in a 1v1 situation , shadowly duel makes zero impact because you dont take increase damage in the shadowly duel , you just cant 1v1 someone, that is your main issue, so you need to look at yourself and ask yourself what you are doing wrong instead of blaming pvp talents


Yes b-but the uwu’s they only allow pandaren to uwu in pvp for ally…

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I disagree with this. As a 2400 experienced player, and duelist this season (because people keep bringing up experience and such), Shadowy Duel is completely counter intuitive to the idea behind arena, which is team based combat. Pulling someone into a pocket realm, and they have no way out of the pocket realm, throwing them into a kidney and killing them without an issue while their partner cannot do anything other than AoE to help them, isn’t fun.

For example, as a priest, if my partner is tossed into a shadowy duel, I have one option. A singular option. Which is to run, hope I make it there quickly enough before the rogue kills him, and fear bomb. And I also need to hope that the rogue has already burned cloaked, so that as he sees me running over (because he can see me, but I cannot see him) that he doesn’t merely pre-cloak. And I have no option to fake it, or bait it, because my partner will die in the time it takes for me to try and do that, or to wait out the cloak.

This goes for basic class design - in the above example, I need to hope that the rogue has somehow messed up and does not have cloak for the duel. Any mechanic in which you must hope the other team has screwed up so that you can hope to survive? Is bad. Point blank period. I personally find Shadowy Duel to be a terrible mechanic, and it’s incredibly buggy.


It’s a good ability but it’s not game breaking, there’s many ways to counter it.

This I agree with. If the OP went in from that perspective instead of just “I got killed in world pvp” this whole thread would’ve been different.


Priest who flexes his 2.4 achieve thinks his only option is to run into shadowy duel and fear it

When he can just radiance or dome

Or maybe his guy in the shadowy duel can just trade a cool down

Like what do these people think

Shadowy duel is a serious cool down

Trade a cool down for it

my friend who is banned from forums but multi r1 and 3k in rbg wanted me to educate you because you’re so wrong. Do you main holy? He told me to say this

Holy priest, sir. I do not have Radiance, nor dome. Additionally, your friend seems a bit angsty. I can see why he’s forum banned. And before he brings up Sanctify, yes. I toss that on the way. Your friend should know, given his experience, a rogue can easily 1-tap someone in duel when done right. Him acting like that’s a bit ridiculous.

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Nerf the classes that can’t be gnomes! Then, buff the classes that can be gnomes! Thank you.

You are why many people don’t PvP, and that is why you whine and cry that the PvP queues are so long.

Toxic behavior like yours will kill this game eventually. Have you thought about being less of a jerk and actually contributing something positive to the community?


Uh he did tell him to drink bleach just cause he told him to get good, ya know

I’m not as high xp as yall don’t look at me

No, see. Here’s the problem. You’re his mouth piece. He is not here. By definition, I look at you. And now, I’m gonna give you some free advice. Don’t be a mouth piece for a toxic individual who’s forum banned, because the next person who will be forum banned is you. Because I don’t care. And neither will other people when they report you for spewing his toxic behavior. There’s a reason he’s forum banned.

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Eh I can get banned it’s fine. What was toxic tho?

All of it. I made it quite clear why I brought up my experience, and that was because other people opened the door first as a means of trying to discredit other people, which means neither you, nor your buddy actually read the thread. I brought up my experience only to discuss my standpoint, and view point, and highlight the form of content I was discussing, that being arena. Aiming to make like I’m doing nothing other than ‘flex’ it is maligning me. And dumb.

That’s a concept known as fruit of the poisons tree. When someone leads off with something dumb like that, and aims to malign someone off rip without even so much as being properly constructive of informative, that is toxic. And makes the rest of the post mean zero. Stop being a mouth piece for a schmuck.


Apparently he was just giving you tough love and saying you’re giving bad advice. Wasn’t toxic. Just education. Alright see ya

I do not know this person. I do not care who he is. That is not tough love, that’s toxic, and idiotic. And he knows why he’s forum banned as a result of his behavior. Maybe he should change up his style, and actually talk to people like someone with a brain.

Further, I did not give ‘bad advice’. I spoke from my perspective.

Note how I personally take the time to speak from my opinion involving what I personally think. Again. Stop being a mouth piece for a toxic individual who got banned.


Shadowy Duel isnt an issue in pvp.

You act like this isnt a smooth brain era when we have Turbo running at the lowest geared player on a team just ape’ing out all over them and winning. Or Venthyr BM/Necrolord Feral jungle. Or Retribution Paladins in general and the overall state of hybrid healing as a whole. Let’s not forget druids with their auto frenzied regen cheat death conduit along with the rogues stealth shield(nerfed this patch). There’s also the Smoke Bomb bug that rogues can do whenever they feel like it along with the priest MC bug to get a free kill just for pressing ray of hope on a target they MC’d. There’s probably loads more smoothbrained crap in this game, but that’s all I can think of just off the top of my head.

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I’d ask who the guy is, but in the event that it isn’t true I don’t want you putting words in a random persons mouth. Supposedly is banned from the forums is just to convenient. It’s like those people that claim to have “hacker friends”

You can get banned for ridiculous things nowadays like quoting stuff. I got myself banned a couple of time for quoting Bajheera or trolling a Jellyfish.

Ever since then, getting banned ain’t so much of an offense anymore.

Maybe so, but the thing that kills it for me is that if a 3k rated player is browsing the forums and having his friend speak for him. You’d think that person would be using their likes on his friend that is speaking for him if they were really there since you can like whilst banned.

That is weird, indeed.