In season of mastery we had Swamp of Sorrows AU and you guys thought it would be a genius idea to open free transfers and you killed our server within 2 weeks.
We’ve continually asked you to stop splitting our playerbase and to give us 1 oceanic server yet you continue to provide 2 which causes more issues.
Give us 1 oceanic mega server do not allow OCE players to go to NA realms and stop killing our region we don’t want to play on NA we never have and we don’t want to be playing on 200+ ms.
There are only 2 real solutions here
1.You merge penance into shadowstrike
2.You merge both penance and shadowstrike into 1 oceanic pvp server
For reference the last time you did this and i said it was going to kill our server
Or they leave OCE as is and if they are really adament on combining populations just allow crossrealm groups so people can still join groups on either OCE/NA
1 NA Mega Server
1 OCE Mega Server
Both have there own servers and then the option to seed AU or NA depending on the groups needs.
Problem solved OCE keeps there low ping in world and in raids/instances if they want but also have the option to play with NA players on higher ping if they want.
There’s no reason this cannot be done as this is exactly how BG’s work currently we can seed OCE servers with NA players on them so all of the technical capability is there.
NA gets more population from OCE players for various things win win for everyone.
Killing the entire Oceanic region isn’t a good solution whatsoever and is a slap in the face to all oceanic players and nobody should support that.
the easiest solution to this is to LINK all the SOD realms together. this means,
The Auction House is shared between your realm and the realms connected to it
You can join a guild created on the realm connected to yours
You can trade and exchange mail with players on the realm connected to yours
You can party for dungeons and raids with players on the realm connected to yours
There wont be name issues as players with same name will be name - realm
Raids would be hosted at the raid leaders GEOGRAPHICAL location, this way there’s no performance penalty for raids due to latency.
Mega server seems like it will only make lower pop server worse and the already existing US and EU servers that have 10k plus player base will be no change.
Linking the realms would be the smartest play here, with zero player disruption.
How ill this work with the forced balance considering penance is about 80% alliance? no more horde can be made for the rest of SoD lol?
Also shadowstrike + Penance is smaller then the smallest US server and thats before you account for people just quitting
A decent number of people from Penenace have already quit for Wild Growth over the phases
Oceanic has always been smaller than NA you knew this when you opted to play on an oceanic realm nothings changed since the day you chose to play here.
There should never of been 2 servers there should of been 1 pvp server that’s it.
If people on penance have already quit for wildgrowth the servers already dead no need to open transfers to NA then because people who wanted to play there have already gone.
The goal should be to protect the oceanic region and stabilize its population not do things that destroy it.
Good for you that’s got nothing to do with oceanic.
If people want to play NA go play there i don’t have an issue with that my issue is people who rolled toons on oceanic then later wanna open xfers to na and completely gut oceanic servers shouldn’t be a thing.
There’s a easy solution that i’ve mentioned in previous comments and it really is the only solution.
come to think of it they could just Enable Cross Realm Grouping/Raiding/RDF into SOD that would fix everything for Dead server this dead server that for both alliance and horde without needing to say hey we are making 2 servers either join or quit oh btw enjoy the Lag cause OCE doesn’t matter compared to US
but then agian it only took them 10 years to give OCE there Own Servers
I am well aware of the size of my own region and i chose to play here regardless so i don’t really care about NA pop if i did i would of chosen to play there instead.
If the majority of players don’t want to transfer they won’t and there will be no issue. The only reason to oppose this voluntary merger if is you believe most players do want to transfer and will, but you want to hold them hostage.
Opening up transfers from regions which are already small forcing the entire oceanic region onto NA ping is a bandaid fix.
You “Chose” to make a character on oceanic realm now you want to go to NA and think everyone else should be inevitably forced to because of you that is ridiculous.
All they need to do as i’ve said previously is allow crossrealm and have instance based seeded servers which are already in the game in bg’s.
This allows more players to play together solves any population issues for groups etc but also allows both regions to continue playing on low latency in world.
That is the only real solution for this.
In future they should also not have 2 oceanic servers should always be 1 and they need to merge penance into shadowstrike.