Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

Why not just do it at the release of the next phase? If the servers are healthy why do you need to rush this? And I appreciate that it is an expensive process for name collisions, but why are you forcing everyone to pretty much enter a lottery for the toons names they love instead of using those resources to keep your players happy? (And the cynic in me thinks the “it is a possibility but the timeline would be far in the future” just means you’ll introduce the capability but it will be paid name changes… I really hope I’m wrong about that, but if I’m not can we just start a gofundme for the wow devs now to make it happen now as a free feature?)

If I can move off a PvP server on to a PvE server I’m all for it. I’ve grown to hate world PvP. This is coming from someone with glad titles and is playing one of the best classes for PvP (Spriest).

Hey GarnetHound,

Glad you’re still here after what happened to Lava Lash.

In response to the news: Could you…not?

Last time you guys decided messing with servers was a good idea, you destroyed the only RP server in SoD and its community. You dissolved every major guild on that server and got plenty of people to quit SoD.

So like… can we not spend resources on this?

Also, what exactly do I, a current SoD player who is actively raiding in an organized guild, get out of this? And if I’m not the target audience for this change, then how is this supposed to benefit new or solo players? I don’t see any benefit. Are you actively trying to ‘trim’ players out of SoD so you only need one server? Is this a cost issue?

It’s great that you had this goal of seeing us all on one server, but I don’t see what benefits going for that ‘goal’ has now. Your player-base is already here. They’re accustomed to the setup. Changing it only aggravates them. So, again, why prioritize this goal?

Lots of us are doing just fine here on Wild Growth. Why would you disrupt that?

Lava Lash was a small server that decisions like this disrupted. At the time it had a population of 20,000 players, and this decision ended up costing about $25,000 annually in terms of players who left the games servers and did not return. NOW you are talking about disrupting EVERY SERVER. So basically, take the number of players you have and treat that as dollars you will lose annually because of this disruption. Bear in mind that the original estimate of $25k in lost revenue was an estimate that ONLY 10% of the unaccounted for missing-players actually quit their subscriptions.

In my opinion, this is another bad idea that accomplishes nothing for the players. Please do not go forward with it. Thanks.


for all who keep asking: duh this is a cost thing, duh they want to shrink server expenses.

When? people are going to be “stealing” and then trying to “SELL” those names for gold.

This is really unfortunate. Chaos Bolt was fine, you killed it off. People are finally situated in P4 and now you want to wreck more groups just as we have filled raid slots for the nteenth time.



This might actually be the wildest and dumbest thing you guys have decided to do for SoD yet. And as is par for the course, it’s sudden and out of nowhere with minimal (if any) elaboration.

‘We can’t afford it’ says the billion dollar company owned by a trillion dollar company.

‘It can’t be done’ [in regards to sharing names / tacking on server name] says the company that literally created this ability/function and continues to provide it in multiple other versions of the same game (era, retail).

You guys also said you couldn’t just have 1 PVP and 1 PVE server from the get go, that the technology (layering, that you also created and maintain…) didn’t exist, but now we can?

Why are we even doing this? You guys acknowledge in the post that servers are balanced and healthy. Why are you then risking any of that with this change from out of nowhere? Who is this for? Why do the players have to shoulder the burden by being uprooted?


I’m not sure if i understand this but you for each “Region”

Oceanic have 2 servers penance (pve) shadowstrike (pvp) how does making 2 more mega oceanic servers do anything ?

If you plan to allow oceanic players to go to NA realms then you are repeating the same mistake as you did in season of mastery by completely killing Swamp of Sorrows (AU) by opening those transfers.

Terrible change.

What does this mean for Oceanic players?

The perfect solution would be to give Oceanic players the ability to create oceanic instance servers, so we aren’t forced to raid on 200ms.

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Hands down worst decision I’ve seen in SOD. I’m really enjoying the game. But now I have to potientally lose my name, lose my bank alts, restart my guild, play on 50 layers with re-layering CDs, deal with AH prices going all over the place, give up the unique server culture, and play with all the streamers. Not seeing an upside here except Blizzard gets to save some money on server maint. Small Indy company I know.


Best response I’ve seen.


This is a very good change. Thank you Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard.

Tha names and how those will be handled is all that matters, i am my name and wont be someone else.

You might want to have transfers only, no character creation and limit it to 1-2-3 maybe? the first week or its going to be a griefing… before we even land on the servers.

Why not just merge all the servers like you did on era whitemane? It would just show your name / sever name still. But all the players would be on one realm.

four people liked this post…I’m sure that is more than enough to justify this to the shareholders.

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I quit sod long ago but even I know that this is another stupid thing from these so competent devs :smiley:

sod hype

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Glad to hear about the technology improvements but the news about the move being optional is going to mess up many guilds and population. If you have new servers with better tech why not force move everyone over. PvP to the new PvP server and same for PvE to PvE. Also what improvements will we see on our end? Less layers due to tech being able to handle the load? Which I’d rather imo. Less lag during high pop? No queue times? Like what exactly should we expect?

Please just make it forced and not optional. Don’t want to log into Lone Wolf being low pop everyday.

When they shut dow CB i was able to move my horde character to CS which I have ally characters on. Don’t know if this was a misstake on their part or not but I currently have both horde and ally characters on CS right now.

Its expensive? thats your excuse? If you don’t have the system in place then you shouldn’t be doing a server merger, stop making us pay for your mistakes.


You guys want to save money but cant even fix when Domo disconnected everyone when chest drop and giving us our loot back… when we post a ticket… yall make 0 sense man