Is it wrong to Need roll on Frozen Orbs as the Tank?

I don’t need any gear from Heroics as i’m a raid geared tank, but I try to run all the Heroics daily so I can get the Frozen Orb at the end.

I don’t particularly need it for any crafting, but it goes for around 50 - 60g on my server and if I can get around 13 orbs a day that’s roughly 650g on top of what I make from dailies.

As a tank, my repair costs are also higher and I have to control the entire pace of the group so I play the most important role so in a way I feel entitled to the orbs as well.

Is it wrong for me to start groups and hard reserve the orbs? I tried doing this and people tried to report me for it, which makes no sense lol.


It’s your group. You can do anything you want in it.

what this does illustrate is why there is a need for RDF.


I think anyone should need it. From my understanding that is what most people I run dungeons with do.


Yeah I want RDF too but yeah, I got a little worried cause people reported me while trying to advertise so I didn’t know if it’s not allowed or something.

I’ve started needing every dungeon as well even if i’m not forming it, I just assumed that’s what everyone did.

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Everyone needs it from what I’ve seen.It’s still currency for everyone


I roll need on anything I want in my bags. Frozen orbs are one of them. I’m a mage, so no, it’s not a problem




On my server it’s all greed rolls.

That said, with the current system, if you are essentially ‘hard reserving’ it in advance, you should say so up front and let other players opt in/out as they want.

Most players will still go, but you’ll save some frustration/anger at people feeling surprised/baited that you’re essentially charging a fee on the back-end.


Yeah i’ve gotten some anger out of people who hated that I need roll as a tank on Orbs even if i’m not announcing it ahead of time, for some reason part of me just assumed you needed on whatever you need ya know? I figured greed is just an option if you didn’t care.

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It’s a cultural thing as much as anything.

As a JC I always have a use for them, but I don’t roll ‘need’ on them just bc that’s not how my server rolls - pun intended?

If you step back, it’s an item used in most crafting professions, and it’s BOE and worth 60g on some servers right now. So from that point of view almost everyone could say they ‘need’ it.

It’s that communication piece of trying to smooth over conflict in advance, and also potentially avoid getting a bad rep.


Well on a Mega Server reputation rarely matters, i’ve seen people ninja so much stuff. But I get your point, I always try to make it a thing when I form groups.

Can you solo it?

Then thats meaningless. I think the respectful thing to do would be to inform your group of what youre doing before they roll, or let them know ahead of time. No you cannot be banned if its established ahead.

If you wait for them to roll and do it without warning you’re a scoundrel. If you can live with it then go for it


i see this argument all the time, but i also know RDF wasnt in the game until the latter parts of wrath. can someone explain why this is so critical?

Its not critical. It’s desirable for ease of use and aiding lower level players find groups.

But this is the forums and every single topic is derailed by these clowns.

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How does this relate to rdf?


That’s all I wanted to know, I got some behavior warnings for running ads for reserve groups lol

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Roll need if you need.

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Everyone needs frozen orbs. Stop being weird.


Depends on the players. Most people I have played with click greed, however I’ve had a group or two all click need also. It’s why I wait on Orbs to see who clicks what. I personally don’t need the Orb yet. But I will hold on to it till I do.


You know he just makes these threads on purpose with the intention of causing heated arguments.

It’s painfully obvious.