Shadowlands 9.0 Mighty Caravan Brutosaur AH vendors gone + no longer obtainable via a vendor

except it hasn’t been. at all. and has actually been refuted. if you’re gonna make wild baseless claims at least make them believable

I don’t understand. The thing is FIVE MILLION GOLD. Why not keep it in the game and give your mount-collectors a reason to continue playing? Putting it on the BMAH is going to make it go the way of the other mounts - either people max it out in the first 10 seconds it’s up and you don’t have a chance at it at all, or people aren’t going to bother sitting there trying to get something that’s now just as RNG/requires you camping the absolute you-know-what out of it, as any other mount on the BMAH.

Why cherry-pick one and not the others? Especially one that helps with the intention of being a ‘gold dump’? Seems 100% to me, to defeat the purpose. Some of these mounts continually get paraded out as in-game ones, only to end up being treated more like in-store ones?