And chaos bolt text says, “Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos”.
1.8 mil crits in a game where MS hits for more than double that is not very devastating.
And chaos bolt text says, “Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos”.
1.8 mil crits in a game where MS hits for more than double that is not very devastating.
But you can chain 2-3 in a single coil, so wouldn’t make it CB nearly as overtuned as MS for example is?
Also have I seen already CBs critting for 2.3M
as opposed to when they don’t crit
I chained 2 mortal strikes on a DH earlier with a insta proc. 60-0ed him before he could react. He still had blur and nether. I’ve had the MS reset proc 3 times in a row many times.
Landing 3 chaos bolts is worlds harder than landing 3 mortal strikes.
I hit someone for a 2.4 MS non crit earlier lol it’s overtuned. I enjoy warrior and want arms to be viable, mind you.
But then he can react, or did you 60-0 him with a single MS?
I 60-0ed him in about half a second. The reset on MS recharged the global very quickly.
Well, I do like Arms a lot more than Fury, but I don’t play Warrior at all. So I don’t care too much about their fun, but as someone who suffered a lot in s1 due to crazy imbalance, I wish them to be at least in a good spot.
Most specs should be. And even when it feels very bursty right now, its still like I said. Most lobbies I have played so far, the healers were able to deal with the damage spikes. As long as you react to stuff, rounds often pass the 3 minute mark.
But that being said, I haven’t played much on my alts so far, so no idea how things are at mid/lower mmrs.
I doubt it does half the global. Quite sure its still 1 second.
But lets say it happend. Does something like this happen very often as you stated? in that case you must have pushed at least 500 mmr compared to season 1. Did you?
This was at like 2450 shuffle. Played a 2600 shuffle on my demo where an arms warrior and WW were deleting people the entire game. I guess I gotta wait to see what’s up with the new gear/any tuning. Preseason ele was wacky last season, but still ended being pretty broken throughout the entire season.
Also queued some 2300 mmr mess around 3s with my multi-glad buddies. After 2 games our healer dipped because the damage was way too spiky and things were overtuned.
Also Smexxin was deleting people at the highest ratings in the game.
Big axe swung very hard would mortally wound anyone that got hit by it especially if the loser is wearing a dress dawg
Can’t believe we’re hating on blizzard for realism
I don’t get this statement. I’m not pushing in the offseason because it is entirely pointless. I am up rating on arms in the games I’ve played and I’m not sweating my butt off to do so.
I haven’t had a single round get past 3 mins on my healer even with people reacting to stuff because specs like MM are deleting people through my cooldowns.
Also for realism purposes whenever a warrior hits you with his weapon you should be interrupted while casting, if pummel (a punch to your noggin) stops you from casting, why wouldn’t big axe hitting you stop you from casting?
Only if any time I get a fear cast off your chat box opens and you run around yelling, “I’m a big scared weenie.” You know. For realism.
Wrong I just press berserker rage cuz warrior mains are brave!
Is that why they cry the most?
Makes sense for MM to dookie on people, if someone draws a 60 pound bow that would rip through anybody on contact tbh
It hit a DK for 4.1m, a plate class; if we’re going to be realistic shouldn’t someone wearing plate not feel an arrow?
Depends on the head of the arrow
yeah hey buddys y don u wait n c wat happen after gear
I’ll be very surprised if there is no tuning posted tomorrow or mon for tues