Id like to have a decent time playing the game not putting up with bs specs until your metric is good enough to make changes. Thank you.
If any spec gets overnerfed they can get buffed again.
Id like to have a decent time playing the game not putting up with bs specs until your metric is good enough to make changes. Thank you.
If any spec gets overnerfed they can get buffed again.
Stop being emotional over nothing. We have this seasons tuning and last seasons gear. Not hard to understand why numbers aren’t valid points of complaint atm. Especially with everyone building glass cannon with crafted gear.
If you want to point sputter and ignore gear scaling and it’s effect on lowering damage its just going to hurt your arguments.
No, id like changes to be done quickly and not stay playing against the same 3 specs the entire season. It is you who cant understand something that simple.
So, arms ww should remain like this one tapping you in their opener for two months right?
You can ignore what I posted earlier, that’s fine. Gooday. Not engaging with someone who wants to replace logic with emotion.
Yes thats a yes. Ww arms should remain oneshotting people in theor openers for two mo ths until you are ready to make changes. Yea see yourself out
I think it’s ENTIRELY reasonable to not kneejerk nerf three days into a patch - especially when there isn’t even rated.
I think it’s important to monitor abilities like these, but no balance changes should happen prior to collecting actual data.
Wintrading was always a thing over here. Especially in shuffle a lot of healer wintrading themselves to r1. But also Glad boosts are common.
Even r1 titles in 3s are getting shared with the same 50-100 people every season defending it with “I am just helping a friend”. But of course do they complain when they play an alt and meet r1 players during a “coaching session” stomping them.
I don’t know about botting though. I think rotation botting is quite a thing but something weird is going on with fake casting lately for example. Some wizards just have nearly a 100% success rate of faking kicks, as if they have found something in RAM to see exactly when a kick was used and were able to automatically stop casting just in time.
But I think here are also a lot of false accusations, as there are for kick bots! And except for the mage that was 100% a bot, I am being careful with that. But he was doing it way too frequently to be just luck and permanently a < 0.1 sec reaction time is unrealistically!
That is not needed. We only need to wait for next week. Honor gear and the first 4-5 epics will already make enough of a change to see what needs to be done, as that will be 20-25 item level or something which makes a huge difference!
And I also pointed out earlier: I also would prefer more consistent changes to address current situations, to minimize frustration within the community. But they are not doing it. They usually only do change things in the first 6-8 weeks of the season and after that people have to deal with the balance they got.
I meant df, not legion
I’ve straight up full charged font of magic fire breathed someone I slept walked and still had time to wonder if I should eternity surge into it also
It seems to function differently for dots as well, though, and fire breath is coded as a dot and has always had some weird interactions with fear/sleet (even with the upfront hit). Try eternity surge and let me know!
Honestly I’ve done some shuffles, and my main complaint isn’t even other specs hitting hard, it’s more so that ret doesn’t. I think this would be a great time to remove jurisdiction (the range increase talent) and buff spenders for paladin. I’m so sad when I use final verdict and a “350k” pops up on my screen.
Other than that I think tuning should probably wait until we have season 2 gear, with the exception of a couple things like demolish and aimed shot.
Hammer of light is doing half its 11.0.7 damage now. Healthbars not moving one bit
Damage done also matters because walls dont do a thung against overtuned specs
Btw, just checked the PTR for you guys.
In full PvP gear (678 ilvl), my
Sure, most people will drop versa for more damage (mastery and/or haste), so I would expect more around 30% versa for most people, but still will they receive a lot more defense than damage. And you still have the option to pick more Versa if you want to be more tanky!
Honor gear is 665, so we will see an item level of like 668-669 in the first week, which is 30 ilvl more than we currently have!
feral and rogue have been the best classes for 6 months lol
A lot of this stuff was tested in the ptr with full tier and the same specs currently doing stupid damage were doing it in the ptr.
So yes this is prepatch and no it won’t change much in the release especially that vers losing its value the more you of it you have. The specs that were weak now will still be weak then.
Granted the waiting after the 1st week will show blizz decides to tune stuff. Not to mention some of the talents are still bugged even on live like poor druid new CD .
Those prot numbers should double, and fury numbers should be 25%.
it only took rets screaming this from the rooftops for 15 years for them to make ret a fully ranged spec not limited by melee for literally any reason while also not being hindered by cast bars
maybe if warriors do it for 12 more they’ll get the same giga fried rework
Warriors should be a ranged class based on tossing elemental axes with poisons and darkness magic. Maybe even diseased axes and they should have traps and chains to whip people into their melee range so they don’t have to chase people to use their two hand weapon and one shot them with MS. Also charge should be removed.