Oh and sheeps and traps are now stuns basically that don’t break
EDIT: for those saying “geez at least wait a week”, you have no idea about how gear scales. For every single patch that I have played since legion, whatever is broken the first week is still broken after people get gear. Most gear scaling is linear. Yes there are some nuances here and there with some stats like mastery for some classes… but overall, if you are broken first week, you are broken the next week.
The only thing that changes is that sometimes there are builds people discover in later weeks that change the meta. But in terms of broken abilities like slicing winds and mortal strike… I promise you… these will be broken until they nerf.
It’s the first week of a patch, this is the way its always been. Next season’s abilities and tuning, but still the previous season’s gear. There’s lots of nutty damage everywhere. Jesus at least wait one week when full honor is available, and a few pieces of Conq trickle out before losing your mind. Honor gear alone is like 26ilvls higher than current Conq. Healthpools will skyrocket faster than the dam will. Just chill for a few more days and see how things begin to take shape starting next Tuesday before losing your mind over first week of a patch.
I hope the damage stays the same and they just tune the small amount of abiltities doing insane damage. Last season might of been the most boring season to ever play as a healer.
Yeah but this week is also for us to ID broken stuff (would be nice to have honor gear) since blizzard cba to do internal testing before shipping the product
I heroic leaped on a sheep for 232k and it didn’t break, but I moonfired one for 115k and it did, so it seems inconsistent or possibly effected differently by st vs aoe?
So I know the official Warrior PvP playbook is to act like a victim and the worst class in the game but Warriors frequently have at least 1-2 specs in the top 5 and haven’t had a bad xpac since BfA.
People are really fatigued with Warriors in general, like how they’re fatigued with Mages, Warlocks, Hunters and Shadow Priests.