Should mounts only go to top performers?

Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself…

Don’t need to be, I’m not trying to change your mind… lol

Nope, just a guess… because anyone with more than a braincell, has a basic understand of their class and prior wrath experience should be able to do the content easily at a high level. You aren’t bright, but I don’t think you’re a Fahundo, Aguy or Slicy… you seem to at least be able to speak without screeching, I commend you on that.

Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.

I quoted the actual definition, which is what matters…

Take your own advice lol

Weren’t you only doing GDKPs because its the most efficient way to raid and there is no point to do otherwise?

Yeah I answered it up here :

Nope, you clearly said the most efficient way to raid was GDKPs and that there was no point otherwise… lets not back peddle now

On a different thread, in a different conversation, completely unrelated to the conversation I’m having on this thread.

I mean I get you, you read all my posts and became a Garmuck Historian but you gotta know that cherry picking quotes doesn’t work when you refuse to acknowledge reality.

Oh yeah i forget every thread is a new fan fiction for you, my apologies

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Instant reply, didn’t even bother reading my responses anymore so you can get the last word in.

At this point you’re just going out sad my boy.

Whatever fan fiction helps yoy sleep at night mate…

I would quit that guild ASAP. Everyone knows that the GM’s girlfriend gets the mount.

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sounds like a solid attempt at nepotism

I can tell you where your threads need to go.

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A lot of the so called “community” aspects people love is just about selfishness and abuse other people. Officers and GM take all the loot and will say oh loot council/we set up. It’s a joke and Classic is dead

Sounds more like a corrupt Loot Council.

All mounts should be open roll to everyone. Besides, whats to change their minds at the end when they don’t win the roll but the officers decide they desverve it more?

So the priest healer will always get a roll, warlocks get the roll and then everyone else over time. Its a flawed system. Mounts should be open roll for everyone. I could see a reserve against pugs but not against the guildies, if you have a baddie just replace them if they cant improve

Does a mount improve the performance of a player in a raid?

Considering how class dependant raids/fights are. That’s stupid asf


“Should” isn’t an appropriate term. In a dictatorship their will is law.

Also it would be pretty dumb to just use the top two DPS, you should use the top DPS per class. Or spec.

Mounts should be open roll and then ninja looted by ML. That is what LC is all about right? Ninja looting and giving to your GF.

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