SILVERMOON. Give it to us

A moment of seriousness for a second. No. We shouldn’t get Silvermoon for the sake of just giving it. If a city is taken or destroyed, it should be for story and plot driven reasons only.

Adding more high elf customisation options for Void Elves does not take away customisation from Blood Elves. Calm your cheese.


Get lost there are players who really want this done and you are feeding them troll.

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Ok, you come and try to take it. Just do me a solid and tell me date/time/server.

I don’t want to miss it


I am making light of an otherwise ridiculous demand, you’re taking it far too seriously, relax.


How about you read this.

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The issue with that statement is that… I’ve clearly stated a few times on this post that it is not to be taken seriously.

The post can be read and I’m certain most people have enough commonsense to realise it’s not meant to be serious, and partake in silly nonsense.


Under City 2.0 you can have Silvermoon back after we blow it up and leave it in ashes beyond repair.


forget silvermoon let’s land dalaran in hillsbrad foothills and retake it for the alliance

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A few coats of makeup/paint doesn’t make you a high elf :laughing:


Actually I just want the Northern Lordaeron to be a thing as well as having that Eastern Plaguelands Lodge back to us. The Blood Elves can have their Capital while the Alliance gets the Ruined High Elf Towns in Ghostlands. XD

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either way it spelled doom for the blood elves if that well got taken or corrupted again.

Then stop being gullible and fall for a troll topic…
No offense but it only shows how insecure some people are. It’s a logistical nightmare to change the city for the other faction. On top of that, people would also nag for including these maps onto the seamless server structure.

Silvermoon will always be your home.

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You can have it.

I mean, there is that destroyed Western half of Silvermoon that no one is using. I’m sure the Void Elves could go in there and spruce up the place nicely! Then all the Thalassian Elves could finally be together again!

This is obviously a troll.


Le sens commun est le moins commun de tous les sens.

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Helfs are already welcome in Silvermoon City.

Still not sure why anyone would think that Velfs should ever be allowed back in, if anything Lor’themar and Rommath should not have been as merciful as to not just straight up execute Umbric and those who followed him.

As for a warfront - the belf don’t really have any desire to kill their own people, they proved as much by only exiling the Void Elves despite having very good reasons to execute them.

The helf vs belf conflict is still extremely one-sided. The helfs hate the belfs, but the belfs do not hate the helfs.

Void Elves straight up betrayed their nation and they continued the research of Quel’thalas’ most notorious traitor and the reason for the fall of the High Elven people and the massacre of 90% of them, all just to pursue a power which could also potentially corrupt and destroy the Sunwell and cause another many years with mind-breaking, magical addictions and suffering for both belfs and helfs.

Should the velfs be forgiven? Hell no, should they have been executed rather than exiled? Hell yes.

The void within the void elves can either be used as a gateway for other void beings to enter the realm of Azeroth, and sensing the power of the Sunwell through Alleria may have caused them to open up a portal to get through and corrupt the Sunwell.

Atleast that is the way I understand the void to work, void beings can be used to or can open portals for other void beings, and that is usually how worlds fall to the void.

Either that or the void and the light interracted and by the power of both a portal opened. Regardless, any void being near the Sunwell is an immense danger.

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I agree; give it to the blueberries.

So we can blight it.

Retake the city. Void out their sunwells. Corrupt their Blood Knights into Void Knights. Silvermoon (and Dalaran) will be ours again!

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I have a hilarious idea that the Void whispers ideas for construction in the Elves ears as they build and by time they’re finished it only looks half like what they’d intended in the blue prints… when they’re done it looks like Suramar/Silvermoon but with like weird Non-Euclidian buildings and such here and there…


It is high time we liberate our kin from the tyranny of the Light. First we’ll open rifts directly to the Sunwell and Void bomb it. Next, we’ll force mass convert all of the survivors, or exile them to Kalimdor (you know, give them from their own medicine). Finally, we’ll appoint a Void magistracy as the ruling body of Silvermoon.

Silvermoon shall be free or shall not be.


Note: This is obviously facetious roleplaying. No, I do not want Silvermoon as an Alliance city, and I do not care for it at all. You can relax.