Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

I had no idea penance was so dead

How will money fix the low player base? It’s early they very well may fix naming issues, someone suggested an idea “Hitmanblood (living-flame)” would be your name, something to that effect.

This has to be some type of bad joke. As someone who already had to move once from Lava Lash to Wild Growth this just makes me sick.

It was never the same after leaving our Lava Lash home, but we put it together and things were starting to feel like home on Wild Growth. Now THIS!?

Screw these mega servers. Let us live it out where we are.


This can be done really well if you guys do it well lol.
Should just make 1 of the more active pve/pvp servers become THE new main server for pve or pvp.
OR force everyone to transfer instead of leaving a choice. Will just make the whol thing more of a mess.

PVE to PVP transfers was one of the first big promises Blizzard broke before they added more MTX into the game.

This is yet another business or technical decision that destroys community. No one wants to change names this late in the game. No one wants their server discord community ripped out from under them. Slowly eroding away the established servers is so anti-player.

All this is going to lead to is more fractured communities in a game where community is supposed to be a first class citizen.

Do anything else other than this, this is the wrong direction.


Should have been like this from the beginning.

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merge EU and NA . If then it’s reasonable.

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What if i play in two servers Living Flame Alliance and Crusader Strike Horde, do i have to choose which side im going to play in the new server or can i transfer horde/ally on the same realm?

What if i play in two servers, Living Flame Alliance and Crusader Strike Horde, do i have to choose which side im going to play or can i transfer both to the same realm?

God please make sure u merge the oce server’s with America. We barely have population as it is


The absolute very least you could do is free up names that are on inactive accounts.

We know that at least 400,000 players are absent from SOD. Many of those accounts are likely inactive.

In what world should a player who doesn’t play be able to keep their name over a player who does?

Free up ransomed names so people have more options.

Free up names on both inactive accounts AND banned accounts. Most of the banned names will be jibberish anyway, but some will be legit names that should be available to legit players.

Here are some ideas for “fair” tech for this process:
If the name request comes from an account that has just been forced to move AND is being requested from the character rename box, then the inactive character rename goes through and allows the new player to use it.

If the name request comes from an account that already played on the destination realm, the inactive character rename fails.

If the name request comes from the new character creation screen, the inactive character rename fails.

This would make it so only people who are moving would be given access to these ransomed names.

Oh boy get ready to have to change your name and all

get ready to either learn to use alt-codes or critical thought to come up with a name thats unique! challenge accepted!

thats characters, not accounts. it was inflated alts because most people played 6 chars as the max level was 25. None of these accounts are inactive either because as inactive it only counts when there is no gametime paid for said account over a duration of 4 years or 2 expansions in a row without any month inbetween.

you wont get any of these names, just be fast on the mega realm thats your chance.

PVE wins because anyone that wants to pvp can still choose to flag themselves on a PVE server, but on a pvp server the only way players can avoid pvp is by cancelling their sub.

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PVP means you are an open target at anytime you don’t “Choose” to pvp you either pvp or you die.

PVP always wins because its always been the largest population server same reason penance is dead and shadowstrike is 5-6x the population.

What the hell is this?

If you are planning on doing w/e this is (the details are incredibly vague) it would have been better to say nothing instead of create all this confusion. Wait until you have actual details to share on what is happening before making sweeping announcements with massive impacts to the player base with few details leading to massive speculation and panic.


If as you say the majority of the population wants to pvp, they will flag themselves for it and there will be plenty of afk pvp players for you to gank at the flight path.

The only reason to be averse to merging to a normal server is if you actually believe the vast majority of the shadowstrike population are only there because it’s the only OCE server that was ever viable and they have no actual interest in “world pvp” and will not flag themselves when given an actual choice.

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Entire point of pvp is not choosing when you can and can’t its being a target at any point that is the most popular method it’s why you are on a pvp server deal with it.

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