Should mounts only go to top performers?

That’s how my guild does things. Cosmetics are rewarded to those who put in the most effort.

well, my experience with this has been given to the players that lead the raids got dibs on certain things. Like Mounts, Pets, Legendaries, certain items depending on their role they are playing. You know that kind of stuff. Heck even the GM of the guild would get some stuff under these conditions, like titles, bag space, w/e.

In other words, if it’s a guild run, it’s expected. If it’s a complete pug, it in all honesty shouldn’t matter much. Think about it, you do 3d OS and someone gets the drake put didn’t get the item from it, they will most likely want to run with you again.

That’s not measuring effort… you’re measuring them off DPS/Healing meters.




a vigorous or determined attempt.

That’s why ML is a terrible thing… no one should have dibs on anything, leading or not.

Dont run it then.

Ta da not an issue

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It’s up to the guild to decide who gets dibs on what.

We already saw this since classic, and it continued on in tbcc and now. It’s not going to be any different. But I also put a clear indicator on this, it makes sense if it’s a full guild running it. If it’s a PuG with Few guildies then it should be up in the air.

You just don’t understand how things work huh?

I don’t and won’t run with it, the problem is this is the preferred method for raid leaders… the option needs to be taken away, so there isn’t any favoritism or bs reasoning… take the power from the power hungry.

Those are bad guilds, this isn’t mythic raiding with people you’ve known for years and/or a guild that is sponsored.

Eh… I still don’t like ML, but I guess in a full guild situation sometimes… but some items like mounts and such… should be force rolled.

Their raid their rules. Don’t join those raids


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What are you even talking about?

the way mounts should be given out:

  1. to you.
  2. to top 2 dps.
  3. to top 2 healers.
  4. to top 2 tanks.
  5. to officers
  6. to raiders.
  7. to trials
  8. to socials

Really? I didn’t know that…

Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a terrible system put in place for the greedy to play favorites and call dibs on stuff just because they think they’re some great leader.

At least you know you’re one of those players I spoke about a few lines up.

It was pretty obvious. Reading comprehension.

Well now you do! You are welcome friend!

Thanks for proving me right! Good day!

So you’re Garmuck, I get it.

But at the end of the day, this depends on the guild. I’ve seen both sides of the coin for it. And both are fine. Guilds that already have a list usually have like 5 people that you have to wait behind once it starts. It also depends on what you do with the guild, say you do a lot of guild activity with others outside the raiding scene, or pvp for that matter. Say you help with running dungeons with guildy alts on equal level or just a carry. Or provide some items or gave them gold. There’s other factors that can dictate this other than “performance”.

Very good day indeed! Wish you the best. Hope you can find your non ML guild

I’m not, but it doesn’t change the fact that ML is for greedy beta males who amounted to nothing.

I’d be warry of partaking in a guild where drama was stirred up a lot, personally.

Well you started posting after Garmuck stopped posting, and you argue the same way., which is to say you don’t and just avoid clarifying yourself after throwing out some random non sense. Seems too obvious to be a mere coincidence.

Lol who can take you seriously? It’s fun to watch
