Possible identity of the Arbiter


So I want to show you guys something. I knew the Arbiter looked familiar but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. I was playing wow the other day and I came across a naaru. And then I saw it. Zoom in on the Arbiter’s triangle head. Now zoom in on the center of the naaru, see the triangle? Now move your eyes slightly down, see that orb? Now look at the orb on the Arbiter’s neck, there’s an orb too. I’m confident enough to say that this confirms (kind of) what the Arbiter is. She’s either a naaru, or created the naaru. Given what we know about Elune and Khadgar’s theory that she created the naaru, the Arbiter could very well be Elune. What do you guys think? Does this change everything?


When I first read this, I laughed a little because I thought it was silly, but you might actually have a point. I always suspected Elune as a Goddess of Life and Death. Balance Druids having a lunar theme to their spells is kind of a dead give away. Anima also has a Silvery, bluish-white color to it, which also happens to be what Elune-magic tends to look like. I am willing to be The Arbiter is Elune, or The Arbiter is a servant to her.


Added the link on top of my post! :slight_smile:

Why does this matter?

Can’t we have an air of mystery in exactly who the Arbiter is, why does everything need to be connected to the Naaru, or Elune, or the Titans.

Can the Arbiter not just be an extremely powerful death spirit who judges souls? Why must everything be connected in some way.


I mean, she -can-

She probably isn’t… because this is Blizzard, and they have to homogenize everything.


Yeah, and it sucks. This Homogenization damages the setting in such ways that shouldn’t be possible. By connecting everything together and giving answers where they are not needed you just make the setting more boring, as everyone is connected.


Yeah, I have been worried for many years about when Blizzard would define Elune, knowing that, no matter what, it wouldn’t probably be satisfying. However, if Elune turns out to be the Arbiter, I think I would be okay with it, all things considered.

It could be a prime of death like Xe’ra was the prime of light.

of course that’s a dumb idea by me.

Ooo, that could be interesting. That would imply Elune is even higher than both Xe’ra, the Arbiter, and the Titans.


When did she become higher?

Well, if your theory is true, and Khadgar’s theory is true… and she is important enough to have a small planet named after her, housing a Titan. I think it is safe to say she is.



I guess I didn’t want to accept it since it makes the recent dark rangers have a valid point.

How do you figure this?


Sira Moonwarden: “Elune be damned! I will watch you all burn just as she did!”

Side note. Whenever Elune pulls Ysera into the sky, the tendrils of light that come from behind the moon look oddly similar to the tendrils or whatever that are behind the Arbiter.

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If the Arbiter is Elune what is her true face beneath the mask?

I wouldn’t say that gives them a valid point at all… If anything, it makes sense why Elune didn’t do more… The Jailer has been denying her Anima.

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… Akiyass is selling me on Elune being the Arbiter… I don’t like it… I don’t want Elune to be a humanoid Naaru so Velen can come around and say he was right.


Wouldn’t be more like the Naaru turning out to be Animated Crystal Statues of the Arbiter of the Dead sent out to create a crystalline universe for some unknown reason(possible to reflect the Arbiter of the Dead’s divine beauty)?

I mean… Elune has always been a Goddess of Balance. Two faces, one life, the other death. One peace, the other violence. One Light, the other dark.

I can’t say she is the Arbiter, but Elune being a Goddess of Death and War as well as Peace and healing has always been apart of her motif, and her standing in the threshold of life and death has always been her thing.

Elune is basically the Raven Queen.