Shadowlands Alpha Voices

(Observation): Those seem to be the Maw Forsworn Kyrians, not Val’kyr.


I might be overly optimistic but doesn’t it seem like we are trying to SAVE Tyrande? I don’t think this means she will die, but that’s just me! You could be right tho Eles.

I also KNOW that Khary Payton is that voice as well (the one who is talking to Shandris) I love him!! D:

Is Night Warrior just Demon Blood for Nelfs?

What is it that you think Valkyr are if not kyrians?

(Commentary): Based off of Wrath of the Lich King questing, Val’kyr are female Vykrul raised into undeath by the Lich King. They are as much Kyrians are Forsaken are Necrolords; there is a certain connection, but they are not the same thing. We’ve not seen Kyrians, for example, raising the dead, nor does that seem to be a power in their arsenal, since their duty is escorting souls, like Spirit Healers.


While I agree him being like this in general is an issue, I’d like to point out that he was also like this towards Genn when Genn was - I believe canonicly? I’d have to check how the Alliance side went in Stormheim - beating both him and us in the intro to Stormheim. In all honesty, I think it’s just him forever. Like, when we fight him as a boss he’ll still be a dickhead as he dies. Which, points to consistency, I guess.

Don’t think this a fair argument, as Blizzard has been saying for ages now that they’re constantly about 2-3 expansions ahead storywise.

They’re the lich king’s answer to kyrians, who perform the same task as odie’s valkyr do: gathering the dead.

Can anyone glean any info on the other Voices in the Video? The 3 I listed were discovered from People commenting on the YouTube Page itself.

Umm…The Arbiter is clearly evil yes? Everyone sees this now?

Anymore evidence necessary? I’m calling it now. Final boss of Shadowlands is the Arbiter.

The “All will serve her will” part is also really interesting (all of it is very cult-y). Almost sounds like some of the “In the end, all will serve Death” stuff some major characters have been saying for multiple expansions now. Hmmmm… :thinking:

I do not see how the Arbiter is evil. She was stated to be the first being to exist in the Shadowlands, and predates even the Titans. The Arbiter is the hub around which the entire machine of death was built by other, lesser spirits. She, basically, IS death. All seeing, and impartial.

With that said… Generally when the actual god of death passes judgement on where your soul goes saying ‘nah man’ goes really badly. Mythology is full of souls who try to defy their fate or escape the afterlife having a rather bad time of it.

I mean, that could also be lies told by the Cult of the Arbiter that has clearly taken hold of the Shadowlands. It’s just more “priming” on Blizzard’s part. Why does the Arbiter have the “orb” in her chest and why does her body look like a prison, when it clearly originally belongs to the Jailor where there is a hole in his chest?

Why is the Shadowlands so messed up? If the Arbiter stole the Jailor’s powers wouldn’t that account for why the Shadowlands is experiencing problems?

And an all-powerful, never wrong entity that punishes doubt and is threatened by anyone who disagrees with them…you don’t see how that could be evil? Look at the entire Kyrian storyline.

We are clearly headed into Xe’ra territory with the Arbiter.


I mean… I guess? :expressionless:

The Shadowlands are a mess because the Jailer and associates have been intentionally wrecking it by undermining the basic frameworks that make it tick. Death is like a finely tuned clockwork machine. When you start throwing rocks in the gears eventually something is going to break.

The Jailer, from the audio we have, seems intent to have the maw consume all of the Shadowlands, and then other planes of reality. You can take it a bit further and say from stuff we got back in BFA even the Void is terrified of the Jailer and what his plan represents as it is the death of all possibilities. If even the Void that happily spits out old gods is terrified of a possibility it is generally worth considering why.

Given her only animation the arbiter is currently unconscious as of right now, anyways, which is why the orb in her chest is likely so dark. Her Servants seem very protective of her in the vulnerable state she is, but with what we have right now it is hard to give much of a personality to her. What we can say is for a VERY VERY long time death worked literally like a finely oiled machine before the Jailer started trying to exceed the bounds of his role. He is being the Fire Nation. Nobody likes it when the Fire Nation attacks.


The entirety of the Shadowlands is presented as being a cultish nightmare that’s primed for a rebellion storyline, but I absolutely think Blizzard is tonedeaf to the point of missing that.

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But then why describe the Jailor as “imprisoned” in the Maw? Who imprisoned him and why? Why show the Arbiter and Jailor both with holes in their chest with the Arbiter currently holding the “orb”? Isn’t it reasonable to assume that the Jailor is the original “Arbiter” of Death for that Very Very long time that death worked, and the reason it is off-kilter now is because the being known as the “Arbiter” usurped the powers of the Jailor?

What if the Jailor is seeking revenge on the Arbiter?

Otherwise why was the Jailor content with this arrangement for all eternity…until now? Why would an entity whose entire purpose is to exist within the Maw suddenly want more?

EDIT: Also look at the Arbiter’s body. Her body is a literal prison for that orb.


There are so many possible options to answer this. We simply are missing a lot of story beats. The hole is the Jailer’s chest actually I think more Echos Arthas, who tore his own out, out of disgust the thing still was beating.

I don’t think he is, as Blizzard in their original pitch didnt sell her as some kind of upstart. The Arbiter was there before anyone else, and everything including Oribos was built around her. They have bluntly said the Jailer is our end game boss, because they sort of saw the shock and awe thing didnt pan out so well and just ticked folks off.

I cannot support it obviously, but my theory would be the Jailer was himself Jailed because he was just that wicked a soul, and his punishment was to watch over the punishment of all others for an eturnity.

ANOTHER option is Zovaal was a noble Bolvar like spirit who took on the mantle of Jailer and accepted the fact he would be imprisoned by his power. Over the eons overseeing unending suffering to countless souls has warped him, making him more tragic in nature.

I think this is a problem we run into with this sort of cosmic level story. No matter the afterlife you consider, in fiction or RL, it is always cultish in nature: A god or other spiritual entity serves as an absolute overseer of what goes on, one whom you do not get to back talk to. Those who find that uncomfortable are going to get a bit weirded out.


They have not said this actually. I know because I have been paying close attention to all of their Q&As with the the understanding of how they treated N’zoth and Grommash in their respective expansions.

They’ve described him as "an important part of the cosmology"and the “center-piece Villain” and as “driving the storyline” and it as being “his story.”

But they have not said he will be the final raid boss, or that we will be raiding him. And all of that describes Sylvanas in BfA as well without her being the final raid boss. I think this gets back to Blizzard priming our expectations Grommash style.

If the Jailor was going to be the final boss of the expansion…then why is Torghast our main experience in the first patch without being a raid?

A lot doesn’t add up for me yet, unless the story ends up being the Arbiter having usurped the Jailor’s powers.

Also the “didn’t pan out so well” part is youtube speculation and fanon as far as I can tell.

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That’s odd because she kills the Val’kyr in the Horde version.

The fact that the Brokers say she sees every choice, every truth indicates that the Orb is the remains of a Void God.

Mueh’zala is said to be the son of Time… Furthermore Naaru can cause localized Time Stops(which have been used in the Mag’har Allied Race Scenario on Mag’har)… What if this “Time” entity is the Void God that the Arbiter(and formerly the Jailer) contains within herself?

If the Arbiter is Elune like this fan suggests then the Void God is likely the creator of the Naaru Prime and is thus the first Naaru…

If the first Naaru AKA the God of Time(which makes the Naaru Time Elementals drawing on purest Light not Light Elementals) ends up being the Final Boss of Shadowlands then things might get very interesting for the next Expansion since the Naaru will desperately try to grasp any clear enlightened path available to avoid falling to Shadow.

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Definitely seeing a Naaru connection to the Arbiter. The way the Brokers speak about the Arbiter is very reminiscent to the way the Lightforged speak about the Naaru and Xe’ra. She can do no wrong (but is basically a fascist). I’m sure there are other connections as well.

Perhaps there is some bleed-effect happening to explain Ardenweald and Elune’s relationship with the Arbiter and why the Naaru seem to be Elune-adjacent. I’m not sure about the Elune = Arbiter theory yet, but we’ll see.

I also think the orb just represents the “Mandate of Heaven” of the Shadowlands, not necessarily a Void God. It rightfully belongs to the Jailor and has been stolen by the Arbiter. Or perhaps there is some cosmic back and forth between the two.

But we’ll see! I’m quite sure the Arbiter is evil and the sinister nature of these voice lines proves it in my mind if not others.

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