Sheeple! 🐑

I’d play Sheep people, what racials would they have?

  • Active Racial: Ramming - Run in one direction traveling 20 yards causing knockback to any enemy target hit and generates X resources for each target hit, maximum 5 targets. 1 minute, 30 second cooldown.

  • Herd Mentality: Gain +0.5% Versatility and 0.3 Stamina for each party or raid member that is alive in your group.

  • Thick Wool: Reduces Frost damage taken by 1%

  • Grazing: When standing idle and not in combat, recover 5% health every 2 seconds and standing still for more than 30 seconds gain well fed increasing your Stamina and Primary stat by [Level / 2] for 15 minutes.


you forgot “IT’S SO FLUFFY!”: When someone /hugs you improve both players’ moods by 200%


Not showing this to my lamb

I’m sure ewe’ll regret it :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d play it. My first ever D&D character was a Goat/Ram person. His name was just the german word for goat and onions were his only currency.

Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Hunter, Monk, Rogue, Priest, and Mage.
Hunters start off with a Sheep.

Insufficiently ironic. They start with a wolf. A very large hungry drooling wolf.

No, not my stupid brother.


/cast hibernate

Turns out that it’s not really a beast, it’s a magical cyborg unicorn.

…an aberration then?

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Don’t hurt its feelings like that ):

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The monster destroyed gilneas!

Silence of the lambs

That city looks perfectly fine!

And where do you find this xD

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That seems quite Baaffaling.

In a thread long long ago, someone linked the exodar disco song. I got it in my recommended or something after that.

Wow lol.


Only if their racial mount is a cart pulled by a pair of dwarves.

um…in the third and sixth time would I still say “Ba-ram-you”? I’d be down if when on the ninth time of being spam clicked and I blow up I did a 100m AOE striking for 1,000,000 hp and taking everyone with me.