I Should Have Used My Stones More

Loncis, two years ago, you did this very same thing, left WoW because it was poisoning you.
It was somewhere close to that same time when I knew WoW didn’t love me anymore.
By then most of us had gone a little numb, no longer displaying the outrage caused by unfathomable changes being made in-game that mostly lowered QoL in-game.
By then, we were all being poisoned. All of us. Top to bottom, 95+% of experienced players were unhappy with the state of the game.
We all had to cope, and did so, using some method or another.
So, we get another sociological study, using WoW players as the test-base, about coping…
and we also get this;

A new word in our vocabulary.
I used to be one of the 98+%, but after some serious lowering of standards along with the realization that I did not have to love a corpse, it’s all good now. gooder… goodish…
See you in a couple years Loncis. I too, hope for a better future.