The Number of Playable Races?

No, I think there’s still not enough even if WoWs selection of races is one of the best in MMORPGs honestly. Give us more, Naga, Gnolls, Ogres, Furbolg, Dragonkin, lots more to go. I do think some of the allied races could’ve just been customization options for existing races though, like LFD and Maghar.


You say you’re serious but c’mon. We need more races not less. When I started again in Shadowlands I was very happy to see so many new races after quitting since wod.

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More is better.

I think HMT and Tauren should just be sub categories. Id totally play a Taunka or whatevee those Northrend ones are. The bulls…

Same with Trolls dwarves dreanei…sub races or clans imo but I see lore wise why they are separate.

Voidelves…I might get this wrong so…

I am not a big fan of reskinned races despite liking tbe additional options in terms of hair and skin tones etc.

Id rather a new race vs voidelf/nightelf or whatever.


As stated, it is just my personal opinion. You’re opinion seems to differ and that is okay. Really it is. I won’t attack your opinion. I would hope that you didn’t feel the need to question mine.

I feel there are too many races and they don’t add anything significant to the game just by existing. There is no world building around them. Races were added to the Horde based on player popularity. Races were added to the Alliance based on some factor only known to Blizzard.

Because I am an altoholic who is compelled to make every available race, I do feel there are too many. But that is my personal problem, and it’s no one else’s fault I have an addiction.

Under no circumstances should any race be removed.
Also, just because (as stated above) I have an addiction, there’s no reason others should be deprived of playing whatever race they most desire.

I personally feel new races should actually be new, however, not reskins of existing models (like most allied races).

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Opinions should always be questioned. But that’s just my opinion… :man_shrugging:t4: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This. It’s more customization in the game for players to enjoy.

Besides, even if it is a race you don’t personally like, it’s not like you’re forced to play it or anything.


Yeah, I can agree there.

I’m all for more races with new models/animations, that’s definitely welcome.

First rule of actual MMORPG’s.

NEVER remove content.

Threads asking for Classic content restored in Retail, I’m looking at you. And nodding.


I’m of the more the merrier, the more races there are, the more chance people will have a race that matches what they feel would be best for any specific character.

As another poster above said, even if races get added that I would never play, they may be liked/loved by someone else, so all is good.


And, I will add, PLEASE, Blizzard, for the love of WoW…

  • Stop stupifying races
  • Stop destroying races
  • Stop ignoring player generated ideas, Horde DESERVE San’layn!
  • And, last, for now, STOP making the race different from their lore!

I’m mainly looking at two races: Night Elves and Forsaken. One is an entirely female warrior race with an average experience of over 10,000+ years, while the other is a race that had O)NE individual with at least 90%+ of their lore tied up in her. And then she LEFT.

You seem…unfamiliar with what human emotion looks like…and a bit petty.

I think that at most they ought to have a drop-down menu or a selector of some kind within the parent race for the allied races that are basically just slightly different versions of whatever.

It’d be tidier.

They definitely should not get rid of them though.

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I can’t see human emotion through a computer screen.
Regardless, I’m going to assume you didn’t like my question and move on; I understand it wasn’t worded the most eloquently, but it was genuine nonetheless.

We need to add Sheeple!

They should become a bit more scientific and add the idea of “species”. You choose your species, and then the race.

Human species: Popeyes, Blutoes
Dwarves: Cool Dwarves, Hot Dwarves
Elves: Bloody, Nighty, Voidy, Nightborney, etc etc (so they can add a hundred more without cluttering the main nenu!)
Draenei: Heavyforged, Lightforged
Gnomes: Family Gnomes, Mechabominations
Orcs: Har’ghar, Moar’ghar
Trolls: General Discussion, Zandalari Discussion
Tauren: Lowmountain, Highmountain
Comic Relieves: Goblins
Furries: Wowgen, Pandawen, Vulpewa
Undead: anybody, but zombies

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No, that would be stupid. They can’t do it because we already have characters of them; nor would they ever do it.

I don’t really think we need more playable races, though.

I don’t even think we need more classes, rather just improvement.

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I don’t really think there’s clutter at all, it’s pretty easy to manage. I love having more diverse races in the game, however I’d love if Blizzard utilised the ones we already have.

I would like them however - to create more flexibility on racials. Like have various races able to select a few options of racials that are usually on another race - with some various lore reasoning - heck even a quest to unlock the option & an NPC to switch between them would be nice. That’s a system - I could get on board with.

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I’d say that’s fair and accurate.
I’m regretting my approach to this question; I probably should have just left out the latter part, lol.

We definitely need improvement and balance. The only class I was ever interested in/mused being added was demon hunter, and I honestly don’t think I would have minded if it hadn’t - not to say it isn’t interesting and fun to manoeuvre.

I’m sorry, I thought I had made that obvious and without need of assumption.