Shadowlands: Voidform/Insanity Staying

after doing some bgs as shadow priest and me trying to go in with an open mind I’m astonished on how Dispersion is still in the game. it is the worst defensive cd in the game let me tell you why.

Disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec, but you are unable to attack or cast spells.
Increases movement speed by 50% and makes you immune to all movement impairing effects.
Voidform’s Insanity drain is temporarily reduced by 100% while dispersed.
Castable while stunned, feared, or silenced.

so it’s basically a 6 sec self stun for 75% less damage. you can’t heal yourself you can still get CCed and damaged. I think they should just change its name to Suicide. oh, and it’s our only defensive spell on a 2min cd.

guys honestly just roll a mage.


I did, though I never played much Shadow Priest.

In general I think “channel” type abilities are fun to use. Mind Flay, Soothing Mist, Arcane Missiles, Drain Life, Mind Sear, etc.


Ya I like channeled spells like Mind Flay and Void Torrent.

I’m a little more on the fence about Mind Sear, part of the issue may be that it does negligible damage in BFA, but even before that it’s just sort of a boring AOE spell - not unlike Blizzard, Rain of Fire, etc - also boring.

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They are making Void Bolt castable while you channel Mind Flay. It does solve the biggest clunky thing about Void Form.

But still… I think the only way I’d enjoy more Void Form would be if we could stay - longer - in it. VF happens in such constant, short intervals, that, despite Void Bolt, I can barely notice different phases in my gameplay. I feel that it would fulfill better the fantasy of insanity being that dangerous, visual aspect of Spriests if we could have more defined Void Phase and Shadow Phase.

EDIT: OH and making the pvp talent that makes Void Eruption instant baseline.

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Personally i think that Mind Sear outlived it’s purpose a long time ago when Mind Flay’s damage damage contribution got as low as it is now. It’s that pitifully weak.

At the same time it replaces MF as your filler on 2 targets. There is a reason it was killed off in 7.0.5. It was too close to being MF, and it still is too close to MF. I never liked the button coming back in BfA, especially when VER was turned into a full AoE spell, and DA+DV being added as talents.

Personally i’d like a more controlled approach like Sweeping Strikes/Blade Flurry as our AoE - at least something you have to somewhat think about when to use it: x second cooldown - your next one/two/… Mind Flay casts hits all targets around the target for 70% (or less/more) damage.


totally agree with you that’s why I think they should make so once you enter voidform( sense they apparently refuse to remove it) it would change into void eruption on like a 7 sec cd.

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It doesn’t solve it, it makes it worse. Whilst creating two additional problems that didn’t need to exist.

Frankly, I don’t see what was even special about fully channelling spell a which did equal damage every GCD and had no cost. The 2 gcds the channel lasts are completely arbitrary, to be broken whenever, and for anything of a higher priority, and that made sense.


Voidform already turns into Void Bolt during Voidform though, how would it also turn into Void Eruption?

Or like, once every 7 seconds, your Void Bolt would just do a Void Eruption instead?

The issue there becomes it would be baked in rotational damage on a very short cooldown, so they would have to nerf Void Eruption damage to be pitiful - to keep our overall DPS the same.

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void eruption is the aoe you cast to get into voidform but then once you are in voidform it turns into void bolt (single target).

what I’m suggesting is to give us access to void eruption in voidform too by changing mind sear into void eruption after you enter voidform.

so you would cast void eruption to enter voidform than it turns into void bolt while mind sear turns into void eruption.

but this is like throwing a bandit on an open wound it really doesn’t fix anything.

P.S: the official shadowland alpha feedback for priests that is monitored by blizz is still barren and no one is saying anything. this is so frustrating because you can see that other classes feedback forum is poping off while shadow priest the most desparate spec in the game is silent. My theory is that blizz done messed it up so bad that no one wanna try it and it wont be fixed.

also i been on multiple alpha streamers and they seem very afraid to discuss shadow priest. I know this sounds stupid but i promise you i been asking them for days now and all they say is “shadow is in a bad place right now but its alpha” like they would dive in on shammys and druids but get very cordial when it comes to shadow priest. also they be a s s kissing hardcore.

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Didn’t we have this exact conversation in BFA alpha / Beta?

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Ooh I see!

That model definitely works, like Demon Hunter Metamorphosis transforming their abilities into better versions for the duration (particularly with the thing that gives them brief metas after every eyebeam, so it’s a frequent and rotational thing, not just a long cooldown).

They would have to commit to it, but something like this would be cool:

  • Voidform - replaces your spells with stronger versions of your spells while it lasts.

  • Mind Blast - gains a much shorter cooldown and becomes instant cast, can be cast during Mind Flay

  • Mind Sear - becomes Void Eruption, 15s cooldown, applies Shadow Word: Pain to targets hit

  • Mind Flay - deals increased damage, lasts 5 seconds, and can cast while moving

  • Void Bolt - removed (Mind Blast’s greatly reduced cooldown means we just have the one spammable instant nuke)

  • Shadow Word: Death - additionally launches a Shadow Crash at the target

  • Shadow Crash - removed

I’d still much rather have a Shadow Orb builder/spender system like I proposed in comment 129 above, but this would be cool too.

The other benefit of this type of system is they can then do something they probably should have done a long time ago - and they’ve attempted to half-bake a few times: shorten Voidforms uptime and remove the ramps.

So doing the above obviously means Voidform becomes quite a powerful phase. Void Eruption proccing Dark Void, and Death proccing Shadow Crash, means we put out a pretty hefty amount of AOE during those Voidform windows.

Additionally, making Mind Flay castable while moving, have a longer duration (so we don’t have to do Flay-cancel-Flay’s as in SL Alpha - gives us some mobility in our rotation. The entire Voidform rotation is castable while moving this way - but our Shadowform rotation is still completely stationary (except Death, situationally).

It would also mean they can reduce the uptime of Voidform and remove the ramp-ups (Mass Hysteria, Chorus, Lingering Insanity, etc).


Thats been my biggest issue. Nothing interacts with each other. Nothing procs anything else. Nothing leads to anything. Just longer VF which accomplishes nothing else.

Everythign is just there.

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I love this so much but i would chaneg some tiny things

  1. mind blast turns into Devouring plague - same cd as mind blast on live with a casting time but it’s a hard hitting spell that generates huge amount of insanity and leaves a short Dot
  2. void bolt same as live(maybe a shorter fixed cd) but if it hits a target with devouring plague Dot and with SW:P on it will spread SW:P to targets within 15yrds( adjustable)
  3. SW:D would function like live just baseline and if target dies within 6sec it will proc instant mindblast/devouring plague reseting the cd
  4. I love the idea of casting mindfly while moving however i would make it shorter like 3sec channel but if fully channeled it would extend Dot on target (Devouring plague not included)

I would also prefer a respectively longer voidform. one of my main issues with voidform is its so short you can’t react at all you have to sit and button bash to stay in it.

But I think the most important thing and maybe the key feature that would fix shadow is removing ramp up mechanic. It is the most unsatisfying thing and a key problem. i prefer a fixed buff up front this way its so much less punishable if you drop voidform due to fight mechanic because all you have to do is just generate insanity to go back into it ( there will be no peak window you have to reach) and it would be so much easier to tune and balance.

I think you are on to something. By the way Blizz switched shadow orbs and Demo lock mechanics but rather than committing to the switch they gave the core idea to DH and left us barren. DH get the nice satisfying meta while we get weird voidforms.

I thought about it and what if they remove the drain ramp up rate of insanity and make it a fixed number. Let’s say it’s 5 insanity per sec while in voidform. You can’t be possibly able to generate 5 insanity per sec for forever, but you can hold voidform for a while. ( Blizz need to look into this it’s pretty much WoD Demo lock Meta mechanic which was removed possibly because they couldn’t balance it)

Also make 2 talents baseline with some adjustment:
Lingering insanity: Same as live but rather than Haste it would give you insanity back equal to the number of stacks you have over 10sec( adjustable)

Void Legacy: (Same as Nature Balance for boomkin but less severe) while outside voidform your insanity generates and stays at 30 also you are able to access voidform once you hit 70 insanity

These 2 suggestions are to make it easier for you to get into voidform and less punishable if you drop out of voidform due to fight mechanic because right now by the time you have enough insanity to access voidform mobs are dead. Lingering insanity would also give the people who love the whole being rewarded for staying longer in voidform a similar play-style by letting them get back to voidform faster.


This I like.

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Id rather have SWD have a chance to Proc a free VB/MB automatically based on crit for SWD. Or reduces the CD of MB.

Umm…Arcane begs to differ. That is a neglected spec if I’ve ever seen one. Not as bad as feral tho…

Thanks to the people in here for more information regarding VF etc. I have a clearer understanding now. I still don’t want to just revert back to a WoD style system but I now agree things need to be changed.

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Yall need to go raid the official alpha priest feedback forum and like Trinko’s post. He fired his shot now we need to see it through please.


Regarding Void Form being tweaked into a much forgiving iteration.
I edited my play style ideas here to include a version of Void Form that could work.


Your Void Form has a constant duration based on your actions aka buttons you pressed. Not an ever increasing struggle to do more and more and more in less and less time madness.

I’d think the Borrowed Power point needs a little bit more behind it.

While Chorus is the biggest part of it - there is a lot more to it currently:

  • Chorus gives you a crit average >50%. This massively affects the value of Asp. Spirits.
  • Whispers of the Damned, together with Chorus, will give huge amounts of Insanity. You will very likely get a crit MB outside of Voidform, that crit MB alone will net you 35 Insanity to your next Voidform.
  • The haste essences and azerite traits add 10+% to your baseline haste.
  • Lucid Dreams returns quite a bit of insanity, extending Voidform.
  • Lucid Major is practically the only real active button to signficiantly extend a single Voidform…

Chorus itself is bad. But all the other powers aren’t far behind it.

If seen a few people argue that shadow works right now and all it takes to make it work in Shadowlands is to make all the borrowed powers baseline… yeah, look at the list. It’s massive, and then there are the 3 talents that should be baseline, to make actually free up choices…

If you have to overload the baseline spec with such a huge list of additional effects to make it work, then there is a more fundamental problem. Making a long list of passive effects baseline doesn’t seem like a good solution at all.