Simple(ish) Solution to Tank/Healer Shortage

Is it just me or is the obvious solution to add a fourth spec to the one-trick-pony classes? Let the hunters and rogues tank, and the warlocks and mages heal.

Yes there would be more classes to create and balance, with all the associated headaches. However, I know that I, as a hunter main, would certainly like to experiment with other roles without having to completely re-level and re-gear and re-covenant-campaign a new toon. What do you think, fellow hunters, rogues, warlocks, and mages? Would you also like more options? Does anyone think this would alleviate the tank and healer shortage?


We’ve run tankless so many times I forgot the count in 5 man runs.
Just let players use VW or hunter pets to tank with. We do it anyway when we need to.
IF 5 geared DPS players want to run a dungeon, let them. stop the pointless restrictions.


The shortage is because less players want to play those roles.


Fully support this. I think more dps classes need access to the ability to tank-- especially ranged characters.

It didnt work when they added paladins to horde why would it work by adding another one now?
It also didnt work when they added death knights to both sides why would it work now?
It also also didnt work when they added monks to both sides why would it work now?
It also also also didnt work when they added DHs and let you go meta form and look like illidan so why would another tanking option work now?


Those are all new classes. I’m talking about specs for existing classes so that no class has only one role.

Also, many players pick pure dps classes because they never want to be asked to tank or heal.


Tank/Healer shortages happen because most players don’t want the added responsibility that comes with the roles. I have tanked and healed, but I only do so with people I know. I don’t ever do so in pugs without at least someone else I know in the group to cut down on the bs that happens.


It’s not a class problem. It’s a responsibility problem. More tank / healer classes won’t solve the issue.


Yes adding tank/heal specs to pure dps is different than adding new classes with those specs but in general adding new tank specs to the game hasn’t increased the number of tanks in the game in a meaningful way. And the hypothesis is that adding them to pure dps specs would have the same result.

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There is no tank shortage, apart from a specific shortage for 5-man pugs.

The Unwelcome Mat is out for tanks in all other content.
You want to PvP? Tank not needed. Well… maaaaaaybe 1 tank.
You want to raid? Nobody needs more tanks.
You want to do world content? Bring coffee, because it will take forever.

There’s also the massive hatred the playerbase has for tanks. EVERY TIME that tanks do respectable damage, the playerbase breaks out the torches and the pitchforks and demands changes.

Especially in arena. OMG there are a dozen tanks in the Top 1000 arena players - THEY MUST BE NERFED! And Blizzard immediately nerfs them. It’s absurd.

Vengeance (the mechanic, not the spec) damage? Nerfed. Echoing Void? Nerfed. And these aren’t Blizzard taking action by themselves, those were Blizzard catering to the MASSIVE OUTCRY from the playerbase that tanks were actually having fun.

Make playing a tank not a chore, and more people will tank. Treat tanks as something other than a Public Service Provider who’s there for YOUR amusement, and more people will play tanks.

Like Ghostcrawler said when asked at Blizzcon years ago about the “tank shortage”: “Stop treating your tanks like crap.”

(P.S. And for the love of god, Blizzard, never do an affix like Prideful ever again.)


Increase the number of tanks and healer needed to complete content, and there will be more tanks and healers. Not saying this is a good idea.


No. It would not do much to improve it. Tanking and healing take a special sort of mentality. They also have more pressure. People especially in this community which is often harsh on mistakes don’t want to play out of comfort zone.

What would be great though is multiple classes on one character. It might help a little with the OP issue, but it would help a lot with the ‘ew grind stuff again’ issue.


BFA full tank runs was so much fun .

To add to what was included above, people are also very awful to tanks in five man content, especially low level five man content to the point that I think it turns people off to tanking.


Exactly. More tank variations won’t solve anything until the real problem with “tanking” has been fixed and it won’t ever be, at least not in this game.

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Do you think it’s because they don’t want to play them or because they don’t know how?

I know as a new player (I mean I played vanilla but when I came back during BfA the game was so different I felt like a new player, and for all intents and purposes I was) it is crazy intimidating to try tanking or healing. If you’re a tank you need an encyclopaedic knowledge of the dungeon layout, and as a healer you just get yelled at half the time while you try to learn what you’re doing.

So maybe an additional issue is educational scaffolding. Aside from legion class hall content there is almost nothing that teaches you even the very minimal basics of how to tank or how to heal. When I got to legion content on my first character (pre-Chromie time) and had to play with other specs, I was so confused because they just expected you to know what you were doing. How? How the heck is a new player supposed to know about different specs and roles, let alone how to play them, if there is literally zero in-game information about how to do so?

So now that I’ve finished typing all that, I suppose we need to add a little more to the new-player levelling experience along with the new specs…

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Doesn’t matter if you add every class a healer and tank spec. It’s easier to hide behind a dps spec than tank/healer. And alot of player hate that responsibility


This is a player created problem that adding more tanks doesn’t fix.


Tanking at level 10 is just dps. So, it can’t be that. And not knowing the way, or the meta route isn’t an issue below starting mythic zeros. Someone in the group will point the way. I’ve done it for new tanks while leveling.

I would say it is more likely that tanking for those leveling dungeons is a bad experience. Since the mobs are no threat and can be tanked by dps the dps will pull for you and rush through. Basically tanks aren’t needed.

If the mobs would just kill dps very quickly and you needed a tank to clear the content people would be more willing to teach.

If you look at classic wow or TBCC it takes a long time to form a group and get to the dungeon so kicking a tank and getting a new one takes longer then teaching a tank.

In addition to the above I would fix the tank shortage issue by increasing the dungeon group size. That way you get more dps per tank. Even of groups went to 6 man groups that’s a 33% increase in dps per tank.