Question for Warlock mains

Oh yeah once Legion launched and we got Meta taken away and somehow they split Demo Meta into two, half for the SPriests and half for the Demon Hunters, all of us here in Warlock Land were alternating between sobs and cackles. Made not a LICK of sense.

I actually have a “main alt” Shadow Priest. I think the problems are the following:

  • The haste stacking increase makes it so that the mechanics force you to leave Voidform early because from a dev standpoint its necessary to tie the Resource Decay with the Haste increase. I think a solution here is to make Voidform a flat haste increase parallel to how Meta was a flat spellpower increase. That way from a dev standpoint, the Resource Decay can be flat like ours was.
  • Hell, maybe parallel to how Meta also buffed our armor, y’all can get increased movement speed.
  • I think lore-mechanics wise SPriests were cornered. Instead of tying Shadow Priests to Cult of Forgotten Shadow and having it be Shadow Ascendant Form or something, they decided to tie it to Void Old Gods and thus Insanity. Thus from the ground up it’s forcibly implied there’s a “~~kRaZy ~~~ burst” dyanmic going on. IMHO Shadowform/Voidform is a cool concept but should be rooted in the capacity to control the void, not go insane and sprout tentacles like some Lovecraftian amateur in over his head. Mind you yes the tentacles are cool BUT.
  • I think having spells change inbetween the two forms thus giving you a REASON to shift in and out of the shadows (thus from a lore perspective, using the void at your discretion, not “giving into it” like a noob) as we used to have would breathe new life into the spec. Keep stuff that is AOE AOE and keep stuff that is Single Target Single Target; say Mind Sear within Voidform/Shadowform would remain a channel yes but maybe instead opens a void portal until the target that makes tentacles pop up that does something depending on the dots you have on the targets.