Shadowlands: Voidform/Insanity Staying

that’s exactly what I been saying. its so short that once you enter it all you can do is stand still and bash void bolt to keep it otherwise you lose it and have to start all over.

I see what your saying. So what do you suggest?

guys please check my suggestion and give me some feedback. I’m suggesting to combine both shadow orbs and Voidform.
Thanks, I appreciate the all feedback.

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If you have to overload the baseline spec with such a huge list of additional effects to make it work, then there is a more fundamental problem. Making a long list of passive effects baseline doesn’t seem like a good solution at all.

Also worth pointing out, that even if you do all of this - including baselining SW: Void, Lingering Insanity, and Auspicious Spirits - all you’ve actually accomplished is recreated BFA Shadow in Shadowlands.

BFA Shadow isn’t a good state either - we would still be bad at world stuff, bad at Torghast, bad at Mythic+, and average in raids.


I went back and read in detail the class chnages for Shadow priest and I’m astonished that this is what we get when blizz themselves admitted that voidform is problematic. We basically got nerfed here’s how :
1)voidbolt rank 2 means we can’t stutter step so there goes our bare nearly nonexsisting mobility and 2sec of reacting to mechanics.

  1. they gave us an absolutely gutted useless version of SW:D that is only viable if you talent into it and even if you do so it’s still trash. Oh, and its 1 charge on a 25sec CD

Am i the only one who is seeing this. how are the community not popping off (possibly cause they’re trying to figure out what class to reroll)


Every Spriest review off Alpha is that it’s just as bad as the forums claim.

The only reason there isn’t wider spread anger is that we’re not into Open Beta yet, let alone live.


I understand it’s just Blizz said at Blizzcon there will be no major class changes and I’m getting BFA flashbacks. however I recognize that with the pandemic things are slower so we just gonna have to wait for the next Alpha patch. I just wish they would say something about it rather then just leaving us hanging.


I Main’d a spriest in The first half of Legion, I think void form was awesome. I didn’t start playing a spriest until cata with the orbs, and I thought it was cool as well.
Void form is now starting to show its problems more than ever, without having Artifacts or Azerite the spec feels awe full to play, and aesthetically, I feel more like a N’Zoth priest and not a Shadow priest. Devouring plague would feel so great to have back, along with not having to ramp up. Shadow weaving was awesome, helping out our Lock buddies or DK buddies to prop up their numbers as well as ours.


There aren’t going to be any major changes. We’ve been through this before many times. What shadow looks like in alpha is basically what we’re going to get at launch. Void form isn’t going anywhere until at least the next expansion.

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Don’t say this Linjea you gonna break my heart.


are you guys familiar with WoD Demo lock mechanics I think it might be the key to both fixing void form and giving us back shadow orbs/Devouring plague playstyle. Check this out.

This sounds legit and fun. what do you guys think?

EDIT: I went undercover and asked a couple of questions that lead to this in the Warlock forums. Can you tell how desperate I am?


Then all shadow priests honestly need to stop playing the spec entirely. As long as they keep playing Shadow, Blizz will continue to justify Voidform.


The moment I tried out my Priest on Legion beta convinced me to do just that. nearly 1/3 of my wow gaming experience has been put on pause since.
Demon hunter was fun though in Legion. But I didn’t like the changes to both classes in BFA. Now they both look underwhelming again in SL Alpha. Hope one becomes fun to play again else another 2 years of BFA for me aka not playing.


I don’t think any priest is gonna play shadow in Shadowlands. specially when Disc/holy are getting mindblast and other dps spells.

lowkey i think thats blizz fix for shadow to give dps spells to Disc/holy so people would play them until next expension.



In publishing, there is the advice “write without fear, edit without mercy.” This is because writers become emotionally attached to their writings. Similarly, developers can become emotionally attached to their designs. It can be soul-crushing for an artist, writer, or developer to “kill their babies” by scrapping substantial elements and starting over, but sometimes it’s what has to be done.

Voidform as it exists is a failed design. It has failed not because we don’t like the aesthetics or because some people have nostalgia over shadow orbs, but because it has proven impossible to balance in such a way as to functionally work it in to most game encounters. It only truly excels in council/sustained cleave scenarios, so the only way to make it work is to water it down so incredibly that it is languishingly near-useless everywhere else.




So basically they are going back to their roots and telling Priests: “Shut up and heal.”





Is this suggesting like a single target/multi target reasoning for the two forms? Like Shadow would be single target centered and Void being multi? Or vice versa.

I honestly don’t understand the whole Void thing. Lore wise or mechanic wise. Shadow Priests name alone suggests a balance. I don’t see where tentacles and losing control is a balance of anything. This whole Void form business would have been better suited as a new class. I would rather see Void anything be stripped from Shadow Priests.

That being said, if the above is suggesting a split in the forms based on the damage needs, I would be willing to give a go. Doesn’t sound like much, but that is better than not even leveling my priest at all…which is the current plan for SL.


I still think one of the absolute best solutions - and one of the easiest - would be to just make two specs, Shadow & Void.

They’ve done this before when Guardian and Feral were too intertwined, and made two specs - both specs are far better for it - and the game is better for it too. Bearcats were usually trash, and sometimes incredibly OP: same problem with Shadow/Void Priests.

It’s really not that much development effort. Both the designs already exist.
Keep Void Priests as they are today in Shadowlands, then give us MOP Shadow back.

Pretty much everything people want from Shadowpriests are just old spells and talents back - all of which still exist in the WOW code - so there’s very little dev time required to put them back in, versus writing new talents.

Then let the community pick what they prefer.