8.3 proves devs have learned nothing. More grind and timegates

Blizzard admitted in blizzcon that extreme alt unfriendliness, ridiculous ap grinds were a mistake in blizzcon, yet words mean nothing without actions to accompany them which is why shadowlands could just end up being ridiculously grindy and full of time gates. As well as most likely being rushed to meet the release deadline because 8,3 was clearly not ready, full of bugs and clearly rushed questlines and systems. And guess what, there’s no shadowlands beta yet, they are nowhere even close to ready so expect a rushed expac because they won’t push the deadline passed 2020.

8.3 has made grinding and alt unfriendliness worse, from purposefully wasting as much player time as possibly by forcing them to fly around huge distances, to demand daily grinds to collect currency for mandatory cloak upgrades to ridiculous grinds for corrupted gear.

Corrupted gear that are worse than legendaries, at least with legendaries you knew you would get them eventually and at the end they were forced to add a vendor. For corrupted gear? You want a specific effect at a specific corruption level and you need MULTIPLE of them.

And guess what? Skill no longer matters. Doing good dps is now RNG, because it is all about who gets lucky and gets their infinite stars first that gives them 20-30k dps depending on spec, yeah a huge dps increase and your character’s performance depends completely on LUCK. Just look at your bad guildie get lucky and suddenly have top dps because he got lucky. Even after the 25% nerf we are talking about 10-20k dps increase which is crazy(and also why the mythic race is gonna be a failure because they either roflstomp with corrupted gear or the raid can’t be done if you don’t get lucky to get your bis corrupted gear)

But don’t worry. All you have to do if you want to compete in pve or pvp is to keep grinding as much as possible so you get your infinite stars so you don’t stay behind, just keep playing to improve those metrics m8, you don’t want to stay behind in corrupted gears and cloak levels and be at the bottom ;^)

And you know what? If they actually cared about fun corrupted gear and not just forcing people,through infinite rng grinds they could have easily made a currency and a vendor for corrupted gear. But they didn’t, Ion would have a heart attack if he show swtor’s class vendors that have legendaries aka tactical sand set pieces all sold for easy to aquifer currency instead of forcing people into grinds to get them.

And for the people who are just gonna pretend that is normal grinding and how things always operated let me link a post that proves you wrong. But let’s be honest, it won’t stop your blind defense or blizzard

As much as I want to have hope in shadowlands. It is clear they are just gonna double down on grinding and time gates so people stay more and don’t leave because if they leave they ll get punished by missing out on time gates and rng gear.

Difference is, when you use punishment as a way to keep players staying, the moment they decide to leave, they don’t come back unless huge changes are implemented.


I’m sure 8.3 was ready to go before Blizzcon.


Totes, they just delayed it till January because they suddenly care about people’s vacations and families xD


I am very disappointed by 8.3. I would have much rather they left it like it was until Shadowlands but I’m just not going to participate any longer. I will be leveling up alts, professions, and doing old content. If SL is full of crappy grinds then I’m done. I won’t pay for another full xpac of something I don’t like. This entire xpac is the absolute worst of them all. I sure hope they look to see what makes classic so popular and then figure out what made this one so unpopular and devise a plan to fix. I am not saying revert back but look at what really works and what does not and start to bring back your A game.


Dude, they have given up on BFA and might just fix absolutely major issues, but this is what we have for the next 10 months.

The dev’s clearly do not read the forums, interact with actual players or even have the desire to fix the grinding. They now have designed this game to be 3-5 hours a day mandatory and repeating the same old quests again and again.

The one fun this patch are visions and you are only allowed to do 3 a week, done in 15 mins. Sad.


Patch 8.3 was ready to go by early Nov before Thanksgiving honestly.

They stretched it out to hide the content drought for shadowlands launch.


WoW is a scapegoat for people’s dissatisfaction with their lives.

Change my mind.


Time gates? What’s time gated in 8.3? Aside from the raid you can get every piece of content in the patch right now with enough grinding. None of the quests are locked behind waiting an arbitrary amount of time and the main progression system (Horrific Visions) comes from a grindable currency.


Can’t argue with that. Sometimes this is a great escape… an escape that is pissing a lot of people off. :open_mouth:


BFA beta is a good example of this.

When was azerite armor available for testing? Right up near the launch of BFA. LMAO.

You can’t make this up. Pathetic!


Yeah lol, keep girding your life away so you get lucky and get your RNG corrupted gear effect that increases your dps up to 30k depending on your class, dont worry if you dont get it, keep grinding so we can inflate those metrics

Also essences, cloak levels are at the least


You have two options. Grinding or timegating. You’re never going to be able to stroll into a patch day 1 and earn 100% of the rewards from the patch in a couple hours. My point wasn’t that there are people who don’t like grinding - there are. But rather that there aren’t any hard time gates in this patch. Because I guess people have forgotten what a time gate actually is.


Yeah keep defending blizzard while more and more people leave because they arent gonna deal with all the artificial time gates and ridiculous grinds only meant to keep players playing and punish them for leaving.

Gonna just stick to swtor where i can simply enjoy any kind of content, get reward with gear and not get punished for taking a break


Why is it always the pandaren.

Remember that giga moron?


Attacking Wow players for expressing legitimate concerns about the game is a sign of considerable cognitive dissonance and insecurity.

Change my mind.


pay gold
watch the company continue to shrink
this seems to be the only choice i have anymore
i wont even buy d4 with real money, ill just grind gold to pay for it
maybe in a year or two when they get knocked BACK to a “small indie company” they will wake up

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I disagree.

You’re right it is.

Who’s attacking you? Where are they? Tell me little fren. I will stop them!!


My goal isn’t to defend Blizzard, it’s to keep the discussion honest. I haven’t tried to take a stance in the matter either way. The only thing I’ve said is that 8.3 does not contain any time gates. That’s a true fact. Any one who says otherwise is simply incorrect.

Now you can think that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but it doesn’t change the facts. There are no time gates in 8.3.

I’m also not a fan of this attitude that we can dismiss anyone’s opinion out hand because it happens to be opposite to yours. That’s not exactly a great way to change minds.


Blizzard admitted that essences are core player power. That is why they don’t want to make it easier on alts because they are powerful (essences).

Why are the defenders saying essences are trivial when the lead devs of WoW says they are core player power in an interview recently?

Essences literally do more burst and/or sustained DPS for a lot of specs in the game. That is how bad BFA class design is. Essences = crutch for a failed Azerite armor system.