ONE SECOND IS NOT A NERF. A real nerf makes is 2 or 3-second duration with a 5-minute cool down. Or either one of those. Down 1 second clearly is NOT a nerf. You’re clearly a rogue player who doesn’t want their overpowered skill nerfed.

Lewka: Exactly, it’s not like Hunters should be able to track any prey they want. It’s not like Demon Hunters spectral isn’t a complete joke with a cool down that lasts way too long.

A GCD can make or break fights and you’re telling me that’s not a nerf.

Read that bullet again.

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man i just toss the flares, the edge lords spot everything in stealth, not my fault rogues have long ranged on saps and stuns…

they need to be up close and personal on that in my opinion…

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You point it out this magical bullet point that nerfs shadow down, and I’ll yield. All I see is a reduction by one second. THAT IS NOT A NERF

its only 5 seconds, it sounds like you’re just angry that your buddies couldn’t win the fight for you since he was better than you.

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Okay, what is it about a SD that vexes you so?

Because it’s not used to global someone.

That’s the point the ability. :confused:

Lotous go to the PvP forums, general forums arent helpful

another classic toon, shocking.

It’s in their original post, they were in a group. SD makes it so they can’t be carried by their group.

If you want to start caring about alts, you might wanna get rid of that hidden profile.


lol. I knew comments like this would hang out in this thread. Not disappointed.

Those stuns sure lock me out of being able to do anything. It’s not like I pop my Trinket just to get another stunlock & global during a 5-second duration no one can get involved. That sure is a fair and balanced skill.

I did make this in the PVP section. A mod must have moved it or something. Just report my initial post and ask it get moved.

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But my uwu’s and owo’s are at stake here. Something that’s actually important :confused:

hidden profiles dont stop smart people

I agree tbh. 5 seconds is still between life or death. :man_shrugging: Should be lower than 4.

Free the uwu and owo!!!

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ethereal form should solve that issue, maybe think about taking it next time if you’re having issues with rogue players :slight_smile:

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Well, if a rogue bothers to CC you that much. I bet they lose a lot of potential damage from straight up killing you instead.

Each Cheap Shot and Kidney Shot they do affects Stun DR, i’m sure you know this. If they use Kidney Shot, they use their full CP. If they don’t, you probably let him sit on you for at least 2-3 GCDs with Shadow Blades.

They also have Sap and Blind. You almost never want to trinket any of the stuns because if the rogue blinds in a 1v1 setting, you’ll be sitting around not playing the game for 8 seconds.

Shadowy Duel is perhaps the most interesting ability that separates good sub rogues from bad ones. It seems like your opponent knew what he was doing using SD. Annoying you is a serious plus. EDIT: Plus, none of your team can interact with you and neither can the rogue unless both teams AoE which is unlikely.

If you lose to a Sub Rogue in a SD since they cannot use Shadowy Dance inside, you most likely lost to a seasoned and geared sub rogue player.

EDIT: Oh and Rogues that use Invigorating Shadows are one disruptive mofos you’ll need to watch for in arenas.

to be honest this is more of a class issue/gear issue than anything else. enh isn’t known for it’s defensives. and they don’t have one of those few defensives available after looking at their honor talent choices.

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it could be also that, it doesn’t help that there is a gear disparity.

I do not know anything about Shamans at all. All I know is that they do good healing as Resto.

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have you consider respecing because obv. you cant beat sub rogues with your current skill level