Shadowlands will be a Success

[x] doubt.

This I’m not so sure of.

As others have said… he WANTED to be an elitist, but he sucks at the game and couldn’t make the cut.

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Ralph once said he’d quit Shadowlands if it had more borrowed power

When do you guys think he goes back to SWTOR?


Not to make light of it and people who suffer from it but Ralph seems to suffer from multiple alt personality disorder.

Please don’t use “mongo” as a descriptor of something negative. My heritage is not a short-form adjective for you to troll on forums.

SL will succeed because the people who have threatened to not buy the next expac out of disgust/anger/disappointment, are weak-willed and will continue to eat up the garbage Blizzard churns out. Only to get angry at something else in the future and have the process repeat all over again.


Personally I’m looking forward to forming a new Venthyr only guild called The Volkihar (Skyrim reference for you vampire lovers out there). This will be a world PVP focused guild designed to hunt down the Nightfae and Kyrian, whose vibes we abhor.

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Those high end guilds blow through huge amounts of Real money on tokens and boost , race changes, its insane how much they spend and Microtransactions are Blizzard Ace atm with WoW and Classic i guess.

Covenants are a great idea cosmetically and story wise but tying player power, unbalanced power at that will annoy all types of players, its a guarantee.

History says you are wrong. The stats dont lie , WoW has been in decline for more than half its life, SL will sell copies like every expansion does but it wont hold peoples interests for long.

They are a great RPG element and everything you say can be achieved by removing the player power aspect from them and making them cosmetic only.

You love the elitist line dont you Ralph, for someone who spews equality constantly you have alot of anger in you. I cant see Torghast doing well past 9.1 it will have the play time metric but players will most likely call it what it looks like and that is a chore.

This is good design

Again History and the stats are against you.

Blizzard made the hardcore players of WoW , they wanted a hardcore playerbase ot they wouldnt have added things like Arena World Championships , MDI Tournaments , Mythic raiding.

There is a reason they dont have World Pet battle tournaments.


Aren’t you just saying it for new LGBT characters?

because I do not believe anything of what you say, but if I accept to give you one more hope that this expansion saves WoW.

I love Ralph. He is fighting elitism by being an elitist himself.

He is a perfect example of human contradiction.


Its tragic


I know I will probably be quite fond of this. Not only can I solo it, but I prefer playing with a smaller number of players when I do play group content. So the fact that not only can I play solo, but I can also chose to play with a few friends if I want to, makes me happy.

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Ralph do you ever make a topic without using the try-hard at least one time in it? It’s starting to come off a little too aggro.

I feel he had a really bad experience with certain section of people that caused him to be so much aggressive towards them.

I mean that’s the point, let me explain with an analogy.

You know when someone makes a generalization like “white people are racist”, which is obviously false because there’s white people who are not racist.

But when you take such an aggressive stance you reveal people’s beliefs pretty fast, a person who is ignorant of systematic racism, the existence of a huge amount of white people who support racists, 3k, orange one etc is gonna go “Omg you cant call all ppl racist” and other bs responses that reveal their ignorance or willing support of racist policies therefore you know that person is hopeless (Unless you are willing to spend days and months trying to fix them)
Meanwhile a person who understands the problems of systematic racism as well as how many white people have been seen to support racist policies outright and is white will often agree with that statement, not because it is true, but because they understand what you are saying, therefore they are people who are worth your time.

The people that dont understand what I am saying and instead get defensive reveal themselves instantly with that and shows their ignorance or willing ignorance of problems.

You mean this dont you

Wont even have discussion on the responses about the game just spewing his normal crap.

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TLDR: From the same company that provided you with dead classes and specs we now bring you Covenants and Soulbinds for every class/spec combo you want. Good luck balancing Blizzard.

pretending not to be does not mean that they are, and these political agendas confirms this.

Would you please speak on the posts above about your blatant hypocrisy or are you just going to continue to be an insufferable clown?