Simple(ish) Solution to Tank/Healer Shortage

Yeah, and then you que as dps and notice that this guy called the tank is leading the group and taking all the attentions of the baddies so you can just do damage. And it becomes clear.

Could the devs make the new player experience much much better? Of course. I support that.

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I agree. There are only so many hours and $ they will spend on specs and spec maintenance. It is a zero sum game.

If they let hunters tank I would change that to my main and never swap back again, period. I currently use a druid and a hunter simply because a hunter DPS is more suited to me and a druid can tank, amongst other things.

I would gladly sacrifice all that makes a druid a druid just so I could tank on a hunter.

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I have a dk, monk, paladin, mage, and hunter at 60 and able to run m+15s. If mages could heal and hunters tank I would use those specs for sure.

If I was making the choice for blizzard I wouldn’t add a new class or spec into the game unless we had some sort of process to fine tune specs on a week to week basis.

Yea after seeing how much attention they’ve given monks this expansion, I’d say they’re spread pretty thin.

If they wanted to tank they would have picked a class that can do more than 1 role. access to a tank spec has been consistently unable to fix it so idk what another extra tanking spec would be different.
It is the role to tank and defacto leader that people are wanting to avoid.


Cross faction will inspire new tanks and healers.

I’m not going to quote your entire post but it was all spot-on. I suspect these balancing problems are severely exacerbated by all this borrowed power mischegas. The devs aren’t just trying to balance specs and talents, they’re also having to factor in nine million additional expansion-specific options, which has to be a mathematical horror-show, and by the time they start to get it right, the xpac is over and it’s time to throw that progress out and start a whole new group of systems.


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I’m on copium?

I’m on copium?

This comes up over and over and over.

It won’t do a thing. It isn’t the lack of tank/heals specs that creates the shortage.

It is the lack of players that want to step into those roles for pug groups. Adding more specs that can do those roles won’t do anything.

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If you think cross-realm is going to solve this problem and not make it worse, I don’t know what to tell you. If you play Alliance-side, you are suddenly going to compete with x10 as many DPS for a PUG slot. That’s how outnumbered you are for high-end keys.

This is what I thought you were going to say. This is how I felt at least.

Cross faction will fix everything because ALL PLAYERS regardless of faction will be using the same Group Finder tool.

Most people probably aren’t, but most wow players apparently are.

Another community problem, it’s pretty easy to have a non tank group lead if people are on comms. But it’s pretty rare that anyone wants to do that in pugs.

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I mean… I already implied it, why would I feel like I need to say it again?

Most existing tanks do this when new tank specs are added. The problem is that few non-tank players do. It doesn’t create new tanks, just changes classes that are being used.

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I stopped playing my tank and healer because of other players. I got sick of the “GoGoGoGo” mentality. I also got sick of players whining at me for not skipping mobs when I know so idiot will aggro them. Now, I just dps and keep my mouth shut.

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Half the classes in the game can currently tank, if people wanted to tank they would be. Adding more won’t solve the problem.

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Oh I want to tank, trust me. I just don’t want to deal with all the garbage BS systems in shadowlands a third time.