Shadowlands Dungeons missing from dungeon finder

Hello all, I’m currently having the same problem. I reached level 60 after the Dragonflight expansion was released and I DO NOT own it. I don’t see the Shadowlands dungeons (Only BFA). Please fix :slight_smile:


It’s might be a small concession, but I found out that I can queue for Shadowlands LFR at lvl 60 (with the appropriate ilvl) through the Dungeon Journal in the “suggested content” tab. Maybe the normal dungeons would appear there for others at lower levels, or heroics for those with lower ilvls at 60. Still, I haven’t gotten a group yet…

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Same! I missed most of the Shadowlands because I rejoined a little before Dragonflight launched. It sucks you can’t queue for older content, regardless of your interest in it or character level. What about people who aren’t part of a thriving guild?

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I submitted a ticket and was pointed to this support article by a game master [ ] claiming the issue is fixed but I’m still unable to queue for any Shadowlands dungeons on multiple level 60 characters. I also don’t own Dragonflight.


I found this article and it says " * If you are level 60 and do not own Dragonflight, you will not be able to do Timewalking campaigns, and you will currently only see Battle for Azeroth dungeons."

so yah, it’s totally intentional, great… still not going to pay for dragonflight,too%20high%20for%20the%20dungeon.


That article has to be a joke. I mean WTF? “Sucks you didn’t buy DF, and yeah while SL was the last expansion, you’re stuck doing 2 expansions ago, sorry not sorry.” How is that even a valid article. I’ve double checked, definitely not April 1st.


Also isn’t strange that low level characters can’t queue for vanilla dungeons either? Only BFA dungeons are available even if my low level character haven’t visited Chromie. So I have to own DF to be able to queue for low level vanilla dungeons?

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I was told by a support rep today that I needed to talk to Chromie and select the Shadowlands timeline to queue for Shadowlands dungeons… but I can’t do that because my characters are already level 60…


If you haven’t bought dragonflight and don’t want to, be careful. They have turned on your xp as part of the special 1 month offer to “try out” dracthyr. If you play other characters and level up without realizing, you will lose access to them unless you buy dragonflight when the offer ends.

Nice trap.

Edit to add: someone said that the xp bars only look like they are turned on, so they must have fixed this. I do have a character who did earn xp while playing at level 60 on day 1 of the offer. She still has that xp but is not earning it anymore.


Seriously @Blizzard, what the hell is this BS? So now because a new expansion is available and lvl 60 isn’t the max level anymore, all of a sudden we’re unable to do anything Shadowlands related which we used to be able to do? What terrible company policy. This is NOT how you force people to play your new content. At least I was able to express my thoughts as such with the “did you find this article helpful” feedback and have that explicit option available…


After bouncing between customer service groups and multiple unhelpful responses for a week I received this from a technical specialist at Blizzard:

"I then looked for another bug and found one that’s more recent and almost identical:

I looked at the comments for this one and found it was still being investigated. Seems this one is speciifcally for those who do not own Dragonflight. I also found that it’s currently expected for this to occur according to the info here:

“If you are level 60 and do not own Dragonflight, you will not be able to do Timewalking campaigns, and you will currently only see Battle for Azeroth dungeons”

I’m afraid in this case, it does not look to be related to how your questing is going, but rather on the game just not allowing other dungeons outside Battle for Azeroth to be queue for. This does mean that there is nothing that Customer Support can directly do and some patience is asked for while this is sorted out."

TL:DR Blizzard is aware of the bug but fixing it doesn’t seem like a priority. They were nice enough to gift me some game time at least.


So I tried to randomly queue up for Shadowlands Dungeons on multiple characters at 60 or under 60 (tried both ways to check). Neither of my characters can queue for Shadowlands Dungeons. But all of them can queue for BFA dungeons? How does that even make any sense? There is something buggy or fishy going on when we have to do content that is from two expansions ago and don’t have access to the last expansion.


So, this isn’t a problem strictly related to not owning Dragonflight. I bought the expansion, and at level 57 in Bastion I cannot queue for anything other than BFA dungeons either.

The most disgusting thing is that this thread is literally a month old and Blizzard still hasn’t addressed this when it’s likely a very simple fix.


Got back to the game wanting to do the Kyrian covenant and then maybe proceed into the new xpac, but I’m stuck because I can’t use the dungeon finder. Thanks Blizzard

As mentioned this is a month old post, I think I’m just gonna quit again. Bye

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Having this same problem on my hunter - has Blizz elaborated on why they decided to remove access to old dungeons vs. doing like a FFXIV approach in reorganizing the dungeon finder by expansion and type so everyone can still enjoy whatever dungeons/LFRs they would like?

I don’t want to believe it’s intentional, especially when so many of the dungeons over the years are so fun and well designed with great bosses and beautiful environments. Why lock that away? The scaling issues?

Either way, in case Blizz is looking at this thread, just wanted to pipe up that I’m in the club of not being able to see or queue for Shadowlands dungeons while leveling.

(P.S. I just got my husband into the game and he would love to experience the story from the dungeons as well while we level together - a second look at the choice to lock old dungeons away might be very well received by both old and new players)

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Because they realized that a lot of people hadn’t bought Dragonflight and were planning on staying in Shadowlands content until they decided to buy it. That happens every expansion, but this is the first time Blizzard has removed dungeon finder access to previous expansion dungeons in order to make sure level 60’s had no dungeons to run and no way to gear up.


At this point I think it’s a marketing and or profiting situation. I tried several methods yesterday to try to get this to work and nothing. It’s a bit dishonest and disgusting that they would outright disabled the previous expansion content to force people to buy Dragonflight to do dungeon content. Especially when you are forcing folks to do stuff from 2 expansions ago. This topic is over a month old now and no word or fix by Blizzard, which leads me to believe they either don’t care or just want to profit from making folks buy Dragonflight.

Here is the other topic:

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Still exactly how I feel, Blizzard… WHEN is this going to be finally addressed?

It was a mistake to make only a single expansion the “default” content for leveling up (i.e. BfA…). They should have just kept everything at their existing (squished) levels and then offered the option to use Chromie time to scale whatever content you wanted to play to whatever level you were.

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this is so pathetic

made alot of threads the first weeks of DF before they had any busyness with the raid race…

and its still not fixed.

you need to code something to enable SL dungeon queues for a character at 60. thats it.

too much XP for leveling thru 1 level? then get a 2nd guy to reduce the XP from SL instanced content at 60.


Blizzard this is absurd, fix it already