Shadowlands Alpha Voices

Thats what you think look at the chains the valks where using

she did thats why they ran away


That’s what I don’t get - people keep writing like that fight was close. All the help Nathanos got only let him briefly hang in before he ran like crazy, leaving a dead Valk behind.

And I remind you that he was being helped by the PC on top of everyone else. The same PC who regularly faces the biggest bads the game has to offer.


Hey member when Tyrande didnt lose a single bit of health

Another problem is Nathanos was condescending throughout the whole thing, which did not help to portray the supposed powerup Tyrande had. Have him start with his normal derision we’ve come to expect from Nathanos sure, but then he should have lost his composure as the fight went on in order to better sell the idea that Tyrande is actually a threat. As things are now it feels like he’s just toying with her until the val’kyr dies.

Portrayal is the big issue with this questline. Like the buff the Val’kyr and Nathanos had - nothing in the story ever points this out. Tyrande and Malfurion never go “wait a second how are you keeping up?” You have to read the gameplay buff to know what’s going on. It’s just like how throughout BFA nobody questioned how Sylvanas could fight Malfurion or suddenly turn into a smoke monster, which meant that even though the idea was she was being empowered the portrayal gave off the impression “yeah she can just do that.” Same deal with Nathanos’s buff.


Where’s the Alliance PC when all this is going down?


Hmmm…as I recall, on the Horde side you know exactly what’s going on, so maybe this is just a presentation problem. Been awhile, but I’m pretty sure that on the Horde version you know exactly how Nathanos is hanging in and that it is a short-term thing.

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It’s been a while for me too but I don’t think it explained it on Horde either.


I don’t know if it’s explained verbatim, but I definitely knew what the valkyr were doing based on to whom the magical beams were touching.

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(Commentary): I think my issue remains that, ultimately, we weren’t seeing Tyrande do ANYTHING that she wasn’t doing back in WC3. The Night Warrior power up didn’t seem to make her stronger. As I said, it just let her be as good as she used to be. The Tyrande from WC3 would’ve Moonfire’d down a camp of enemies and then faced their leader head on in a fight that was more even, though with her having the edge because it was her territory. Everything about the Darkshore scenario was just what she was in WC3.

(Commentary): The Night Warrior was sold to us as some taboo, major power upgrade. Tyrande was literally becoming the embodiment of the Goddess’ fury. It’s been so long since she’s behaved at all like her WC3 self, shown that level of competence and power, that it was easy to get swept up in the moment. Until she fought Nathanos. The minute she fought Nathanos backed up by a couple of Val’kyr, it became immediately apparent the Night Warrior wasn’t anywhere near what we were sold. As Reignac said, portrayal was everything.


literally one shots a jailer empowered valk


(Correction): What you believe was a Jailer empowered Val’kyr.


Only in the Horde questing is there a horde pc.

When Alliance players talk about the encounter there is no horde PC. That is a Horde questline only thing.

You are forgetting to remove the horde PC cause when Alliance player talk about it there was no Horde PC.


The hints are there

The questchain came out in 8.1. There was no mention of the jailor until Blizzcon prior to 8.3.

When you played the questchain no one knew anything about the jailor.

Everything about the jailor possibily being involved is being adhocced in from almost two patches after the questchain was first put out.


So we are arguing now, She one shot it then too, and they run away, they didnt touch her, all this is is people wanting to play the victim, the horde lost, nathanos ran away from her

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Adding justification well after the fact doesn’t help what the crucial problem was: presentation.

Adding extra factors just before 8.3 doesn’t help a questchain that was debuted in 8.1. You chance for great presentation sets sail in 8.1 when the questchain comes out, not almost two patches later.

If they wanted to play the jailor having a hand in it but didn’t want to reveal him at that point then there should have been dialogue on both sides reflecting that things were not right.

Tyrande and Malfurion should of had dialogue after the fight expressing their disbelief at what happened. There should have been suspicion that some other power was interfering.

Also on the Horde side there should have been dialogue (if nothing else, secretly overheard between Sylvanas and the surviving Val’kyr) that somehow Tyrande managed to kill one of the Val’kyr despite the empowerments they had received.

None of this would have been spoiler-ish cause the Vol’jin questline was also in 8.1 and showed that there was someone interfering in events tracing back to Legion. I also want to point out that the Vol’jin questline was only on the Horde side so Alliance players could very well not have paid it any attention. If they didn’t read datamining they could very well not even know of it.


(Observation): Records of dialogue from the fight suggest otherwise.

Sira Moonwarden says: Where… is she…?

Sira Moonwarden dies.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Now that we have the preliminaries out of the way, we can begin the ritual.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Blightcaller!

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Well, this is inconvenient. Protect the val’kyr!

The val’kyr raises Kaldorei Dark Rangers. Tyrande fights Nathanos while supporting the player with her magic. The player fights the Royal Dreadguards.

Kaldorei Dark Ranger says: Help! Help!

Tyrande Whisperwind says: You will not see another sunrise, monster.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: How uncouth for the… Queen of the Tree Elves, is it? No, I suppose that won’t do… What exactly do you rule over these days?

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I am no queen. I am the kaldorei’s vengeance.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Enough! Any last words, priestess?

Brynja binds the player. Nathanos binds Tyrande.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Soon you will share the fate of your dear friend Sira… and the noble Delaryn. Reunions can be so… heartwarming.

Tyrande breaks free from her binds, covers the shore in a fog of darkness, and escapes.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Shal’karath!

Nathanos Blightcaller says: You cannot hide from me forever, elf.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: We do not stand alone. Now!

Malfurion Stormrage ensnares Nathanos with roots.

Malfurion Stormrage says: Your end has come.

Brynja says: We require more time! Finish it, Signe. I will handle this.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: , focus on the val’kyr! I will deal with this brute.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: You are too late. Behold!

Nathanos Blightcaller says: You are nothing. Raise them!

Malfurion Stormrage and the player fights Brynja. Tyrande fights Nathanos Blightcaller. Signe begins to raise Sira Moonwarden and Delaryn Summermoon.

Brynja says: Rise! In the name of Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen, I bestow this gift upon you.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: You must fight the shadow in your hearts, sisters!

Delaryn Summermoon says: We placed our faith in you.

Sira Moonwarden says: And you abandoned us. Elune abandoned us!

Delaryn Summermoon says: We have nothing left. We are forsaken.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Never again. Ash thoribas!

Malfurion Stormrage and the player kills Brynja.

Brynja says: No! Dark Lady… I am… sorry…

Nathanos, Signe, and the new Forsaken make their escape.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Witch! You shall pay dearly for that. Let’s move!

(Commentary): So, looking at this, not only does Tyrande fail to stop Nathanos and the Val’kyr from raising Night Elves as Dark Rangers, she also actually didn’t take out the Val’kyr. Malfurion and the Alliance PC do, which brings up the point that she also had backup from Malfurion, the Archdruid who Ysera herself stated had surpassed her, the Dragon Aspect, in Druidism, back in the novel Stormrage. So, Nathanos not only went toe to toe with the Night Warrior, taunting her, succeeding his goal, and fleeing safely, but Malfurion of all people took out the Val’kyr so slowly he couldn’t help fight Nathanos or the other Val’kyr. So, Malfurion is, apparently, less effective than those 5 farmers turned militia in the Eastern Plaguelands, as an Archdruid who has surpassed Ysera in terms of druidic power.

(Query): Do you perhaps understand why presentation, especially in this fight, makes such a tremendous problem?


Ion confirmed at Blizzcon that Sylvanas gets her Valkyr from the jailer. In an interview he explained she now gets as many as she needs.

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(Query): Source, please?

I can’t find the interview. Wowhead is a mess to surf through months after Blizzcon.
Here’s this though, with Sylvanas having more Valkyr than she did previously: