Slicing Winds, Demolish, and Mortal Strike are out of control

This should be stickied


Eh. Already running into triple arms lobbies in shuffle. Whenever that happens the game isn’t in a good place.


How do you remember this? I don’t even know the talents in my trees

realest comment of all time

I would say to let everyone get honor geared but I’m not on that copium and I doubt blizzard will fix it until next season.

This statement should question whether the 60-0 scenarios you describe happen so often that they are noticeable. Or whether it only happens randomly here and there, but is not the rule.

Ofcourse the usual suspects defend arms yet again because “muh mages bully me boohooo i need to be op to be able to fight a mageeee”


Who r u again

Idk, I think it depends. I feel like most warrior players cry if they arent unkillable while having 100% uptime and chunking people for 25% every second. Can’t have all those things.

Imo arms should be tanky with good sustained damage and solid uptime, but also needs to be killable and kiteable.


And personally I feel like, that a lot of wizards cry when said melees are also good and they don’t have a free win against them anymore.

I mean, lets be honest here. All Locks, Shadows and Boomkins basically always cry about Warrior and WW, no matter in what state they are! It literally has became a habbit.

I agree with killable. But kiteable? Its like melees would say, a mage/deva/… should be “stickable”! Why are you so obsessed with kiting melees? Small breathing windows are fine, but when a melee must be thankful for a very few moments they are able to connect and they only do “good sustained damage” during those moments, they won’t be viable!

Also, did warriors got buffed in mobility? If not, why aren’t you able to kite them for a while? I am quite sure that warriors still hate their lives when they need to kill an arcane mage or something. :wink:

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It 100% goes both ways!

My stance in general is that every class should be killable and every melee should have mobility similar to what warrior currently has. Tools to engage and disengage, but can run out if used incorrectly.

Similarly, the melee dps SHOULD win if they maintain that uptime.

I actually think current arms, while a little on the overtuned side for their passive damage, is a great example of that when looking at their CDs.

I don’t think I agree with that. I think there are more complaints about dh/fury than anything, but rarely ww/arms.

I think SP has valid complaints about fury warrior, but that’s just a design hard counter and I think is a fair one tbh.

So long as warlock has impish instincts, I don’t think they can complain about any melee ever.

Boomy is too squishy in pve and pvp, but cyclone is broken and they have probably the most op burst out of any caster being mostly instant cast and on 2 schools. Class is just poorly designed in all game modes.

It sounds like we’re saying the same thing here.

No melee should ever be kited 100%. I think that dev and mage have WAY too much anti-melee mobility and should never be allowed to do what they do and basically auto-win vs a warrior/ww/dh.

Similarly, every melee should have some damage component not tied to 100% uptime whether it’s a bleed (war/feral/rogue) or disease (dk), or a range button they can press with a cd (dh/enh).

The only classes lacking those atm are fury and ww and should have insane burst as a result, which is why I’m kinda glad ww got the plunderstorm slicing winds. And even then, that ability goes on cd if you fart next to it to interrupt it AND takes the place of FSK so you trade mobility to access it.

Really, when I join as WW a lobby in which a lock or shadow is, they become super toxic.

When I killed a demo yesterday with a stupid 3M slicing winds crit and I apologized the next round to him, stating that this ability being able to crit is op, he literally said


And I am quite sure that the TO also is one of those wizards.

Wizards when they can’t just face tank wabreaker/avatar and keep casting.

You gotta have more xp as ww in those lobies than I do then XD

I feel like ww hasnt been op since, like, s2 slands with BDB and SCK 1shots.

They DID counter sp then also when sp was squishier, but when sp is reasonably tanky I feel like it could pmuch just ignore the ww and pve AND it used to be able to void tendrils and fear images.

Agreed, that is dumb.

Sorry, idk what you mean by this.

Thread Opener. Isn’t that how you call it over here? If not, how do you call the person who opened the thread?

Ask me. I literally met a mage yesterday who had a bot 100%. I got instantly rooted 3 times in a row the moment I started casting Slicing Winds. I did it on purpose from melee range to get the dmg out → insta root.

After that I changed strategy and used it from medium range. The moment the cast ended, he blinked. Like literally exactly in the moment I charged. Also not once but twice in a row.

100% a bot that should get banned!

I think Warriors believe that they should be able to take someone out in a 2v2 situation no matter what. Even if they’re kited. They think at a minimum even if ganged someone should 100% go down with them and that kiting should barely work on them haha


What’s that look like with double the verse and another 2/3 health pool, with defensives scaling off said verse and HP?

Passable, at best. Lets keep things in context of reality shall we? Honor gear is going to be 650 something with cq gear being another 15 ilvl on that. Doesn’t make much sense to yell for nerfs to something that may do 20% of someone’s hp with all cd’s up b/c that’s pretty standard atm.

I’m no fan of warriors, at all. However every season since BFA this forum has knee jerked itself into a dampen meta b/c a very loud minority doesn’t understand that by intention survivability always outscales damage. The only time I can remember this not being the case was Ret in DF S1 or DH in BFA with corruption.

Ahh, we say “OP” for Original Poster.

I’d need to see a vod, but that does sound like a bot based on what you’re reporting.

It also sounds like botting/wintrading is a LOT more common on EU than NA from what I’m hearing from my EU friends.

Here we go defending garbage because “we are missing endgame gear, lets wait s couple months for everyone to be bis and then we do balance patches”

Bro your argument is with math not me for pointing out said math. I’d like to avoid dampening till S3 earliest.

This math btw. This was already explained in another thread.