Should mounts only go to top performers?

Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about yourself.

Sorry you can’t deal with facts.

Awww… still obsessed with me?

You sound upset at being found out.

Yeah. You are precious to me.

Upset? Lol.

I can’t make you think… it’s not up to me, you gotta do that yourself.

And those that put in more effort do more damage and healing.

That is not a factual statement.

You can do more for the guild and other players and not be in the top 2 or 3 dps or heals… plus certain classes will always excel.

Yes it is.

No, you can’t. Please don’t make assumptions about how MY guild works.

Not necessarily. Maybe at your level that’s the case, but in my guild, we’re high performers, and classes that are perceived as “bad” still manage to take top spots.

lets put it like this, say I provide the guild with consumes, feasts, enchants, gems, you name it. And the guild gave me the mount or something out of it, I think that’s a good thing. It proves you are dedicated to the team and should be rewarded for going above and beyond for it.

What did I expect when talking to someone like yourself? :roll_eyes:

I don’t care how some mediocre guild is run… you don’t know what effort is, you run off dps/healing meters and think that’s what effort is.

I mean its Wrath this content has been figured out and beaten to death… anyone that isn’t a high performer should be ashamed of themselves.

I mean, you were asking if it’s okay for you to roll need on frozen orbs because you’re a raid geared tank and don’t need anything. Not sure why you have an issue with this when your thought process was essentially the same but on a more micro level.

Is it wrong to Need roll on Frozen Orbs as the Tank? - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Not bashing, but providing your own logic to the question you’re posing in this thread.

I always find it amusing that people, like you, whom I’ve never talked to, have longstanding opinions and assumptions about me. So, what is it, did I dismantle an argument you made on your main?

It is. Those that put in more effort perform better. What about that is difficult for you to understand? Let me guess, you think the only reason people do more damage than you is because of RNG and luck?

High relative to the rest of the playerbase… cmon, this isn’t difficult. At least, it shouldn’t be…

Bye byeeeeee

I spoke with you yesterday for the first time… after hearing constantly how much of a :troll: you are… I didn’t believe it really, I didn’t know you… I know enough now to not be a fan but not dislike you.

I’ve only had one argument dismantled and that was in general.

I don’t envision a classic andy ever coming within a thousand miles of doing that.

Whatever, you don’t know what effort is… that’s fine.

I’ll repeat myself… anyone who isn’t a high performer should be ashamed of themselves. This game has been figured out and beaten to death.

Got it, so I dismantled your argument yesterday, which is why you make non-constructive posts like this:

If you’re that offended that I proved you wrong on a public forum, it would be most productive to put me on ignore.

Right, I don’t know what “effort” is but your defense to my point is “Like, whatever!” Do you think that’ll be convincing anyone? Again, the reason people perform better than you is not luck. It’s effort.

And I’ll repeat myself since nuance seems to escape you. High relative to the rest of the player base. That means the highest performers of the high performers. Do you not understand the concept of degrees? Is everything in your world black or white only?

You can dream.

You’ve yet to do that… now you’re proving everyone right, that you’re a :troll: a boring one at that.

Thanks for admitting you don’t know what effort is.

I’ll repeat myself again, “anyone who isn’t a high performer should be ashamed of themselves.” because the average is high performing… it’s funny you got this air of superiority about you when its clear you aren’t.

So your rebuttal is “nuh uhh!!!” Got it.

Then your reason for making non-constructive posts directed at me is what, exactly?

Another “nuh uh!!!” rebuttal? This is why you fail to convince.

Ok, so this right here shows me you are incapable of understanding nuance and degrees. The world truly is only black or only white to you.

By definition, it’s not. Apparently you do not know what “high performing” means, which is unsurprising given your points up to this post.

Didn’t need anything clever, but you’re entitled to dream.

You’ve made none directed at me.

Sometimes, it’s all that is need… I’m not gonna argue a point when I already know you’re too far gone to even have a serious discussion with.

Pot meet kettle.

Well considering you don’t know what effort is, I doubt you know what high performing is…

Right, so my point stands, you’re disgruntled that I destroyed your argument yesterday, which led to the non-constructive reply. And your only response, or in this case, nonresponse, to that is “you can dream”, because you aren’t capable coming up with an actual response. The reason for that is because I’m right. Glad we cleared that up.

No, you made one directed at me.

It’s all you can do, because you are wholly incapable of defending your points with anything else.

You can’t argue it, you mean.

I’m not the one saying that “everyone is a high performer”. That’s what you’re saying because you can’t comprehend nuance and degrees.

Except I’ve already stated what effort is, you’ve simply replied with “nuh uhh” because you yourself don’t know what effort is.

And the classic “NO YOU!!!” response. You really can’t present a single substantial argument.

Sometimes it’s all you need, simple responses to respond to simple people.

No, I said… “I’m not gonna argue a point when I already know you’re too far gone to even have a serious discussion with.”

Dissecting sentences to make them fit a narrative, adorable… but amateur.

I am saying they are… I’m saying you’re average and think far too highly of yourself.

You stated your own self-made definition… that’s not what effort is, whether you like it or not.

I thought stating the obvious would be appreciated.

To be completely unconvincing, which you’ve accomplished here.

But the real point is that you can’t. You can’t argue a point. That’s why your arguments are “nuh uh” and “no you”.

Based off what? Do you know how I perform?

Where did I state my “own self-made definition”? Quote it.

You thought saying “no you” was going to convince anyone? It’s becoming clear how I was able to dismantle your “arguments” yesterday now.