Shadowlands will be a Success

Ralph, quit with the spam. All of your threads are about the same thing.

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There’s room for both min / maxers as well as casuals. Why we’re at each others throats trying to force each other away is beyond my comprehension.

What we need to do is make sure Blizzie balances these aspects of the game to the best of our ability, and by our ability I mean our typing fingers!

Sunk cost fallacy that exists with the mass majority of the player base who will justify any, and all time that they have invested in the game?
On another note, why do the mods seemingly allow a guy to constantly post these topics bashing the hardcore part of the playerbase?

it will be a success because the tower game play looks to be fun
 and you can go night fae and run around in rested areas as a fox~~~

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systemlands lol, love it. So true.

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Let’s hope so. :slight_smile: I enjoyed BFA a lot at launch myself and I thought a lot of it was very appealing. I didn’t think that many people would be that upset. (I think a majority of us knew it might be poorly received, but not to that extent.) Due to the systems. (azerite gear etc.) I just didn’t want to see that happen again but they seem pretty confident about what they want to deliver us. I don’t want a majority of my posts to consist of complaints. More or less suggestions and somethings I enjoy.

Some of us enjoy systems, rpgs aren’t meant to be ultra simple, being,simple makes it boring

Regarding covenants, I am glad blizzard is giving people the CHOICE to join the wrong covenant / playing the game wrong.

Instead of the alternative where they force you to progress in a very specific way which is what their version of fun is.

Making covenants more easily switchable would not make them boring.

Too bad you ll never be able to play the game “right” then unless you level 4 of each because even in the raid some covenants will excel at some bosses while other wont ;^)

Get used to not being optimal for everything and actually playing good instead of stacking meta/fotm

This feels like an emotional “gotcha” reply but somehow i doubt you even had the foresight to consider that maybe I have no desire to be the perfect player (hence why I’ll be playing 2h frost regardless of what’s “better”).

I wholeheartedly think the covenant choice are not going to be as significant as everyone’s making it out to be. I think if it’s tuned properly it will amount to the same advantages / disadvantages you get from racial abilities with the rest being mainly cosmetic.

But only time will tell, I suppose. I think you should cool off for a minite. It’s like we actually agree on something but your rage is making you assume things. hence why you keep name calling in your OP.

They said it wont, this is a type of choice similar to class choice, some covenants will excel in AoE, other single target, others in cleave/burst etc

So expect disparities to not be as miniscule as racials, like it is clear a covenant will work way better for boss 1, another for boss 2 etc.

Their goal is for all covenants to overperform in specific situations and never let one or two covenant overperform in most situations.

Then it was my mistake because I assumed you were ironic when you said you were “glad” that people can make the “wrong” choice.

Especially now that wrong choice isnt rly possible unless you define it for a very specific type of content or specific boss and situation, since you also very well know there’s many people who believe that X covenant is gonna be “the wrong choice” which is an utterly false and ignorant way of thinking.

you are a seriously disgusting person.

it’s not about meta. it’s not about fotm. it’s not about roflstomping content.

It’s about having the freedom to choose how you want to play with the tools you have. making artificial restrictions won’t make the game better.

Quit attacking seasoned players simply because you lack ability. you hate elitist because you have told yourself that YOU are the victim and it’s the elite players who are preventing you from enjoying the game. You think by making the game enjoyable for them, that some how the game you want will be elevated. But that won’t be the case, and you’re mediocre ability will still be the bottle neck for your progress.


Ralph 6 months ago;

Here’s a good one

Considering he brings up what Ion has said every 3 sentences now in defense of what he was complaining about constantly just a few months ago.

I wonder what happened to him between then and now.


Yeah because artifact weapons were such a big hit before they made it more easy for each spec :joy:

 Because visions, islands and warfronts are soooo popular.

One good point.

Lol what? It’s going to be the exact same as every other expansion.

Uhhh bfa had that.

In other words I’ve never seen so many clueless comments in one post before. Quite a record, congratulations.

Bfa did super well right? Sl is gonna be more of the same sadly. Seriously it’s got so many systems so similar to bfa it’s nuts. I don’t know how you don’t see that.

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I will shrink his head for you and you can carry it around to show to anyone who dare be threatenin’ de position of de loa of cookies. Dey will suffer da same fate


From what we see, Torghast is nothing like islands or warfronts. Warfronts were dead on arrival while islands were the only viable way to grind azerite and you didn’t really get anything else, and was extremely short.

Visions are the blueprint to Torghast, and I think visions were a lot better. The main thing I dislike about visions is the timer and oh look, Torghast doesn’t have one.

I always looked at it that way at least. I don’t think it’s productive to call Shadowlands a dumpster fire when all of this hullabaloo really only comes from the covenant abilities which are probably going to be rendered useless anyway by the time 9.2 introduces a better system. Or the power creep renders them useless anyway without the need for more systems

It’s okay OP, just show me on the doll where Josh touched you


:popcorn: :popcorn: :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink:

Same thread different day