Shadowlands Dungeons missing from dungeon finder

Logged onto my paladin who was level 54 and tried to queue some Shadowlands dungeons to level and they weren’t on the list. i only had access to BFA dungeons.
Prior to pre-patch I had been leveling it using the Fate system so I have the quests Bolstering Bastion. Rallying Maldraxxus etc.
i went to Stormwind to speak to Chromie, chose the new Realms of death timeline and I no longer had access to BFA dungeons, but also there was no SL dungeons on the list either, there was no dungeons and the random default screen didn’t show up, just the selection screen with nothing on it.
Switching the timeline back to current allows access to world quests and the like in SL, but back to BFA dungeons.
I logged onto my demon hunter who is in the same boat, lvl 57 on the fated quests and only BFA dungeons available.
My 53 monk is also stuck with BFA dungeons.
When in the current timeline, I can see Specific Dungeons, Random BFA, Random Dragonflight, Random Heroic Dragonflight. No Shadowlands
Even my level 60 characters can not see random SL and Random Heroic SL.
My second account which has NOT been upgraded to Dragonflight can not see Shadowlands dungeons at all either.


yup, same here. just started up a new alt to go through shadowlands story so i could catch up on story, and got to the first dungeon in bastion and can’t queue up in dungeon finder for it.


Yep, same here.


I put a level 55 in Shadowlands Chromie time and those dungeons didn’t come up. They will give you the quest to do a dungeon, but you can’t queue for it.

My level 60’s who have done normal and heroic Shadowlands dungeons before do not see them in the dungeon finder. Access to them through the dungeon finder appears to have been removed.

Edit to add: it appears that if you are in Shadowlands Chromie time, the dungeons do appear now.


This has GOT to be a bug… there’s no way they’d do this intentionally… it would be quite a bad look of “BUY OUR NEW CONTENT TO PLAY”.

Also I can not longer queue for ANY LFR… it says I have to be at max level (don’t have DF yet…). Not sure if this is related or intentional. I get that there’d be less people queuing for LFR, but I wish I could still have a chance to finish the SL raids I didn’t get to since I JUST got geared enough to queue up… why remove people’s ability to do it entirely?


Same here. Was able to queue SL dungeons yesterday on my level 33 DH but today there are no dungeons listed. If I switch the current timeline I get BFA dungeons but then switching back to SL time gives nothing to queue for.


Unfortunately this part is intentional. It would be better for the players if they didn’t - both for non-raiders who want to go back and see the content they missed, and people who didn’t buy Dragonflight on day one - but Blizzard has a bad habit of breaking old content to force people into the new content.


my dungeon finder seems to be fixed today. when i first logged on at lvl 30 though it was still bugged, but after questing in maldraxxus a bit i got lvl 32 and when i looked again after getting a new dungeon quest, all the shadowlands dungeons were there including random dungeons.

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The Fate system still isn’t working. While not in the Shadowlands Chromie timeline, I have access to world quests but only BFA dungeons. If I go to Chromie and activate the timeline I get access to dungeons, but my world quests go away and because of the Fate option, i don’t have access to the main story.

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I don’t have dragonflight lvl60 and as of df launch lost shadowland dungeons I can do battle when at lvl60 i should have leveled out of it. i would like to do sl dungeons .


yeah we cant queue for SL dungeons normal or heroic on 60, only bfa, and DF if you have it

and we cant even buy 60 honor gear either, its gone from the vendor in oribos


Same… and unfortunately I’m locked in my covenant questline to do Spires of Ascension… but I can’t queue for it.


I disagree.

“Buy our new content or you will have nothing to do and no way to gear up your level 60”.

I especially like that touch where you reach level 59 in Chromie time and are booted out, despite the fact that you were given a quest that said you could stay until level 60, which they actually told us was going to be how it worked. So did they lie? My last character to level found this out and ended up grinding mobs to get to 60, blast from the past! Not even any leveling dungeons to queue into. Talk about not caring how things appear.

How else could they have designed a mandatory core game feature to exclude people with common disabilities? Yeah, they don’t care how things look from the outside.

Try starting a group to run in. You’re probably not the only one in this position.


I bought DF and this is still an issue. No Shadow lands dungeons to queue for. Chromie has no options.


Not only can I not queue for random or specific dungeons, the world boss in Shadowlands does not show up for group finder. I have to go to premade groups and start a new group. This is just really annoying and my DH is Kyrian and needs that dungeon to progress in the storyline. I just want to unlock my gear!

Someone said to talk to Chromie but that doesn’t work at all. I also took the airship to Dragon Isles. But this problem was present before I took the Horde transport.


I have completed my covenant up to zerith and i have the weekly quests for the other side and plaguefall from oribos and cannot do them with lfg as the only dungeons still coming up are BFA. I am 60 with Dragonflight not purchased and chromie only tells me about alexstraza needing help…in dragonflight. So what is the issue with the ability…to que for the dungeons…in the expac…i am currently on…


This is rather unfortunate for those who currently cannot purchase the expansion… almost like a kick in the face as it makes the game now null/void for me. Well time to go play something different!


I bought the Dragonflight expansion. But i missed so much of shadowlands that i would at least like to play the dungeons and raids ONCE. this sucks! can we get a blue response?


i got this response when i asked if this is a bug or not

I couldn’t say for certain, Assabelora. I’d agree with Nephe, submit a bug report so our QA team can take a look. If it is intended to still be available then they should be able to get it updated.

sorry that was a blue post but i can’t seem to copy it right

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I am also having this trouble.

And it seems too big of a thing for it to be simply a bug or a glitch.

It is an egregious oversight by Blizzard to take away something like dungeons from an expansion. I suspect it is because Blizzard knew how much we hated SLs that they thought they may as well get rid of this feature because no one will be lvling in shadowlands, not even via Chromie.

I think the best we can do is mass report it. As regardless if they thick people will play in that “timeline” it should be open same as the others.