Left behind by blizzard

My guild who are my close friends and I have raided with for the last 2 years since classic recently made the decision to leave dying Sulfuras because we were familiar with how it felt to be on a dead server since we had come to Sulfuras earlier this year when free transfers were offered off of Bigglesworth (Grobb was not an option at the time because you were not allowed to have alliance and horde on the same server and some of us had alliance chars there). We decided to go to Grobbulus because it was the only server that seemed to have both factions and world pvp was something we missed and some of us already had alliance alts there and knew it was a fun server to be on.

We decided to move on the 28th of August after fundraising money to help make sure everyone could afford their transfer. I however did not feel like I could leave yet because the arena season had just ended and I wanted to wait to make sure I would receive my end of season rewards.

I opened a ticket to ask if I could safely transfer and still get my title and was told to keep an eye on the forums for end of season rewards information. (still haven’t seen a blue post about this btw) I decided since I couldn’t get a straight answer because nobody seemingly knows I would just wait 2 weeks for rewards which is how long they usually take to go out in past seasons. A few days later the servers were locked with zero notice and my main is now marooned on Sulfuras for according to blizzard possibly “many months” and my wrath launch experienced is ruined because I won’t be able to play with my friends.

There are zero available solutions for us because my guild are on transfer CD and wouldnt transfer back to Sulfuras even if that was an option especially not without being offered a refund for the hundreds of dollars in transfer fees we just paid blizzard, and the new server Eranikus doesnt take transfers from Sulfuras where my main is so we couldnt even link up again over there. Basically, my only option is to reroll and relevel my professions or pay blizzard 50 dollars for a boost and say goodbye to the years of effort I’ve put into my main collecting, titles, tabards, mounts, and achievements which is something Blizzard recently acknowledged they know we care about around the discussion of paid faction change.

I reopened my ticket and got a response today and was told the game masters can’t help me and to try the forums so this is a desperate attempt to reason with anyone at blizzard that they reconsider locking the servers so drastically and breaking up friend groups like this, I understand that my situation is rare and thousands of people are forced to sit in the queues which is a real problem but restricting me and others from playing with our friends doesn’t even solve the queue issue and is just a completely unacceptable response when this is a social game. I sadly have already cancelled my subs because I don’t have any faith in anyone at blizzard actually reading this and having enough sympathy or power to care to help.


Sorry to hear your predicament. So many paying customers have been screwed over in so many different ways due to Blizzard’s colossal server mismanagement.

They really need to give everyone free transfers, or “link” all realms in a region to enable people to play with friends.


Have you shared this with Customer Support directly yet? I know there isnt a way to do that through the normal channels, but perhaps they can do case by case decisions?

For what its worth, you could start a level one character now on Grob and probably have it to 80 before Naxx is out, and when the server locks are gone transfer if you want.

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Buy a boost on the new server i know its a sucky option. Sorry this happened to you im pretty sure they shutdown the season but rewards probably wont hit until the week before launch or on launch.

Good luck to ya.

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This is why blizzard usually doesn’t like to do hard lines in the sand with server populations…

but it’s getting bad and they had to start taking a stand, unfortunately the issue with free migration servers is they can only offer it temporarily until it fills up (which it did)


Blizzard doesn’t manage servers. Never have. Players do.

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Its not blizzs server mismanagement. Its the players look at the realms being hammered with long ques all the pvp servers that got created into one sided mega servers except grobb.

I feel for this player because of lack of communication on blizzs part about the arena rewards.


@Euphorazine Actually, he likely can’t reroll a level 1 on Grobbulus because the server is locked for character creation. It seems Blizzard wants to do everything to PREVENT guilds and friends from playing together, even if they’re willing to pay or re-level from 1-80.


Damned if they do, damned if they dont.

If they block character creation, Blizzard is breaking up friend groups.
If they dont block character creation, Blizzard is mismanaging their server populations.


So you’re saying Blizzard has only two bad options now? I agree, and it was their ridiculous mismanagement that got us here in the first place.

If they didn’t get greedy with paid transfers over the last 12 months then players would have stayed on their (healthy) realms. We wouldn’t be taking about crazy queues, breaking up guilds/friends, and single-faction “PvP” servers.

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It would just be another damned situation. If they didnt have server transfers at all, the forums would just be filled with people asking for the feature. “Well my friend started playing on server X and I am on server Y. I’m not rerolling and losing everything, so I’ll just quit instead”

“Blizzard, add in server transfers! It’s free money, I can’t believe you guys are just sitting on this!”

We saw that with Race and Faction Change services not to long ago


Gee, I wonder what % of the current Classic player base has transferred their main at some point since launch (either free, paid, or in the realm merge). 60%? 80%?

In a game that is supposed to be about “realm identity” and “community”, that is a devastating indictment. Not to mention players losing their character names, guilds, etc. through these transfers.


Sorry to hear man! As much as Blizzard thinks that the problem will go away with players getting frustrated by ques they are equally or more terrified of transferring to a soon-to-be-dead server. A couple of our guild members are in the exact situation you are in and are just considering canceling their subscription and we will need to recruit to replace them, one of those is the very guy that brought me back to classic after taking a couple of years away from WoW.

This decision might be the very thing that kills classic, but who knows maybe their goal is to bleed the subs and end classic?


This really is a terrible way to treat customers that have financially supported your game over the years. They did not even let you know that transfers would be closing soon so you could make an informed decision about PvP title vs Guild, Blizzard made that choice for you. Not to mention the thousands of dollars of transfer services your guild already bought from Blizzard and are still willing to pay them even with this complete lack of regard for their customers.


Gilly has been a member of my guild for two years. He has been my arena partner most of the time, and one of my best friends in the guild. Gilly did everything right in this situation. He communicated with Blizzard and asked what to do about arena rewards before we transferred, but the delay in Blizzard posting anything or getting back to him put his character in limbo.

Grobbulus is the fourth server our guild has been on (Skeram → Bigglesworth was a paid transfer when Skeram had noone left. Bigglesworth → Sulfuras was a free transfer, which we would have transferred to Grobbulus at that time had Blizzard amended their rules about same factions on the same server; something they did shortly after our transfer. Sulfuras → Grobbulus was a paid transfer. Each time we have fundraised hundreds of dollars to support our guild moving together.

What Blizzard has done to Gilly in this situation isn’t solving anything. Like he mentioned, a character can still be boosted on Grobbulus or he could re-level since he has one, so what difference does allowing him to transfer his main make? All Blizzard is doing is forcing him to give up a character he put a lot of hard work into. I don’t blame him for not wanting to start over. With all of his mounts, titles, reputations, I couldn’t imagine the amount of work it would take.

I hope that Blizzard sees this and continues to reconsider the impact of their recent decisions on transfers and locked servers. Our guild wants to play together - that is the whole point of the game, and right now there doesn’t seem to be a solution for us.


Gilly is also one of the thousands of other Gillys in the same situation. Do all the Gilly’s just end their subs subsequently encouraging the thousands of Csv’s to do the same?

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I’m really sorry to hear that Gilly. You were dealt a **** hand and Blizzard dropped the ball on you absolutely.

I’m hesitant to even suggest this, because it’s already been done, but has your guild asked about maybe reversing the transfers to Grobb (which absolutely comes with refunds) to go back to Sulfuras? It’s not a good solution, just wondering if perhaps your guild can get refunds on the transfer.

We discussed this, but with xfers closing to sulf so quickly we don’t want to risk having people stuck on Grobb and having to shell out even more money to blizz.

I really hope things work out somehow Gilly, I always enjoyed being the morning crew with you.


I looked into this and blizz do not allow refunds on realm transfers

This really sucks, I hope they can get this sorted for you! I would start leveling a back up just in case though, might as well take advantage of the xp boost and who knows if they will even help whenever they get back to you.