Since FF14 Dragon People are coming

I meant lore wise in the game.

As someone who used to play in Balmung, the Quicksand wasn’t all that bad! Usually just a bunch of people dancing and being silly more than anything.

The worst part were the level 3 ERP alts. You can tell because they always went around with no shirt. Talk about lazy!

I’ve heard of the quicksand, and wanted to check in, but never found the time. I guess I’ve been there, though. Jumping over tables to grab my next quest sometimes. But never realizing I’m in the quicksand and never checking.

Aside from stopping to check some outfits… Ehem…

Goldshire is a kids garden XD

Quicksand, pls, the real deal are de 18+ Nightclub housing.

I wonder how many people will be able to enter in the new private islands as guests?

I freaking hate FF14’s lore and this is just adding to it.

There’s only one right answer…

I wonder how much you really know about FF14 lore, especially considering the big reveals of the last 2 expansions XD

I mean to basically sum up the lore here, academics believe Mi’qote evolved from cats however Mi’qote heatedly deny that to be the case.

Enough to hate it. Every bit I learn only makes me dislike it more. The whole Miqo’te naming nomenclature makes me gag.

I read the story if that’s what you’re talking about. I haven’t done any of the side quest stuff like beast tribes or whatever. All that stuff bores me to death. I also stopped reading the story because the uncanny valley/anime vibes are just too much.

Gameplay is alright
Endgame stuff is fun (Arguably a little too accessible… Folks can easily extend prog out by a month)
Story/lore is nothing to write home about.

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Wow! Sheep are the best! Although I wouldn’t want sheep people…I’d just have them be sheep.

They’d go around and baa at people, it’s great!

You had me for the first half. But bro, cat girls.

The actual lore for Miqo’te is massively cringe, though.

No thanks, we don’t need a game of sexual fetishes.

Those clubs are only legitimate if advertised on a billboard.

I love my lion boi. :purple_heart:

Hrothgar players ruined Hrothgar.

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I for one cannot wait for Hrothfems. I’d love to see FFXIV actually challenge a real-deal anthro race.

(Could’ve been Burmecians, y’know.)

The funniest thing about Au Ra in 14 is that they came out in the dragon expansion with all the dragons and SE was confused about it and went “What? No they’re supposed to resemble demons, they have nothing to do with dragons”

That’s what you generally get from a race that was only female at first.

Sun cats? Males are few and have to fight over which one of them is allowed to reproduce and be in charge. Moon cats are all about girl power and the men are still few, but they kick the boys out anyway until it’s time to reproduce, many just don’t come back and go somewhere where they’re wanted.

And a genuinely do cringe with all the male sun-cat players i see who take the surname “Nunh” as it denotes that he is the tribes “alpha male”. I’m just like, “Mmm, sure you are”

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For those who don’t know what I’m talking about in terms of Cat People I meant Miqo’tes from Final Fantasy 14 pretty much.

Eh, they’re being coy about it. The concept art was specifically for a draconic race. They just wanted to keep it ambiguous in-game.