I really want bunny people

I’m with you on this one Niko, WoW has already kinda gone too far in this direction. Please no bunny people.

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Giant horse ladies.

Like vrykul, but horsey.

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Actually for what I asked I think it did pretty well. I asked for a World of Warcraft inspired Viera

FFXIV is that way ------>


Wish we got the hearthstone Virmen!

On that note. Mean Streets of Gadgetzan needs to be canon. But then, knowing these writers it will end up being as stale as the reclamation of Gilneas.




That looks actually really awesome :o

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Bunny stew.


Ninja assassin Li LI?

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But the fox people will eat them.

That’s Aya Blackpaw, the head of the Jade Lotus.

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i think if Blizzard updates the Virmen Model to look like their version of Heartstone you might get what your looking for and personally i am totally ok with this idea if they decide to do it.


of course i don’t mind their old model either, but i think a update version so it can be playable would be better for them, Blizzard could give them the same option male Orc have when it comes to their backs.

a hunch back or a more straight back.

Huh, she’s cute. better looking then the ingame model Pandaren females.

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Zug Zug

Maybe when we visit Bunny Island. :world_map::robot:

I don’t know about OP, but while I enjoy bunnygirls and catgirls as much as the next person, I would want anthropomorphic bunny people. Similar to the virmen, but with softer features (although if they allowed people to make them look exactly like the virmen, that’s fine too, I just don’t want that specidically).

Tuskarr with rabbit ears. I think that’s a good middle ground.

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… oh… my… Elune. You madman.