For the most part people who want to tank are already tanking. When monk and DH tanks were added it didn’t actually result in dps swapping to those specs, largely what happened is other tanks swapped to those specs.
Oh god no. More people to babysit?
I bet most people can handle being asked something and having to decline. This kind of hand holding is why master loot is gone.
I don’t think most people are this spineless.
Players should open their spell book and read for starters.
rank healer and dps is pretty self explainatory.
This is a very good point. Every guild that needs a tank already has one. 5 man content overinflates demand for tanks but other areas of the game are just not providing a need.
I would also add that tanking takes too much of a leadership role. They have extra pressure to not mess up and need to know mechanics and routes. It’s just so much extra work.
Yes, we’ve had this conversation more than once. It’s still what I think and I know you disagree.
Some can some can’t. I’ve meet many people who play pure dps because they can’t be asked.
This is why I would like to see the dungeon group size increase to match other forms of content. 10 man dungeons would be ideal for that but any increase would be a huge gain for forming groups.
So you’re logic is that we should limit everybody for the few who can’t handle the pressure from strangers online?
Yeah, this is the cringe part about the whole thing. People want tanks to exist, but also demand tanks not have more fun than they do. They whine and moan when tanks are having a great time with the game, but lack the awareness to realize that as soon as they get their way and tanking stops being fun again, those tanks will just stop playing and go back to a more fun role.
The “masses” are incredibly dumb, and I hope one day Blizzard learns to stop caving to crying just because DPS outnumber tanks.
Side-note: Bring back rare mounts in role satchels and you’ll see tanks and healers start queuing for stuff more frequently.
M+, in particular, exacerbates the problem.
(Note that I do ALL M+ with my friends, so I’m not even having to deal with the randos problem from pugging.)
When new dungeons come out, I have both tanked and DPS’d them.
While tanking, I need to study the map and all the pulls, and memorize a route. Then execute without pulling more or less. (Prideful made this worse than ever, btw.)
While DPS’ing, I turn my brain off, follow the tank, and hit things.
It’s night and day.
A simple solution is stop screeching and screaming at tanks and healers
when they make a mistake. Some of you people are so damn horrible to each other
a lot of them just tank and heal for guilds.
I don’t care of they add healer and tank specs to pure dps. The two things I do know are:
So far adding new tank specs to the game have not helped with tank populations in a meaningful way
I have met and have played with many people who have chosen pure dps because they never want to tank or heal
I don’t have a horse in the race I am just looking to share what I know about adding tank and heal specs to the pure dps classes.
I’ve been supporting a lock or hunter tank spec for years. I think the reason it hasnt been done is because of how difficult it is to balance things around pet AI. Beastmaster to me makes the most sense on becoming a tank
Healer and Damage were obvious but as someone who wasn’t an experienced gamer, I had no idea what Tank meant at first. I figured it out quickly because I’m not an idiot, but I digress.
I have recently observed that new characters get a blinking message at level 10 now that requires them to actually open their spec window and actively choose one . Maybe this will help a tiny bit in the long term? Before that the game just kind of funnelled you into a dps spec and you had to actively look for the spec tab and see what it did. I’m not sure when they changed this (it was fairly recently that I noticed it, but pretty sure it was well after Exile’s Reach was introduced). It’s a small step, they should keep going.
Point one is a good point. I think it has a typo though.
That’s actually a great idea! What if instead of being a required number, the enemy health scaled up to the number of players like it already does in raids? 10 seems a little high, but why not allow dungeons something like 5-8 players?
Edit: it would also alleviate the issue we happened to have last night in my guild where 7 or 8 of us were on, which was too many for one dungeon but not enough to run two groups we had to decide between benching some people or risking a pug.
Simple but also very difficult.
It’s really hard to get a massive group of people to be nice.
There’s also the design problem.
Blizzard is already spreading very little design space over too many specs, when it comes to tanks. And they’re robbing peter to pay paul in order to make them. Demon Hunters were created at the expense of Warlocks. Monks were created at the expense of Druids. Warriors have spent long periods of time the last few expansions either massively overpowered, or bottom of the barrel. All of these are problems. Trying to create more tank specs is insane when they have so many problems with the 6 they already have.
Is the average player ready to relearn all 8 existing dungeons as well as studying 2 all-new M+ dungeons?
Or would they rather just show up at the start of the next season and do their basic AE rotation?