Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

In season of mastery we had Swamp of Sorrows AU and you guys thought it would be a genius idea to open free transfers and you killed our server within 2 weeks.

We’ve continually asked you to stop splitting our playerbase and to give us 1 oceanic server yet you continue to provide 2 which causes more issues.

Give us 1 oceanic mega server do not allow OCE players to go to NA realms and stop killing our region we don’t want to play on NA we never have and we don’t want to be playing on 200+ ms.

There are only 2 real solutions here

1.You merge penance into shadowstrike
2.You merge both penance and shadowstrike into 1 oceanic pvp server

For reference the last time you did this and i said it was going to kill our server

Check, So wildgrowth doesn’t change at all besides ppl joining it

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They actually already solved this long ago, they just append your server name behind your name.

We’ve had merged realms in retail for a long long time and they did it in classic too. Maybe it’s just too much effort for SoD since it’s seasonal.

The servers available now are fine? Just doesn’t seem necessary at all. Seems it’s gonna cause way more problems than it will solve. Don’t cause another L.


Make Wildgrowth NA the PVE mega server and allow Free PVP to PVE xfers there. Horde could especially use a little boost in numbers


An Oceanic Mega server lol, good one. There’s no such thing. Oceanic is merely a twinkle, it’s clear that Blizzard’s goal here is to have tens of thousands on a single server. Something Oceanic alone cannot achieve.

You have options, stay on Shadowstrike, merge to a new realm or quit.

Nah im good ill continue to advocate to keep OCE as a region.

Thanks for sharing some insight on that one. Was curious why that wasn’t the go to response for these type of situations, as it seems to be the absolute best response, speaking as someone who’s retail realm became a realm cluster like that.

I’m all for a merged megaserver for NA + OCE, but just keep the ability for OCE players to create OCE instance servers so we don’t need to raid on 200ms.

Every time I have seen this done, it always causes more problems than it fixes.

When you did this in Season of Mastery, I lost my name and my entire guild fell apart. Myself and 3 close friends quit soon after.

A large part of what keeps a player engaged in an MMO is their attachment to their character. Server community, their guild, and the name they chose. You take those things away and that attachment is severed. This is what is going to happen to a large portion of the playerbase if you do this.


when can we expect this to happen?

Disagree don’t need a merge can keep OCE servers and just have the ability to cross realm nothing changes except being able to group OCE with NA in instances and having the choice of where the instance is seeded.

I didn’t choose to play on OCE server to be forced onto a NA server with 200+ ping.

It’s unacceptable.


Ok sure, as long as you can play both Horde and Alliance on the same PVP server because you already know most people are gonna move to the new mega server and all the others are gonna eventually die from being locked.

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1 Oceanic PVP server or merge penance into shadowstrike.

Do not open transfers from oce to na.

Use crossrealm and allow us to select the seed region for instances/raids.

Problem solved.

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Not sure if this was asked or not but do you happen to have a time frame for these servers to open?

Let me bring my PVP toons to the PVE server.

SOD PVP is so bad that I don’t want to do it at all. I’ve already fully rerolled to Wild Growth, would appreciate being able to play my old characters that got left behind.

AU server merge. Poll to decide pve or pvp.


Will people on PvE servers be able to transfer to the new PvP server if desired?

PVP already wins that’s why shadowstrike is 5 to 6 x the population of penance and penance is completely dead.

We spend MILLIONS of dollars on subs collectively, the response of this being too expensive to fix and resource intensive is bull crap. Use the money we give you every month so solve this issue. This is a solved game, you aren’t adding new things like retail every single patch. Fix our name issues. Also you have to FORCE people to move or the communities will be ruined.

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