Seperate Twinks in BGs

Personally i dont mind fighting other twinks, and a full Twink vs. Twink BGs in the 79 bracket can be a lot of fun.

I greatly prefer it to level 80 pvp where you have to always be on the PvE/Raid gear treadmill and constantly part of the rat race to compete at all. At least at 79 getting settled in your BiS is quick and easy and you don’t have to eternally grind PvE once you have some basic pieces, unlike at 80. I keep my entire stable of alts at 78/79 for this reason. I just like to jump in a BG and play casually without the rat race pressure. On top of that, 79 twink vs twink pvp feels a lot more balanced than anything does at 80 IMO.

I actually havent touched my 80 in months. I much prefer 79 for casual BG fun. I hate raiding and PvE so i really dislike WOTLK level 80 pvp.


So I just did a bg on my level 61… there were only two twinks! one on each team, of course level 69… The average quester/dungeoneer trying to level up tin this bracket has roughly 5-9k hp, 9k being little high.

The twinks were both Death Knights, 19k hp and doing 1v5’s with relative ease (unless they are fighting each other) the bg really came down to just these two and the rest of us were cannon fodder because you typically just die when they look at you.

Basically they were the bullies on the playground and there was nothing we could do about it. Was it fun? I mean it was interesting, but completely unfair when one of them grabbed the flag and rocket-boots across the map, not really anything you can do.

“Just gear up and challenge them” Yeah let me spend days getting bis gear for a level I only intend to be at for 12 hours. you all know that argument is a lame one.

“go to retail” Original classic wotlk separated twinks and regular players.

“don’t pvp” its a fun break from questing and running dungeons, or rather it is sometimes when twinks don’t ruin the experience. I do tend to just leave when that’s the case and go back to questing, but this is an issue that is fixable and we are all entitled to speak on it.

and just did another where other team had the only two twinks in bg… rogue one shooting everyone and invincible pally with 15k hp… needless to say I left, you win twinks hope its fun :slight_smile:

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Gunna say right now, never happening. Here’s a blue post for you.


Because that’s a Wrath feature, for both being able to turn off exp and to have those who turn off exp to only face each other.

Wrath features belong in Wrath.


If they were going to let you turn XP off then they should have separated queues for those folks too. Either you have XP on with the normal crowd, or XP off with the cancerous twink crowd. One or the other.


most of the people Q’ing aren’t twinks… and I’ve decided to stop doing bgs altogether on my alts because it just isn’t fun. At least until AV weekend.

How many others think like me and just stopped Q’ing at all? I think BGs would be filling up just fine if they put twinks in their own BG’s because it would bring others back and encourage the majority of people in that bracket who are out there leveling, to hop into BG’s for more than just a slaughter.

That ship sailed long ago bro.

Level out of the bracket, simple.

One of the very few not-stupid decisions that was made (rescinded) thanks to the power of math.

[quote=“Invincìble-westfall, post:43, topic:1604193, full:true”]
Gunna say right now, never happening. Here’s a blue post for you.[/quote]

Blizzard goes back on decisions all the time. Like the entirety of classic wow for example.

I remember when they seperated BG by 10-14 and 15-19 (and so on)

Because let’s be real, if you’re going in at level 10, you’re pretty dead weight compared to everyone at 19.

79 warrior is fun but I am thinking of making up a souped out moonkin twink for the 69 bracket next

Just imagine casting starfall once in the middle of WSG. Even non twink moonkin deal a lot of damage but imagine how much damage a twink one can do!

I did the L69 thing back in the original WoTLK.

Hot Streak Fire Mage is so fun (total glass cannon spec if you just load up with of the Invoker Northrend greens)
SL/SL/SB Warlock was also fun (just need of the Sorcerer Northrend greens)

But I won’t be doing that again as my roster of L29s took too much time to build already, and I have way less time to play now than I did ~15 years ago.

The “invincible L70s in full Brutal in AV” is a thing this time round, tho

So is the one about spending days to get bis gear. You don’t need to spend days getting bis. You just need some gear that’s better than the 20 levels out of date gear you’re wearing.

Also instead of everyone panicking, trying to avoid the twink, and screaming omg it’s a twink! Try working as a team.

Coordinate some cc. Ya’all just throw your hands up and cry there’s nothing we can do…

Does the idea of fighting only other twinks make you not want to Twink anymore? When that happened on retail I gave it a try doing level 19 bgs and low level craziness is fun ill give you that. But the idea of one shotting everyone just sounds boring. I never played twinks before that patch because that play style doesn’t interest me.

Why are you guys fighting so hard to keep it, makes me raise an eyebrow. The only good thing about twinks in normal bgs is it makes for either a fast win or a fast lose depending who has more geared or just more twinks in general. If you guys like pvp so much, level to 80… fight people on your level, with relatively equal gear and probably a lot more experience than these questers who don’t even have boa.

Well that’s exactly what was proven when they did separate the queues originally. Twinks stopped queuing and their queue times sky rocketed, normal players were unaffected other than having a better BG experience.

Showing twinks had been lying the entire time about actually wanting to fight other twinks but really just wanted to one shot regular characters.

I don’t need to level a Warlock to 80 just to PVP as a Warlock.

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That’s my take on the whole thing as well, why blizz is catering to this very small albeit vocal minority is beyond me. Que times will be unaffected for the regular player, if not better since more will be encouraged to get some levels through pvp. Giving twinks their own bgs could only have a positive effect on the very vast majority of the player base.

Nope. Not at all.

Just another way to play. Sandbox and all that.

Well yes. I’d imagine it would be. Truth is if you’re getting one shotted you’re so far behind the gear curve or level of the bracket that you should be expecting it from toons who ran dungeons and are on the top level of the bracket anyways.

19 is the worst bracket for this. I’ve seen people in grey/white/greens get one shotted and scream about twinks. Dude had a blue weapon and your gear sucked. Yes. You got one shotted.

It’s the same arms race as max level. Some have just figured out an effective way to get the better gear in the bracket and are willing to invest the time/gold into it. Same as max level gearing.

Why are you guys fighting so hard to remove it? Take away the xp lock you’re still going to get wtf pwned by players willing to run dungeons to get the better gear. They will still que up at the top end of the bracket. People are going to still cry twink!

Twinking never died. No matter how many times the rules have changed its still going to this day. There’s an actual twink cup that’s been going since og wrath. The site is still active to this day.

Don’t forget that seeing those same players over and over again creates rivalries and friendships. Teaches people to work as a team to over come the odds. Makes people want to play better.
Let’s not forget how exciting it is to finally see that chump that killed you 50x over 20 bg’s to finally get pwned!!

Twinks bring so much more to bg’s than fast games.

A lot of twinks do pvp at max level too. Relatively equal gear? Dude at max level you still have under geared toons getting 1 shotted by full arena geared toons. Have you ever started gearing a fresh 80 for pvp late mid season?
The road to full pvp gear from quest greens is a bumpy ride indeed!
Lower bracket pvp is just as fun to twinks as it is to everyone else. Just because i ran some dungeons and you didn’t doesn’t mean i shouldn’t be able to que with the entire player pool.
Do fresh 80’s get their own bracket so they don’t have to have que with full geared pvp 80’s?

Let’s not pretend like there’s this huge influx of new people to the game who are complete noobs in 2023. If people don’t have BoAs right now it’s because they didn’t run the dungeons or make the wintergrasp pvp to get them.

If people are just starting now. This late in the game. When we’re almost to the end. They’re going to have to take their lumps or beg daddy blizz to sell them BoAs in the shop.

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Being in a mix of hodge podge gear is normal while leveling, obviously someone who has min maxxed with no intention of actually leveling out of the bracket will have a gear advantage.

Actually it’s completely different, at max level the game becomes about getting gear, so everyone is doing the same thing.