Shadowlands 9.0 Mighty Caravan Brutosaur AH vendors gone + no longer obtainable via a vendor

There is no wrongful or criminal deception here. There is no difference between this and the special sale of the store mounts etc before they retired them, or a company discontinuing a real life item and auctioning off remaining stock. This is capitalism, not fraud.

you don’t need to listen to me.

…but you should consider that perhaps some of these other people (who have been on the planet a lot longer than you) may know what they’re talking about.

The alternative, is that all these posters all woke up today, and decided to target a random forum-goer, and attempt to convince them they’re wrong about a thing.

Next thing you will be telling me is that ulysses s grant is’t my great great great uncle.

I’m sure your not much older then me sir.

I am sure there is a reason, you just not knowing it doesn’t make for a no reason.

I am completely fine with time limited items and everyone who wants it can get it.

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I would like a transcript of your call there - including the laughing.

its getting removed moron lmao
and it’s not fraud

So, please explain how removing a mount from a vendor to be placed somewhere else is false scarcity?

Scarcity is the limited availability of a commodity, which may be in demand in the market or by the commons. Scarcity also includes an individual’s lack of resources to buy commodities.


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Well, I think we can eliminate a word there and really get this right:

…while grammatically flawed the message is now correct.

Its a digital mount you buy with digital money it isn’t fraud to remove it from your game you would have a leg to stand on if Blizzard said something like “The Brutosaur mount will always be for sale by the vendors” then they removed it but no they are just removing an item from the game it isn’t fruad.

Bold of you to assume that it wouldn’t just be 20 minutes of laughing.

Fraud? How so? Their game, they have the right to push and pull things out all they want.

Guys. Obvious troll is obvious. Stop feeding him.

C’mon, we’re waiting for you with replies on where it is Fraud with Blizzards decission on moving the mount from a vendor to the BMAH.

Some of you got trolled hard :rofl:
And no proof/confirmation on the removal of the ah vendor.
It’s just being removed from the current vendor, moved to the bmah… have fun with those crates I guess :smile: … and once in a blue moon posting by mei or whoever is gonna be posting it up to bid on.

I don’t think that was what the guy was talking about. I think he was talking about if they remove the AH part of the mount it could be fraud.

This would be an interesting test for the courts. People could buy the mount with gold, and blizzard sells gold via tokens, so if someone bought a mount using tokens, there could be an argument made that if they were to remove the AH component it could be a bait and switch situation.

I bet that argument would fly in the California courts.

They will keep the ah. He just lied about it.

How did this manage 15 days without being sucked into the mega topic?

Blizz, clean up the garbage please.

What I wanna know is the monk from earlier is still trying to report Blizz to the FTC. They sound like a Karen.

The AH Vendor is not being taken off of the mount: