Demolish is hitting for 3.6 million damage

But defensive versa scales better. The more versa you have, the less damage you get from it but the more defense.

Lets say you have 20% versa currently. Then your damage is 20% higher than it would be without. At the same time you have 11.11% more eHP (1/0.9) than normal HP.

And now lets say you have 40% versa with the next gear while HP stays the same. Then your damage increased by 1.4/1.2=1.1666… → around +16.67% compared to before. Your eHP at the same time increased by (1/0.8)/(1/0.9)=1.125 → +12.5% compared to before.

BUT HP doesn’t stay the same. It increase usually more than dmg does. So overall people become more tanky the higher the ilvl becomes, which is the reason why the last season of an expansion always feels the least bursty one. Before SL s2 that effect was even more increased, since armor wasn’t reseted each season as it is now.

So even when the effect on defensive versa is halved, the outcome is not. Damage doesn’t scale as good with gear than defense does!

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