think of that?


I don’t think they are looking for token sales, as I would be willing to bet the majority of carries are actually purchased with RL cash, but it was actually just an oversight with the achievement. That said, they released it with “any” and they should honor it. Learn from their mistakes and do a better job with their testing and review of new content.


I don’t own a raid guild, I’m just part of one if you were hoping for me to prove so by forming a raid for people. I’m not the raid lead type of person. But every guild has a natural raid leader who will make things very easy for you to understand.