Shadowlands: Voidform/Insanity Staying

GUYS!!! brace yourselves Alpha servers are down for new patch. lets hope we see some Shadow priest changes (or at least attempts).

" All classes are undergoing major updates. Please read the class summary blog post , and place your focused feedback in one of the dedicated threads in the Shadowlands Alpha Classes and Covenants forum:"

this is from the bluepost 5 hours ago. I really don’t wanna raise my hopes but maybe they have heard us?


Will believe when I see.



wowhead data mining showed that they removed Edge of Insanity from shadow.

Edge of Insanity is a pvp talent that gives you a 15sec buff once you reach 90 insanity outside voidform.

Quarantine got me Nancy Drewing up in here.

EDIT: This is all hopes and daydreams. nothing is confirmed…yet

EDIT2: Checked wow head data mining for Torghast not one single anima power for shadow priest has to do anything with insanity/voidform. that’s weird because if they are going to keep it wouldn’t they make more talent about voidform/insanity seeing how that’s the core mechanic of the spec?


There is one Anima Power that affects Insanity, Idea Eater which makes Mind Blast crits give 20 Insanity.

That said, keep in mind that the only Shadow specific changes in the Shadowlands alpha so far are the Surrender to Madness rework, and Void Bolt rank 2. Everything else is either class wide (such as the 5+ Mind Blast Anima Powers), or healer specific, so Shadow’s been left pretty much untouched.


Highly doubtful. They are just removing the PvP talent that means you never use Voidform at all. This more realistically means that they are doubling down on Voidform being Shadows defining mechanic.




Well…this just makes to much sense. Sign me up. Balancing wouldn’t be that much harder than it already is for Void. Dot issues are a game wide issue and not isolated to just Shadow.

Honestly it would at least make the Shadow/Squidward community happy at the base design level. Which is honestly the whole problem right now.


Edge of insanity, originally, was a flat 20% damage buff at 100 insanity as long as you don’t enter voidform. It became a dominant pvp build, which was an indictment of voidform itself. You basically gave up your spec defining abilities, A bunch of talents, and resource system AND IT WAS better than voidform in pvp.

Instead of seeing this as proof that voidform was bad design, thet nerfed EoI. And then kept it for bfa. And now shadowlands.

I think I’m done on shadow. I leveled a BM hunter, and they are better at everything (might be a tie at pvp), except transmogs. 10x easier in visions. And with solo content being a big part of 9.0, playing a slow, squishy caster with long ramp up dps and little utility is not at all enticing.


The idea of void form is cool. Playing it not so much. I’d gladly take back cata or mop sp in a heart beat. I’ve become super casual but I think that’s because I’m a pvper and when shadow has turned to garbage and near unplayable I just don’t want to play. I used to be able to spam and carry 2s and 3s, burst on command and had all the utility I needed. Now I’m just a boring dps bot that goes oom in a few heals.


You are totally right, I love pvp but as Spriest I feel like my butt is getting kicked by every other classe. I cant moved (mobility is a real problem too), i dont have the time to even cast void form because the ramp is too long… If by chance i succeed to do a void form i got stun or silenced and then I lose all my damage because i cant keep it up. Its my first xpac with a priest, i didnt had the chance to try MoP Spriest (sadly) and I can tell that something is wrong… I just hope (fingers crossed) that they are gonna do something about it.

Also many spriests have quit or are playing another class. Less people to complain. That is sad however you look at it. I remember when Blizz really cared and put a lot of love into each spec. You used to be able to talk to Blues in game if there were any issues. Now it is like we are on ignore;( I do hope they start listening to the spriest community. Hope keeps us going.


why can’t they just bring back WoD shadow orbs and call them void orbs or void particles or whatever for god sake i’m not caught up on the theme at the moment. I just want shadow to be more satisfying and fun.

My priest been my main sense cata and i would hate to reroll. actually i don’t want to reroll.



Guys please keep an eye on the Official FEEDBACK Priest blue post and like the comments you agree with. we don’t know if Blizz is reading this forum but they are for sure reading the official FEEDBACK post so drop a like to voice your opinions on the comments you agree with.

Vampyral left a comment that pretty much sums up everyone’s feelings in this forum so please go and like her post so Blizz can see that we agree with her. thanks


Oh how I miss my old shadow priest



Because they gave it to Arcane Mage. :I

I really hate to say it, but as hopeful as all of this makes me; I will believe it when I see. Blizzard unfortunately seems to have a nasty monkey paw like habit of even when they are not doubling down of super unpopular things. I mean if we drop Voidform / Insanity, I wouldn’t be shocked if we lost Mind Blast too. …Because you know that would make ‘total’ sense and ‘the community totally asked for this’. -_-

Also stamping my post with what’s becoming our sig-line.



Arcane Charges aren’t similar in any way and they’ve been around since BC, they were just a debuff back then.


Voidform is FINE. It wasn’t a problem at all in Legion and is absolutely the best thing to happen to shadow. The problem is the changes made to the class between Legion and BFA. There’s a lot of problematic mechanics all jumbled around in there.

I actually think the BIGGEST issue with shadow is the devs themselves and their refusal to EVER let the class shine. I just don’t get how some classes get to remain top tier for SO long and shadow gets beaten down the moment it starts to become strong.

The BfA changes were a consequence of legion shadow being crap at practically any type of content that was not raiding. Even in raiding there were bosses where VF as a mechanic completely failed.

As priest only has one damage spec, it should perform decently in all types of content. Legion shadow couldn’t do that, and BfA shadow with CoI-rampup is hardly better.


I disagree highly. Shadow wasn’t crap at M+ in Legion, it was just dependent on a legendary (Twins) to work. I did fine in M+ but it was far from optimal. But then again, we can’t all be windwalker monks and demon hunters for M+.

The viability of the spec gets brought up a lot, and I find these conversations amusing, because they don’t seem to be based on what is best for the spec (Gameplay, class identity, party value, content viability) but rather on if the player playing the class is able to be high on meters at everything.

There’s a lot more to designing these classes than just “My class does well”. And there’s a lot more that can be done with what we have to fix viability. Blizzard just has to want to do it.

Why is Legacy of the Void even still a talent? It’s pretty clear to everyone that it’s been so staple in all content as to be needed as baseline. Same goes for Lingering Insanity, which USED to be baseline to begin with. Two talents that can be opened up would significantly change the position of Shadow for content like M+. Could you imagine having access to Legacy baseline, and getting to choose something designed for multi-target trash too?

These changes have been needed for a while, and voiced for a while, and nothing has happened. I’m more angry that the obvious issues with the class haven’t been addressed and would rather see that happen than another drastic class mechanic rework when the one we have fits so nicely into gameplay and class identity right now.

I’d 1000% rather have a class that’s fun to play but lacks viability in areas like high tier M+ than have something that performs as the level of Demon Hunter but is a bore to play.


what?..the hypocrisy in this one is strong

you’re the one talking about numbers everyone here is talking about gameplay and mechanics.

P.S: Sorry I was not going to respond to you and just live and let live but I just couldn’t with the hypocrisy


Can’t find your earlier post, but you specifically stated that one of the reasons you had a problem was because you weren’t outdamaging other players. It was anecdotal evidence that doesn’t really matter to the discussion.

I believe what you meant was you felt that you should have done more damage considering your gear in comparison to other players, but it’s kind of hard to make that kind of argument when you don’t post on your priest. I made the switch to my main for the clarity of my arguments.

So no, you were the first to bring up numbers. And compare them to other players and classes.