Server Issues Convo With a GM

The tech is not out there. Retail has the exact same server limitation, it just doesn’t make itself known that often because server community on retail is dead. Classic was designed, from teh beginning, to not have the merged servers that destroyed server community on retail.

Okay? I assume you are on a server you want if you have this mentality lol. I was put on Grobbulus when my server got merged. I didn’t want to be on Grobbulus the choice was taken from me lol.

This is terrible to hear and reminds me a lot of the situation I am in and made a forum post about here:

WoW is supposed to be a social game and the way they are handling the servers has put so many people into situations like ours and is completely unacceptable. Hopefully the devs will read the forum posts like ours and realize they are losing long time subscribers because of the hurdles they are putting in place for people to play with their friends.

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Go to the Counsel forums it is 100% out there and stay safe made a video, and there is so much information about it, and no retail servers don’t have the same limitation lol.

Did you even read the post?

Like I have said already too, if they added cross server play, would solve the problem I have.

Well while you’re on Grobb go to the Goldshire Inn…

You can have your innocence taken from you too.

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A GM a few days ago pointed out that servers such as Area 52 experience this issue at times. It’s caused by people feeling the need to pack themselves onto one server, and since retail server identity is dead, no one feels the need to group up on one server. And classic was designed to not involve cross server play. There are large numbers of people who will quit if Blizzard tries to introduce that poison here.

The technology does not currently exist to allow more than 15k people to connect to one World of Warcraft server at a time. Yes, other games do allow this. Yes, it could be developed for WoW. But that would take time, and Wrath is going to drop in 14 days. There is no magic wand that can be waved to suddenly make the potential technology which could possibly be developed in six months to a year exist now, and Blizzard is trying to solve the problem for people in the here and now.

My mains are on Area52… there has been no qu’s ever. And it’s one of the biggest realms for horde on US

Well what am I supposed to input?

You basically want an exception because you’re on a budget and are threatening to quit if you don’t get your way.

Lok’Tar Ogar Karen.

I deleted it cause there’s no point talking to you.

The irony…

You have no good input and you’re just stating things with no relevance to the situation.

This. I was on a budget back in WoD, and that didn’t stop me from acquiring no less than three raiding mages in Hellfire Citadel, two of which were mythic raiding mages, to play with various friend groups on different servers. I quested them all to max level, and didn’t complain. You have the option of making a new character, and moving your main in a few months when the server is unlocked.

All you’re doing now is proving the Blizzard rep right, that when they told you “we can’t do it” they were calling your bluff when you lied and said you were already active on the server, and you’re acknowledging that you were bluffing. Because if you had been active on the server, you’d have a main on the server that you’d be switching to, not complaining.

I hate this garbage and no employee should ever conduct themselves like a 15 year old redditor.

I’m not bluffing, I literally play most my days on Whitemane, I log in my warrior once to get my daily’s done before the Qu timer. Once my sub is up idk if I will resub. That’s not really a bluff.

So then you have enough of a presence on the server to get another of whatever class you want to play in Wrath levelled up. You have 14 days, and Joyous Journeys is still going.

It will be significantly easier for you to level another character to 70, than it would be for Blizzard to produce the nonexistent magic wand of server fixing at some point in those 14 days.

its so easy to tell when a lazy blizzard employee/shill hops on to try and “put out forum fires”

There are solutions, they just arent being considered as viable by our overlords. But at least they put some extra butter and salt on their boots for your tongue.

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So the problem is I would like to play my warrior with my friends. That’s my problem, add Cross server with Btag idc. Either way I can’t do that. That’s is a problem hence the reason for this post on which the GM told me to do btw. At the end of the day I will play on Whitemane till I can get my warrior over there or until my sub runs out and I still can’t play with them on warrior. I have kids a life and not enough time to have 3 warriors all decked out in raiding gear like you. Sorry. Also my warrior has unobtainable items which you would of known if you read the full post. Not having those items on a new warrior feels pretty crap over all. It feels like crap, so I’m here where I’m hope blizzard will do something about the servers “which they can” btw. They need to put more money into classic because honestly people love classic more then retail right now.

hes trying to transfer from a locked server with a longer queue to another locked server with a shorter queue, I think part of what the OP is trying to point out is that Blizzards “fix” is making it so he can’t play with his friends and doesn’t even address the actual problem they are trying to fix of queues. Telling him to level a new character is such a joke lol